Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Tues March 27

Debbie - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope it is a WONDERFUL day!

Diane Sue - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU AND BILL!!!!! WOW!!! 34 Years!!! That's just amazing! Good for you. I hope you have a wonderful dinner!

Hi to everyone else!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Hey Maniacs and Pushup Boy! Yowsa!

Did my workout. I started with Cardio Fusion. I was like all over the place. I guess I need to do the other workouts first and get the steps down. LOL! Plus Carma was all clingy because it was stormy outside. I about stepped on her a few times. So, I quit that and got on the treadmill for 1/2 hour of intervals. Of course my HRM didn't start working for 10 into the workout, so I don't have a good count of cals. or anything. Can't wait to get my new HRM! OY!

I then did Karen Voights Yoga Sculpt. Workout total was about 1hr. 25 min.

Lora- Nice Pic!

Suz- Must be busy today!:p

Anne- My daughter is a stubborn Aries too!:) Her B-day is April 3. When's yours?}(

Well, it's cold and I'm hungry, so it's Hot Tub and protein drink time for me.


http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Lora - I'm not sure when I got that way. Sweets use to be all I lived on. Yuck, makes me nauceous just thinking about it!

Char - Great ride, girl! Wow, 25 miles! I bet your knees were sore! Great going with your weight workout. 40's for flies! Great going!

Dallys - That wasn't bad at all. I think those Imara's go for over $100 in the stores. I hope you like it as much as I like mine. Nice workout too. I was wondering how Cardio Fusion was.

Anne - That sucks about your purchase. Sometimes I hate ebay. And paypal for that matter. When I ordered my Imara I paid for it and the stupid thing didn't clear until four days later! Here my stupid credit card was expired and even though I had money in my paypal account they didn't use it. I was pissed. Your Zen sounds cool, you will love it! No cake for me, I kind of felt bad about it, but oh well. I told them not to get me one. They know I don't eat that stuff. And I am an Aries - and stubborn! :)

Lora - Yes, whoever that is is doing a one-arm pushup.

Suz - Thanks! I had a good day! My hubby got me a new CD player for my Blazer. Its sweet. I can hook my MP4 on it.
I just did the 30 minute version of Rita Moreno's Dancer's Body Workout. I got this back in December and never did it and it was actually sort of fun for a dance workout. Not very intense, but I was in the basement and there's not a lot of room to move down there.

Diane Sue - Happy Anniversary!!!

I just got my CIA's in the mail today from the preorder also. I only previewed 2 of them. They are mostly step workouts this time around. I might try a part of one tomorrow to check out the complexity.

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