Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Tues March 20


Morning Maniacs -

This morning I did Speedybody Full Body followed by Tae Bo Celebrity Fit Sculpt and then I added on a 10 minute stretch from a Denise Austin DVD (one thing she is excellent at is stretches!!). Workout was 1 hour and 35 minutes and I burned 495 calories.

I was sore when I woke up this morning and didn't think I could do this Speedbody workout again.....but once my adrenaline got going, I was okay. I'm determined to do it 5 days in a row but I may need to lighten my weights the last 2 days. I've been lifting sort of heavy for the past few. I'm icing my shoulders right now.

I also did Ravi & Ana's Kundalini AM practice 30".

My legs and glutes get pretty sore from Fluidity. I was just reading a post in the OF and someone said they lost an each in each thigh from adding Fluidity to their routine.......hope that happens to me!

Have great workouts ........I have some things to do around here, but I'll be around later.
Good morning, today I plan on doing A treadmill run,then M&F rotation phase 1 week 1 which is back, biceps and forearms. I have someone coming later this morning to work on our garage door and the grandchildren so hopefully I don't have too many interruptions:)

This morning I did Gym Style Legs and the floor work from Butts & Guts. Had a great workout. Went low with my weights to try and get my legs more defined. I think I need to start working my legs twice a week but can't right now with the rotation I'm doing. Anyways, this is what I did:

Gym Style:
Squats: 55# - 3 sets/16 reps and did the bonus w/the 3rd set
Front Lunges: 15's - 2 sets/8 reps
Rear Lunges: 15's - 1 set/tons of reps
Plie Squats: 35# - 2 set/16 reps/pulses
Leg Press w/Purple Band: 2 sets/15 reps
Elevated Deads: 12's - 2 sets/lots of reps
Slow Motion Lunges: 10's
Calf Raises - (these are the toughest, best calf raises in all of Cathe's series!)

Butts & Guts:
Outer Thigh Raises on ball (I hate these, they burn like crazy!)
Hamstring Roll-ins w/glute tucks
Hamstring Press w/Ankle weights (I used three risers, Cathe only uses the platform)
Inner thigh lifts w/ankle weights (these burned)
Glute work w/ankle weights (I still can't make it through this entire series of leg lifts.)

Then I did the stretch from Gym Style Legs.

Diane Sue - Good to see you're doing the M&F rotation. I think you will like it! I love it!

Lora - GH is boring the hell out of me right now. Carly is a nutcase, this thing with Craig is stupid and Robin and Patrick are snoozers anymore! I'm bummed the hostage thing is over.

Hope you all have great workouts!
Deb - what is considered lighter weight for leg work? I also want more defined legs......thus all the kickboxing and Fluidity. Mine are looking slightly better since I quit my leg rotation. I'm not sure what my legs like, but I've been doing circuits and total body workouts for a while and they look a bit better. Hoping Fluidity does miracles! As sore as my legs get from them, I'd think so! RE: GH.........yes, I can't stand Lizzie & Lucky and Robin and Patrick either. I want Carly to end up with Sonny so I don't mind that storyline. I also was bummed about all of the excitement being over from the hostage crisis but I think it's getting slightly better.

Meg - where the heck have you been? Are you okay? Your package went out yesterday......goodies are on their way........and more, guess what?
Char, pack, pack pack.

Enjoy the Grand kids Diane Sue. They are great aren't they.

Ok, I got the ccoaches?
How do you use them? Do you just do your pace and get into the HR zone that he tells you?
I thought it would tell you settings?

Tonite is CC# 1 to figure it out and UB something. No Gym. Aunt Flo and i think i wasted 400 bucks. I hate being stared at....and waiting for equipment.Only time it is mellow is after 7:30 at night...
They have a 30 min limit on cardio equip. WTF. I need more than that.

Tanning beds are making me crazy already. OMG and it is jujst getting started...

Back to work..
Lora - for me light weight workouts are anything below 65# for squats. I still like using heavy weights for plies, not sure why. Legs suck to train, I really hate it. On the GH front, I want Carly with Sonny too. I'm sick of her going between the two.

Anne - When I do the hill climbs I put my treadmill on an incline of 3 and jog at a 5. Sometimes I'll go up to a 8 incline and fast walk at a 4. Depends on how you want to do it. With sprints I usually stay on an incline of 2, sometimes 1 and go all out with 6 or 7, depending if I have to get to my zone 3 or 4. My HRM is what I go by, it tells me where I'm at with these workouts. Hope that helps!
So, you have to see what your HRM tells you on how hard you are working, right. You can walk fast or run or elevate, as long as your hart rate is in the zone.Am i reading this right?

I feel like an idiot?
Deb - I know you lift heavier than me. So, is heavy weighted leg work different for everyone? I'm not sure what I should be keeping it at. I usually match Cathe and sometimes go a bit lower.....but I think I'm building too much muscle under my fat. Jeans are tight but the scale is the same.....so I'm not sure if I should lower the weight amount or what. I did add the Fluidity so hopefully that will help.
I finished my workout with interruptions. I had to go out with the guy fixing the garage door in the middle of my Cardio Coach sprints. I did CC#5 and went on to do 5 miles, then I did the M&F rotation Back, Biceps & forearms, followed with Butts & guts stability ball abs with resistance and Amy Bento Abs#1.
wide grip pull ups (not sure why but pullups hurt my wrists) did these assisted 10 reps 3 sets
reverse grip barbell row 60# 10 reps 3 sets
dumbbell row 35# 10 reps 3 sets
barbell curls 50#1 set 8 reps, 2 sets 45# 8 reps
preacher curls did this on ball with bar(should have used the Bowflex) 1 set 40# 10 reps, 2 sets 35# 10 reps
barbell wrist curls 25# 3 sets 10

Debbie, good leg workout.

Charlotte, hope you get everything accomplished today:) Doing good on the workout!!

Anyone doing the road trip???
I think i am going....
MAp quest says 4hrs 40 min. Mostly turnpike. I may have to...
Looks like fun...
Hey Maniacs! Just taking a late lunch break. Homemade Turkey meatloaf and an apple. I'm hoping to squeeze in a workout later. Yesterday's workout never happened... Darnit! If the weather can hold out for another few hours, I may take a quick bike ride. But, we are supposed to get a storm later.

Anne- The road trip sounds fun! If I lived closer, I'd ride with you.:) We'd have a blast!

Char- Great bike ride!

Diane Sue- An interruption during your CC sprints!? It doesn't get more irritating than that! Nice workout anyway.

Lora- I hope the fluidity workouts will work for your legs. Hey, it worked for someone else, it could work for you.:)

Debbie- Nice workout! I remember the calve raises in Gym Styles are killer!

Hi Suz and Randi and Jen.

Where is Amber, Jani and some of the others? Come back!!

Gotta get back to work...Later

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~


This morning I did CC#6 on the elliptical (still have a flat on my trainer bike). I think that one's my favorite. :p Oy!

I had another presentation today - to all the VP's and our college president. Got in a HUGE fight with my boss a few hours before. Yelled at him again! Darn it! He yelled first. I swear I never yell. DH and I never yell at each other. What is it that makes me yell at my 65 year old boss. He tries to make me feel like my program is completely insignificant - he says so! If I don't feel like it's important and if I don't fight for it, who will??? He's such an @ss. I was so angry I went into the bathroom and couldn't hold back my darn tears so I came back to my office, got my purse and left for a few hours. I couldn't be here. I refuse to let them see me cry. Do you ever get SO frustrated that you cry? I HATE that! That hasn't happened at work since my last job like 8 years ago! I had lunch with a friend (great timing) who is on contract with us and who has known him for years and years and also knows how he is (arrogant, insecure, limelight-sucker). He's just a couple of years younger than my boss and always has great advice.

Okay, back to work. I took work home last night and worked until 9pm b/c I was so busy, only to blow it by leaving this morning. Oy!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Finished PUB. No packing today...laundry took over. Tomorrow will pack and clean some. I think I have circuit challenge tomorrow as well. I think I need to buy more mace. Same dog keeps charging after me on bike and I have to spray on the first way down and then back again. Short term memory? Makes me very mad at owners for letting their dogs run wild and that dog could get hit by a car as well. I refuse to go different route though.


Sorry to hear about your boss being a a$$. Same thing happens to me. Get so mad sometimes I just cry and it makes me more mad cuz I cried. I hate to cry and I don't like others seeing me cry. I usually lock myself in the bathroom, etc. Glad you got things out of your system though. Hope tomorrow is better for ya.


Did you get to ride? Gosh today was just perfect for riding here.

Diane Sue,

Nice workout. I want to get alittle more definition like you have Diane Sue so I hope my lean rotation gets me there. I know my sodium intake I have to watch more closely as well. I like all the tips you give about food and such. It is always helpful and you know how much I admire you. Gosh, you look marvelous!


Hey girl! This cardio coach stuff is really something, huh? Everyone doing the coach. lol. I need to up my tan to medium with Jergens. Gonna get some more soon.


Can you still walk? You are really working your legs. Don't you love it?? He he. }( :p }( :p I know you don't like to work them too much, but the rewards are the best! Everyone wants *a cookie* when their done. lol. Sorry, I haven't pm'd you lately. Will do so tomorrow. Just so much going on now.


How is Pandora doing now?
Suz - that sucks about your job. I hate when people at work are idiots and upset you so much you cry. As you know, I'm very emotional, so the tears come easily for me, but I have gotten better (slightly) with age. I usually exit immediately and head to the bathroom. Although, the cat's out of the bag (so to speak) when my eyes well up with water. I hope things get better. So sorry you are so stressed out. Not looking forward to that part of having a job.......but still need a job!

Toasty - Pandora's not doing well today. She wasn't doing so well yesterday either. She is becoming more and more lethargic each day and today she only ate about 7 bites of food that we saw. We're both very concerned that she's declining again and may not make it after all.
Anne - Yes, you use your HRM to tell you where you are at. You can do whatever you want on the equipment to get to that place. Climbs mean you should use some type of resistence and sprints are just that - sprints. Sorry I answered so late!

Char - GREAT bike ride!!! Glad you are having warm days again! Its still cold here. Great going on PUB too! My calves are getting sore and my quads are just tired. I hope to feel it more tomorrow. No worries on the pm's. Whenever you have time! :) I know you have a lot on your plate right now.

Lora - I keep trying to just do the weights Cathe does because obviously that is what works. But I always seem to have to go higher and even though I have cut back a lot, I still go higher then she does. I think you should stick with the weights she uses and see how that works for you.

Diane Sue - Great workout! How are you liking the rotation so far? I wish I could do wide grip pullups. I have nothing to help me with assisted ones so I just do them with a close grip. Still very challenging.

Dallys - My calves are already sore from that freakin' workout this morning! Those get me each and every time I do them and for days, not just one day.

Suz - Great workout! I also love #6! I'm so sorry to hear about you and your boss fighting. That sucks! Glad you could get away for a while and cool off. Hope the day got better for you.
Thanks for your kind words ladies. He's being all nicey nice now. Told me I did a great job on my presentation. They made him angry on another issue after I left and he even shared that with me. Guess his way of making up. He told my co-worker he shouldn't have blown up at me...even though he'll never change his point of view. Well, neither will I. I'm glad I can stand up to him now though. It's taken me 4.5 years. He's condescending and I get intimidated but I'm learning to stand up to him. I will try not to yell in the future. Or cry!!! :)

Dallys - Oh yeah, I forgot, CC#5 is my favorite. :p Or was it CC#4? I always forget.

Char - Yup - I HATE that I cry like that. ;( I feel like a BIG BABY!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Hey Maniacs! Didn't get in a bike ride (to windy), so I did my weight workout. Did NROL fat-loss 1, workout B. 60 sec. rests between sets.

Warmup-One set of all exercises-low weight-no rest.

Deadlift 3x12x53#
DB incline bench press 3x12x20's
Bulgarian split squat 3x12x15's
Switch grip pulldown 3x12x70#
Romanian deadlift 3x12x53#
SB lateral roll 3x12xBW

Followed by Tony Horton's Great Abs Guaranteed.

Workout was 1 hr.

Have a great night everyone. It's hot tub time and protein drink for me.:p

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~


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