Good afternoon, I took Mudd to the vet for shots this morning and went to the bank. Decided to come home for lunch and drop Mudd off to play with Puddle before I go grocery shopping and pick up my grandchildren. Anyway today I did I Max 3 no str, then did the cardio drills of Drill Max, I followed with Butts & Guts Abs and stability ball abs, then did Yoga Shatki dancing warrior4, shoulder openers, and supine poses, then Amy Bento's Stretch#1. I wore 5 # ankle weights and my weighted gloves starting the ab work then when Cathe took the ankle weights off I put on my 1 # shoe weights. I used 10# behind my head for most of the crunches and oblique work, I also used a 55# barbell for rollouts instead of the ball. I then did 60 hanging knee raises with 10# medicine ball.
Lunch was a beef and feta on greens with onions salad and the dressing was made as follows:
1/4 cup bold and spicy mustard
1/4 cup water
1 Tablespoon low sodium soy sauce
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1 garlic clove put through garlic press
I just mixed it together and poured some of it over my salad. It is pretty good. I think I may have went over on the garlic though.
Lora, the barbell rollouts usually hit me in the front of the shoulders. I really have to concentrate on pulling back with the abs.
Charlotte, when I did Drill Max total body weights yesterday I upped the baby hops/plies tp 12# dumbbells and used a silver band for the firewalkers. The only thing is that I hate untying the knot when I am done. I finally found the green rubber band ring that I have had for years. I am going to try that next time. It seems awfully thick but it is like what Cathe pictured for an alternative.
Dallys, I cannot imagine the pads for the dog. Your dog doesn't try to bite them off? I think everyone would be in shock if they came in and my dogs were wearing dh underwear!! LOL
Suz, how is your headache. I woke with one this morning and does not seem to be wanting to leave with excedrin
Randi, great workout!
Got to run. I will check back later