I finished up Slo Mo chest,biceps and triceps. When I was done I rearranged my workout room. Hopefully I made more space where I needed it.
around the clocks 2 sets 8 reps 10# dumbbells
barbell decline bench press 1set 8reps 45#, 2sets 8reps 50#
incline chest fly w/internal rotation 1set 15#dumbbells,2sets20#8rep
staggered hand push ups 4 sets 8 reps no weight
barbell contraction concentration curl 8rep 50# 1set, 8rep45# 2sets
biceps bonfire incline 8rep 12#dumbbells 1set,8rep 15#dumbbells 2set
incline lying bicep curl with silver dynaband 3 sets 8 reps
incline dumbbell french curl 1set 8 rep 25#,2sets 35# 8reps
band pushdown w/ towel & silver dynaband 3 sets 8 reps
decline tricep dips no weight 8 reps 3 sets
Finished with Amy's Abs and stretch stretch#1
Lora, I am sorry you had such a bad experience with your cat. Is it a medicine you could mix with a little honey on your fingers and get your cat to lick it off??
Meahgan, sounds like you really enjoyed Kempo X. I allways enjoyed it. Just forget to pull it out.
Randi, I am sure that was a compliment. You look great.