Back again, it has been a busy day. I did get some baking in this afternoon. Some low carb cheesecakes in muffin cups and low fat banana bread.
Debbie, I am liking the M&F rotation. I just need to push to get a little heavier as I feel like I am not pushing that hard. I may add something to the lower workout on Thursday. I know that the different phases hit differently though. I wonder if I may be sorry. On the last rotation I was wishing I had hit biceps and triceps a little more because they felt a little weak when I was done. I did add some extra though. It was hard because my wrists were hurting from all of the pull ups during Amy Bento APX month, then P90X month, and the M&F Hers rotation. I swear that is where the irritation came from. Once I switched to pull downs it was better. Now more of them made me weaker for the biceps.
Charlotte, thanks so much. Funny about the sodium. I have had to really work on that again lately. I can tell by how my ring fits. If I can't slip it on then I have to much water retention. I am really working on my diet again. We have been out so much and even when I make decent choices I know I am overloading on the sodium
how is the packing going? Is your fil anxious to have the house to himself?
Suz, it sounds like you have been having a miserable time. I know what you mean about crying. I hope things get better for you. Hopefully you can relax this evening.
Dallys, I know being interrupted in the middle of CC sprints is not good. I was getting some good 8 mph ones in there too. Pouring sweat
Debbie, I am liking the M&F rotation. I just need to push to get a little heavier as I feel like I am not pushing that hard. I may add something to the lower workout on Thursday. I know that the different phases hit differently though. I wonder if I may be sorry. On the last rotation I was wishing I had hit biceps and triceps a little more because they felt a little weak when I was done. I did add some extra though. It was hard because my wrists were hurting from all of the pull ups during Amy Bento APX month, then P90X month, and the M&F Hers rotation. I swear that is where the irritation came from. Once I switched to pull downs it was better. Now more of them made me weaker for the biceps.
Charlotte, thanks so much. Funny about the sodium. I have had to really work on that again lately. I can tell by how my ring fits. If I can't slip it on then I have to much water retention. I am really working on my diet again. We have been out so much and even when I make decent choices I know I am overloading on the sodium
how is the packing going? Is your fil anxious to have the house to himself?
Suz, it sounds like you have been having a miserable time. I know what you mean about crying. I hope things get better for you. Hopefully you can relax this evening.
Dallys, I know being interrupted in the middle of CC sprints is not good. I was getting some good 8 mph ones in there too. Pouring sweat