Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Tues March 20

Back again, it has been a busy day. I did get some baking in this afternoon. Some low carb cheesecakes in muffin cups and low fat banana bread.

Debbie, I am liking the M&F rotation. I just need to push to get a little heavier as I feel like I am not pushing that hard. I may add something to the lower workout on Thursday. I know that the different phases hit differently though. I wonder if I may be sorry. On the last rotation I was wishing I had hit biceps and triceps a little more because they felt a little weak when I was done. I did add some extra though. It was hard because my wrists were hurting from all of the pull ups during Amy Bento APX month, then P90X month, and the M&F Hers rotation. I swear that is where the irritation came from. Once I switched to pull downs it was better. Now more of them made me weaker for the biceps.

Charlotte, thanks so much. Funny about the sodium. I have had to really work on that again lately. I can tell by how my ring fits. If I can't slip it on then I have to much water retention. I am really working on my diet again. We have been out so much and even when I make decent choices I know I am overloading on the sodium:(
how is the packing going? Is your fil anxious to have the house to himself?

Suz, it sounds like you have been having a miserable time. I know what you mean about crying. I hope things get better for you. Hopefully you can relax this evening.

Dallys, I know being interrupted in the middle of CC sprints is not good. I was getting some good 8 mph ones in there too. Pouring sweat:)

Ahhhh....I'm home.

Lora - I just get so frustrated that I cry. I'm usually not emotional at work that way so it makes me even more angry that I cried. But nobody saw me - that's why I had to leave. Can't let them see me cry! Thank goodness I was able to leave. My co-worker left and went home and did her relaxation exercises and fell asleep on the couch! She said it stressed her out. Funny. But I know what you mean, my eyes get red too so I couldn't stay and hide it. :)

Debbie - You're the one who talked me into CC#6 and I'm SO glad you did! I just love it.

Diane Sue - It's crazy b/c it's really not been THAT bad. It's just that of all the programs in our department, mine is the one that doesn't make much money at all (it's just that kind of program - it never will) and it doesn't give him the notariety he likes so much so it's insignificant in his mind but it's necessary to the college and the community. Yesterday and today we've been butting heads as he tries to push it into the background but I can't let that happen (and really, he can't either) and today it just blew up. This afternoon it was better again. As long as he's there (which will be until he can no longer work b/c this is his life), I just have to know that this is how it will be with him.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Hi Ladies
Tonight I did B&G ankle weight abs and gym style Chest and tris.
I want to make it on the road trip so bad! I probably will cry my eyes out if I make it I will be so happy!
Hi ladies! I am finally feeling more energy today. I had more protein than usual and I am now wondering if that was my problem...protein too low for the heavy lifting? Anyone have any thoughts on this/go through this? Do you change your eating on rotations where you are lifting heavier versus endurance?

Tonight's WO was GS Back & Biceps. I made some good progress in biceps today and am very happy with it! :) It's a tough area for me to improve. Finally moved up to 25 lbs on barbell curls and made all the reps. Also went up to 12s on hammer curls and concentration curls. Increased and used 25s during the dumbell exercises on the Back portion, as well.

Lora-Wish Pandora was doing better. :( Praying for you both. That's good news about the OD board and the Fluidity results...I have the feeling that it is different enough for you that you will see those results, too! :)

Deb-Impressive WO! Almost had heart failure when I saw you do GS slow lunges with 10s. I am totally fried by that point! Glad to see you said working legs sucks...makes me feel normal! :)

Anne-No Road Trip for me this year but I would consider going in the future. I really love how people are getting so into it though...saw some threads are doing tee shirts! So, what would the Hardcores t-shirt look like? What would it say?

Diane Sue-Saw your note the other day about litter training Harvey. So neat! Makes me want a bunny again! :) Told DH and he gave me an earful for even bringing it up...so no bunny for me! :(

Char-Good Lord! Packing and a 14 mile ride and upper body! You must sleep like a log when you finally hit the bed!

Dallys-Your lunches sound so good! Did DH fix the meatloaf or did you? Hope you get your bike ride in soon...you must be dying to wear your recent purchases-you are an athlete and biking fashionista! :)

Suz-Sorry about your day-that's rough! Good for you for standing up to your boss! Sometimes yelling is what it takes to get through to people. Glad it worked out in your case!

Have a great night everyone! :)

Randi-I know what you mean about the Road Trip. I thought I wanted to go and then talked myself out of it. I got really interested again once they posted the details today. It sounds like it is going to be great fun! I would be one of those people crying on the last day when it's time to go. I did that at Summer Camp years ago...cried when my parents dropped me off cause I was so scared...then cried because I didn't want to go home and leave the friends I had made.

Diane Sue - It took me the first two weeks of this rotation to get my weights up there. I wasn't real sure how heavy I should go. Its a trial and error thing. I think most of the bodyparts get worked really well with the way they have it laid out. I've been sore the entire time I've been doing it.

Suz - I know I told you about #6, I was just agreeing that its a good one! :)

Jen - I usually do the slow motion lunges with 12's - I went light today! LOL!
Thanks Deb. I will figure it out.

Randi, talked to the DH, i am going if i make the 1st 110.. Don't cry please...Good reason for me to do some kick butt work outs... Get prepped...

I did Step jump and pump. Haven't done it in over 6 months.Enjoyed it.
I think i wasted a gym membership LOL....Should have done a month to month... Oh, well....

Gonna try th CC tomorrow and UB something.Who knows. Gotta drop the 5 # i gained... LOL +@@.

Char, are you really excited, new house ...Usually new baby.. LOL....
Would you just S**t????
I would...I'll be 42 next month... Granny and mom, OMG...

Oh my , chest feels really wierd doing chest work. Lightened up big time.Hope this fades...in time...
I just watched part of BORAT.
1 word.
Shut it off..
The new 007 isn't bad though. Ending sad...
Well, just finished burning some movies and i am going to bed.
Take care ladies,
Jen, well, if you go i will see you there.
You would have a great time.
My DH said i won't do it, so i am ...
I just hate driving my self.
Anyone else???

Come on, we would have a blast, Deb, you could drive here and i could finish ?? Follow the turnpike to Donnegul Pa and i am not far....Down the Mt,. a few miles...
Ohio is not that far??? My sis lives near east liverpool in the country...

Oh, i had a great one last night . My 6'4" 1/2 bald gay guy was in. He would not make a good looking woman. Too manlt of features...Got his eyes waxed, a trim and a curl and wants his legs waxed!!!!!
Someone tell me why Gay men try to talk high pitched and act strange.
We don't act like that!!!! If you are gay, whatever, quit acting like that....Women do not act like that......We don't prance around with our hand in the air... He said give me a feminine haircut>>>>LOL....
It was an evening... I almost peed myself...
A little humor tonite...

What a week...

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