Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Tuesday April 29

Dallys - tell me about the Colonoscopy! I work for a Colon & Rectal Surgeon now (actually the doctor who took care of my father when he was sick with rectal cancer and died). I had one about 10 years ago and they gave me enough medicine for a 250 pound man and I was WIDE AWAKE and kickin and screamin cuz I was under the influence of drugs so I wasn't behaving. It was NOT a good experience and I won't lie.....the Prep is nasty ...but it's a necessary evil since colon cancer needs to be caught in early stages. Believe me, I'll be 50 soon and I'm not looking forward to my next one.

Diane Sue - thanks for giving me an idea what weights to use with Tracey's CoreBlast. I think we might warm up the more we do them? i never seem to really like a workout until I get used to it.

Great workouts everyone. Off to wash my face and eat my dinner. Let's hope I don't pig out.....as I'm famished!
Had a blast today. Spent entire day with my hubby and it was just so nice. My workout kinda suck and I don't want to report it though. Was chest/triceps like Deb, but I should probably post in newbie challenge or something. ;( Got a great ab workout. Bought some new cd's...Apocalyptica, Ozzy (Black Rain) and hubby got the new Madonna..Hard Candy (I think that is what it is). The Madonna one is not that great imo, but there is one song..Heartbeat that is good for if your doing cardio.

Maybe I can chat more tomorrow. Just been busy.
Hi Everyone,

Just thought I'd chim in on the colonoscopy. I have to have one every two years due to I have UC. It's not that bad seriously! The prep is ALOT better than it used to be 12 years ago. It's not the most fun thing, but it's not the worst either. The med's they gave me knocked me out without ANY side effects whatsoever! I don't remember a thing! Colon cancer runs in my family too, please get it done if you have to!

Haven't worked out in a couple days been really stressed with work and the weekend was very busy. Will be doing legs tomorrow night and I'll report then!

Have a great night everyone!

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