Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Tues Nov 7

Oh, Dallys you have to add in butts and gutts. You can handle it.
I want to know how ya feel when you are done.
I am just waiting on some tanning bed girls to go so i can get out of here.
Takin my ice pack home for after . Snow angels huh...
We will see.....
I am not Diane Sue , i am not going to try to up the weights until i try it.

Aka( Storm)

Did everyone see Cathe's post about replacement DVDs being shipped?

I'm previewing my Amy Bento's......oh my am I gonna be sore between Cathe, Amy and Barry!!

I'll probably have to stick with a pretty short weight workout tomorrow. Amy does really different moves and the DVD uses, barbell, dumbbells, bodybar, resistance tubing, high step, chairs, medicine ball and not only that, but she uses these items in unique ways that I've never done before, so I'm sure it'll take me a few minuetes to get set up. She does standing hamstrings with the tubing handle hooked around your foot and holding it up by your shoulder for resistance on your leg. She does seated chinups with a body bar draped over 2 chairs, etc. I'll need a good 20 minutes to set up and put away!! I wanted to do the 76 minute premix of All Pump & Hi/Lo Extreme but I don't know if I'll have enough time...........decisions decisions.

Amy looks really good.......she looks very cut and fit.
Good Evening Maniacs! I finished up Shoulders and Arms. I also did the Bonus stability ball abs on the Gutts and Butts DVD. It's 15 min. and really fun! I have yoga X and some form of Cardio tomorrow. Maybe I'll do something on cardio fusion. I have legs and back and abs on Thurs. and might do Butts and Gutts.:) I just have to fit some of these new workouts in, cuz, you guys are twisting my arm. LOL!

That's great that Cathe is replaceing these DVD's. She's great.

Well, i finished body max 2. I did the snow angels, but my arms were literally shaking to hold up my body.
I liked it. I skipped the legs so i can do them tomorrow.
I liked it. Loosing the matts made a big difference on w/o's. I can jump more. I did a 6" step this time. After i get it down i will try to up it.
The 2nd blast segment had me fumbling a little. I will get it. I was getting tired which made it harder.
Then the DH shows up and thinks i am cooking(NOT).
Mr. HOGOLA can feed himself...
I am mad at him. I got some boars head chicken breast for sandwiches and he nibble it all.He left 2 small slices and said that will last you the rest of the week.
He eats everything in site and buys nothing , so i am going on strike. Tired of spending 200 a week on food for 2 of us, and there is never anything here...
Enough griping.
My fav is LIC and B&G.
Gonna do legs tomorrow and abs again.
Wel, gonna watch little people show.
Nite ladies.
Good evening,
I know this is a late checking. It has been a busy day. I had totally forgot we supposed to vote till dh called and said he was coming home so we could go together. Sweetie that he is he took the grandaughters to school this morning. I started my workout with the Drill Max premix cardio and upper(no str), then I did Body Max2 upper body going heavier, Butts and Guts stability ball abs adding some resistance, finished with Power Strike#3 wearing my weighted gloves.

Maeghan, Charlotte, Suz and Anne thanks for the compliments on my pics. I just really wish I my hair was fixed and my makeup had not been all humidified:) I think the puppies are cut too. Poor puddles got a bunny toy stuck on her head yesterday. She was crying and running around. It looks sort of like a large habitrail ball with holes. It took a bit to get it off and Mudd was upset too. I was basically trying to catch a puppy with a ball on her head.

Dallys, looks like we both did the same ab workout:) I like these.
That would be tough to recieve these when you are still doing P90X. I would think something like Drill Max could be used in place of Core Synergistics and you could use the cardios or premixes. Switch up the abs.

Lora, those Amy's dvd's sound good. I know watching the vid clips I saw moves that I liked. This was my first time doing Power Strike 3. It does not have the impact of Cathe but I think it is excellent on form. I liked it better than four in that there was quit a lot of kicking. It is hard to get your hr up much. I really tried to up my intensity.

Charlotte, great doing 30# biceps.

Debbie,I love the Cardio Coach workouts. I think tomorrow I need to get on the treadmill. I have not been on it much since the new Cathe DVDs. Thanks for the compliments on my puppies.

Good Evening
Today i did BM2 premix cardio and weights since my legs are so sore!
That premix is just cardio and upper body. IT was so much fun! My arms are already getting sore:)
Have a good night
Anne - I knew you could do those snow angels! I still don't know what my problem was. At that point in the workout I was so tired, but still. It was nuts b/c my arm was shaking like crazy - like big shakes. I couldn't get it to stay still so I could stay up there. I've never experienced anything like that. But of course now I'm determined to do it! Kind of makes me angry! :)

Diane Sue - oh my gosh I didn't even notice that your hair and makeup weren't perfect. I was too impressed with your arms! You look beautiful no matter what anyway.

Randi - I hear you on the sore arms. I did BM2 last night and I can feel it in my biceps and triceps now.

ETA: Diane Sue - poor Puddles. Must have scared the poor baby. And you!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Diane Sue-Thanks, I will try Drill Max in place of Core Synergistics. They do that 2 times in a week anyway. I use some of the Cardios too. We did the same ab work, but I didn't add any extra resistance. I'll have to try it next time. Oh, I wish I could have seen you chasing your puppy with the thing stuck on his head. I love that stuff. LOL! Poor guy must have wondered what was going on. I didn't even notice your hair in the pictures either (although it look just fine). I just kept thinking "when I'm 50 I'm going to look like that, no matter what. You really are my inspiration. You are part of what keeps me going, and I'm sure alot of others here.:)

Randi-Another great workout for you.:)

Anne and Suz- What are these Snow Angels thingies?

Anne-you are cracking me up with your DH eating all your food! Maybe put your name on it, like you are in a dorm room in college and he is the annoying roommate. LOL!

Good Night Maniacs!

Suz and Dallys, you are so nice:) Makes me feel good!

Dallys, my grandaughter said I should have filmed it for America's Funniest. All I could think of was getting it off. I am sure me and Mudd running after Puddle with a ball on her head was pretty hilarious. Oh and my Grandson was here too. What a picture. Poor puppy:)


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