Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Tues March 27


I'm off to do Barry's Butt & Legs, non-treadmill cardio and maybe a bit of added on cardio. I will probably do a bit of yoga also.

I'll be back later.
I ended up doing Barry's Bootcamp Butt & Legs and the non-treadmill cardio. I also did a little of Tae Bo Amped Super Charged fat burner and a cool down and stretch. Workout was 1 hour and 25 minutes and I burned 500 calories. I modified some of the higher impact on the rebounder...as my sciatica is flaring. I also did MTV Power Yoga 50".

Have great workouts everyone.
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Arms are sore this morning. Glad.

Biking, chest/back and shoulders today. I might go another route. Feel bad about macing dog all the time. I shouldn't have to ya know?




Got my bpal soaps. I thought the price was alittle high for the soaps, but let me tell ya..she puts a good amount of perfume in there. I tried snake oil in the soap and my entire house smelled like snake oil after I got done with bath and my hands still smelled of it for 3 hours later. Good stuff and worth every penny. Now I will have to get more later.
Morning ladies. Been really buisy and no time to chat.
Taning season you know... and easter is coming...

Went to see premonition. DH took me shopping and i got shoes to underwear. I was in shock, big time...
Red Lobster was horribe. Salad was like soup stuffed fish was so salty i gagged. Waiter bad.He did nothing. Bill was like 79 bucks and i barely ate.Of course had some fattening rolls.Bahama Mama recipe changed ., It was like orange juicy. Not good like they used to be.
Oh well,

I did GS chest and tri sun and part of another cardio.
Last night was BM #2 cardio only. I plan on Buts and guts tonite.

I have been trying to get out of work a little more and let Nicole there. Working 60 hrs a week is getting old and i am getting irritable. I have no life and need to change things.
Well, gotta go i early.
Bath tiome.

Happy Birthday Deb.
Dallys , thanks. Waiting on new MP3 player.
What is the difference on the revised edition?
Hello everyone...
Thanks Char & Dallys! Another year older, OY!!! Not liking that much.

This morning I did the tortures of Butts & Guts, I did the Leg Blast premix and wanting to do the floorwork from PLB. Yea right. By the time I got done with this premix, I was dying. Talk about lactid acid buildup! Geez! And you all know I don't care for endurance workouts anymore, I have a love/hate relationship with this workout. This workout was 47 minutes (without warmup and stretch) but it sure felt like hours to me. If this doesn't trim up my lower body, nothing will. Cathe is a genius when it comes to lower body workouts.

Hope you all have great workouts!
Good Morning, today is M&F rotation back, biceps, and forearms, I will do some treadmill, and yoga/stretch. Today is our 34th anniversary so we will be going out to dinner when dh gets home. I have a couple things I have to run out to Target but got most of my errands done yesterday..

Debbie, Happy Birthday. I hope you have a nice day.

Lora, I think doing the Barrys Bootcamps every other day sounds good. 2 times per bodypart in 10 days is good. I have heard that these can be tough:)

Anne, good for you trying to work less. 60 hours is a long work week. You do need a life and some time to relax. I really am not a fan of Red Lobster myself. I love seafood.

Charlotte, I hope you fil is not to moody. When do you get to move?

Hi to everyone,
Morning Maniacs! Today will be some kind of cardio. It's kind of cloudy out and looks like rain.

Diane Sue- Happy Anniversary!! Did you see my info. on NROL, from yesterday?

Debbie-HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I'm going to order that HRM today sometime. Seems Amazon might be as cheap as I can get. Ebay keeps bidding over $55+. Amazon is $51 with free shipping.

Lora-Great workout again.

Char-That soap sounds wonderful! Course you are sore from yesterday! Remember you curled like #40 pounders!

Anne-The revised version has slightly different music and the challenges are in a little different. It is different enough to not be the same.:)

I think we need a party with the Aniversary and the Birthday today! We can all watch American Idol and do our hair like Sanjaya's. I'll bring the veggie tray.

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Good Morning
Debbie Happy birthday! We did the same workout today Leg blast. YOur right its only 47 min but it seems like forever. My legs are already getting sore! And I did the bonus abs and I was exhausted!

Diane sue Happy Anniversery!
Have a great day everyone
Diane Sue- I know the eating plan is close to the "Zone" way of eating. "Afterburn" is expensive. I also hear the "Turbulance Training" is very similar to "Afterburn". I think these two books these have a very strick eating plan.
Here is a link:

I know if I followed some of these eating plans more closely, I'd get much better results. I try to eat small meals throughout the day with a balance of protein and carb in each one, but it doesn't always turn out that way. So, I guess I could say, I'm just loosely following the eating plan.

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~


My hair looks like Sanjaya's when I get done in the shower. It will be easy to fix tonight then! lol. Veggies too? Ummm. SUppose to be 83 degrees here, but still cloudy and about 68 right now. I am off riding around 11. I want to go the long way..meaning, I will have to pass vicious dog. I dunno what to do. Will figure it out. Enjoy your cardio.

Diane Sue,

Happy Anniversary! Enjoy! FIL feels better. Pulled muscle around stomach area. Blood test came back fine. I am ready to move. I called directv and canceled service on our moving date..April 16th. FIL gets into my business and wants to know if I am cancelling his beloved tv service too early. LMAO!


I love the cheesy biscuits there. They melt in your mouth like grease. EGADS! lol. Sorry food was no good. Most of the time we get good waiters. Last waitress had some tripped out looking hair. Finger in electric socket..should have came to you to get it done. lol.
Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone! We have cake here at work but I haven't had any and I doubt I will. I just can't stomach that stuff anymore. My boss got me a Nike workout outfit, its sharp, and also a pair of Nike Capri's. He's so generous. A girl here got me a $20 GC to Trader Joe's. I can't wait to go there this Friday! :)

Dallys - You got one of those HRM at Amazon for $51? Awesome deal, wish I would have known that.

Diane Sue - Happy Anniversary!! Have fun tonight!

Randi - I did abs yesterday so I skipped them today. That workout was hard, my legs are still very fatigued!
Deb - I wish I couldn't stomach cake.......or all sweets for that matter!! Great gifts from work!

Toasty -I haven't ordered any of the BPAL soaps yet. I wasn't going to, as I usually like my soap and lotion to be bakery scented, but now you've got me wanting to order!!

The new kitty is sleeping with Tyler (the oldest cat). He tolerated playing with her a couple times this morning, but Hollywood still wants nothing to do with her. I was a little worried when we brought her home yesterday that it was too soon for a new kitty.....as I kept thinking about Pandora and I was afraid I wouldn't get attached to her for that reason. Boy, it doesn't take long for you to start getting attached to this little innocent animals! Wish I had a digital camera so I could post a picture.
Just got back from bike ride. Did 25 miles...extended my route to get away from dog..didn't feel like spraying and didn't feel like being chased. Knees sore.


You got a kitty? That is sweet. Yeah, order some of the soaps. I swear they are da bomb!


Now your talking! Paint Guns...oh, my!!! LMAO!

Debbie- I ordered one of Amazon and ended up having to pay shipping. So, it cost $59.85. Still not to bad.

Char-Great bike ride! How long does it take to ride 25 miles? It'd be fun if we really could ride our bikes and handle a paint gun at the same time. We could carry our ammo on our backs Rambo style. We'd be so cool...not nerdy at all! LOL!

Lora- We need a name for the new kitty!:)

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Oh, GRRR.. I am so mad. I ordered a refurbuished Zen Micro from Creative labs on e-bay a week ago. Something messed up because of their goofy checkout and they never recieved payment, so i had to do it again. Now i have to wait for another 6-10 days for shipment.
I already got a charger and wrist strap so i am stuck with that brand or loosing more money.
The guy said something about the address being verified, which i am and if one letter was typed wrong paypal would not put it through.
I want to hook up the CC's....
This is just not my week....

Just wanted to vent.... I can't wait for the mp3 workouts..

Today may be a rest day. I have had an awful belly ache all day...

It is Debbie's birthday.......


Almost a stubborn bull headed Aries...
WHo is not Aries? Anne, you or Deb? I am Scorpio..ooh la la.

Anyhow, done with workout.

Pullovers 40# db 3 sets/10
Lat Pulldowns 90# 3 sets 8/8/6

Chest Flyes 40# db's 1 x 10 dropped to 35's and finished with 2 more sets of 8
Push ups 10 (weenie) lol
One Arm Rows 40# db 3 sets/10
Front lateral raises 12# db's 3 sets/8

Abs later. Smell very very bad from all the cals burned..bath. Snake Oil soap.

Deb, Char, at least i don't think. I am the stubborn aries. LOL...

Done today. Gonna go home and try to eat something. there is something going around here.
Char, are you done packing???
It must be exciting. You will have to post us some pics of the new house...

All this road trip talk has me bummed....I am glad they gave them a page. I can avoid it.

Ladies , i got a couple of those new Victoria tanks with the ipex bra... Nice.. DH was buying so i got 2.LOL...now to find shorts that are not hot pants or nickers....Oh, how i hate the styles...this year...

Good workouts girls. Mt tri's are still hurting.. went back to my old weight...

Later wonderful maniacs...

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