Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Tues Dec 5


Morning Maniacs -

This morning I did Amy Bento's Kickbox Exreme for 50 minutes. I didn't do a premix. I just did the first few combos and then forwarded a couple so I'd get a couple different combos than I did last time I did this DVD. It was fun and got my HR up....150's mostly. I burned 330 calories.

I really need to start switching stuff up with my cardio, as it seems all of my cardio workouts are usually the same amount of time and my HR stays in the same zone. I need to shake things up somehow. I can't use the elipitical or treadmill right now cuz the DH is doing P90X and he doesn't want me down in the basement. He says I'll be in the way. Our basement is very small, as it's just under the original part of the house, not the added on part.

Diane Sue - Can you think of any more good upper body workouts that are about 20 minutes long or 25 with warm up that I can add to my lying leg work for a 60" workout? Does Body Max 1 have a 20 minute upper body workout too? What are the Power Circuits like in Body Max 2 for working the legs?

Dallys - Mindy doesn't do the strip segments on that gliding DVD. She only does the gliding portions and then someone else does the other! Someone at VF actually said they took the live class somewhere and it was fun. I'm so curious......I just might have to buy it. What kind of results did you end up getting from P90X?

Hi to everyone else.

Well, I better get going....I'm going to have to leave for work very early, as it's snowing really hard here and my DH just called from work and said it's solid ice under the snow. Have great workouts. I'll be back later.
Good Morning Maniacs!!

Well I have some very good DOMS in my lats this morning...oh, my!!! So far, not in chest. As I was dressing in the bathroom, I noticed my shoulders seem to look bigger. I haven't noticed that before. I'M GETTING RESULTS ALREADY???? LMAO! That would be just awesome though if I continue to see any difference with this program. Today I guess is Plyo's...WOO HOO!

No snow or ice here. Just gonna be sunshine, but last night was the coldest night so far.


Be very careful with your travels in all that. Anne, you too when it comes.


Thanks for the linky. I could always do lat pulldowns too, but since I got such good DOMS in my lats, I will try it with the band next time. Yee ha! lol

It is pretty windy here.
Char, pace yourself.... You don't want to be hurting those shoulders and down again...Shoulders bigger...LOL in 1 day.
Oh, Charlotte...
I am off to the basement...
I never thought of it. We have a pull down machine thingy...I could have used that back then...
Oh, well...

Aka( Storm)

Good Morning Maniacs and Bionics alike!

I am starting to feel last nights WO! Today should be cardio, maybe an Imax. My DH started his second job tonight, so I won't see him for the next three days until he gets home about midnight. SO, no big dinners, adn I will probably work out more in the evening, not after 8.

Char- good going on the DOMS! You did really good yesterday.

Lora- please travel safe, and I give you till the end of the week before you order that DVD LOL!!

Anne- it is snowing here right now. ALready had about an inch on the ground. I wonder if this will accumulate to anything.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums

Toasty - don't forget to wear your HR monitor so we know you're calorie burn. Did you get your Bitter Moon? I can't smell today - sinus woes. I have it on but can't smell it!! I'm still undecided on if I like it or not. It's too bitter at first....but it wears off.

Meg - If I had more money - I'd have ordered it already. I'm saving for the big Carnivale Diabolique update that's coming.

You make me laugh! How can you save when you are constantly spending???? Is there some trick to this??? LMAO!

DD's boyfriend says it smells like kitty litter. My dh says is smells alright. I like it. I forgot all about the hr monitor yesterday. Will try to remember today.

Good Morning,
Today I plan on doing Low Max premix segments 4-7, then Low Impact Cirtcuit cardio & upper no w/up then repeat the upper segments which are only 16 minutes,& if I have the time I will do some abs.

Lora, Body Max 1 has a 25 minute upper segment minus the w/up. Body Max2 Power Circuits has about 11 minutes of lower body work that is squats, plie squats and lunges. You could go back & repeat the lower body segments that would bring it to around 53 minutes w/ the w/up and stretch or do the Power Circuits and add on MM lower only 14 min. or ME leg press premix 7min..

I have to run. I have a vet appointment and loads to start doing here.
Morning maniacs:

It was PlyoX for me today. Liked it and sweated a bunch but feel energized. I feel less tired today than yesterday, but Mondays are always like that anymore, just recovering from the weekend. I was hungry all day yesterday, though I bumped my calories up. It's just that eating lots of protein seems to make me hungrier. Lots of carbs just make me feel blah in the stomach. I wore my HRM for about 10 minutes and then threw it out of the way as it went immediately to 191 and then 0. Doesn't work with the TV interference.

Char, I have a little bit of DOMS in the lats and chest, not like I was thinking I would get and a little in the abs from AbX.

Lora, be careful driving to work. I absolutely hate ice. Thank goodness only takes me about 10 minutes or so to get to work (on a good day), probably around 15 or 20 if the roads are bad. Sorry to read about your ordeal at the Dr's yesterday.

Anne, glad you are heading to the basement. Enjoy your workout, whatever it is.

BBL, I read your posts about 8:00 our (west coast time), would have taken me forever to reply to all and not sure anyone would read anyway being so late. You guys are all so motivating to me.

Lora. it is is no big leg w/o. It didn't do much for me. A little cardio. The abs were nothing.
Maybe if i get the medecine ball out instead of the ball. Nothing compared to Cathe. This is my 1st am w/o in a while so it was ok. I am not going to grab for it daily...
Guess i am going to have to do something tonite. I don't feel like i worked out..
It is starting to snow....
There is some on my deck....

Aka( Storm)

Charlotte, I got my picture trail to work again so added some before P90X pictures to it. Think I have a couple more to add. Pretty pathetic, sigh. I'm so short armed and legged that I really don't want to build more mass, just define and lose the fat covering. Legs are way too big, need the fat loss off of them and the butt. Actually all over... Butt, I feel fantastic cardio and healthwise so pretty pleased with all my cardio workouts and stamina.

Its snowing like crazy here too, I'll be back later to check out everyone's posts. I need to get my truck cleaned off and get to work. They haven't even started plowing our roads yet! WTF???

This morning I did full body. This workout was 3 sets/12 reps with 90 seconds rest.

Close Grip Overhand Pullups: 6/4/4 (still can't get past 6 reps!)
Incline Dumbbell Press: 30's/32's/32's
Wide Grip Upright Rows: 55#/50#/45# (wanted to be able to get to 12 with each set so I had to lower my weights)
Alternate Hammer Curls w/Twist: 22's
Plie Squats: 85#/90#/90#
Hamstring Curls: 45#

Workout was 57 minutes, was in my zone for 13 minutes and burned 171 calories.

Hope you all have great workouts.

I have DOMS in my tris! Yay!!! Those flabby fat things need to go away. I am also starting to get DOMS in my pecs just a little bit. We'll see how the day goes. I'm getting ready to do Plyometrics (I think that's what's on tap).

Lora - I hope you had a safe drive to work.

Storm - You BETTER NOT go back to bed!!!

Char - Darn it - I have no DOMS in lats. Hmmm... I'm glad you are seeing results already. I'm down a pound today so I guess I'm seeing results too. Hehe. I suppose it could be from the good eating too. ;)

Meg - I'm not surprised you're feeling yesterday's workout already! It was a goodie! Are the boys feeling better?

Jeanette - Glad to hear you liked Plyo as I'm getting ready. And you reminded me - I have a little bit of DOMS in my abs. Not much - yet. I was REALLY tired and REALLY hungry yesterday too. What's up with that? I didn't feel like I worked out harder than with some Cathe workouts?????

Diane Sue - Sounds like a good workout planned, as usual. Have "fun" at the vet!

I go back to the head doctor this morning to get my meds bumped up. That weight loss part hasn't kicked in yet, so maybe the new dosage will do the trick. }(

Off to the basement...


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Dallys - yesterday you said your finger was numb. Mine does that EVERY morning, summer (if its cooler out) or winter, and whenever I get something out of the freezer. But it happens on all 5 of my fingers. This is what it is: http://www.med.wayne.edu/raynauds/ not sure if thats what you are getting. Its not painful, just a pain in the butt.
Just for the record, I did do Ab Ripper X last night around 7:30. I am sticking with the program girls!!!!


Fantastic workout! Very hard for me to get past 6 or 7 for the first pullup too. Try doing them assisted...I swear, you will still feel it as I am feeling it now. When you do hamstring presses..do you still do these on a decline with seat raised? This is how I do it. I can only press about 40 if it is just the normal way cuz my back starts to arch, but keeping seat elevated prevents back from arching. Maybe we will get some snow before Christmas..would be nice.


Just as soon as I clean my sunroom, I will do P90X. I have dumbbells all over the place from yesterday as I finish my workouts just before my son gets home and then I run out of time to put stuff back. That is great that you have DOMS in your tri's and pecs.

I just noticed my dd driving off with her window down to see cuz window is frosted. Now I am mad.


I am gonna check out those pictures! I don't care what you say about your body Ms. 100 miles on bike....you are super amazing in my book!!!! P90X should be nothing to you! Gosh!

Diane Sue,

Have a great day and workout!

Good MOrning
Today I'll be doing Low Max Premix and some abs, I'm following the dec rotation. I dont have LIC or DM so I have to substitute.
Have a good day!
Oh I am just all mixed up today then! lol. I just cleaned my sunroom and now I am ready to get going. I am proscratinating cuz I want to be able to keep up and still be alive to breathe! lol.

Morning Maniacs! Today is DM, but my DVD's still aren't here! My daughter sent them on Tuesday last week. Maybe they will come today. If not I'll have to sub like Randi did.

Debbie-Yeah, that's exactally what I was thinking. I might have Raynauds disease. I'll keeping track of what's going on. My fingers do go that blueish red color and it lasts for a short while and kind of comes and goes. I'll read more on that site you gave me when I get some more time. My SI has it really bad, that's why I know the similarities. Good workout today!

Lora- My results with P90X were, I lost about 4lbs and lost 3% body fat, which was exactally what I needed. I measured before, but never got around to measureing after. I'm just not into all that. I go by how my pants fit and they are all loose, some don't fit good at all, too baggy. I'm sure if I would have followed the diet plan to a T, I'd have done better, but me and "written Diets" don't get along. I did eat pretty clean and was close to the ratios of Phase 2 and 3 the whole time.

Randi-I might end up doing what you did today if my DVD's don't show up.:)

Char- great you are feeling alittle sore! It's nice to feel that in your lats. It's hard to get sore there just doing lat rows and stuff. The pull-ups just nail that area! workout.:) I hate when my DS drives with his windows down trying to see out of the car! You worry for hours!

Meg-Great workout yesterday! Try to take advantage of your time without DH if you can. I hate when mine is gone late at night. Well maybe once in awhile I like him gone. LOL!

Netta- Sorry you have that crappy HR monitor! Mine works good by the TV, but not under the power lines. I have the Polar A5. It's weird lately. It won't start my heartrate going until I'm warm. So I wear it around for 10 min. to warm it up. LOL! I think it's dying.
Good for you for cranking out PlyoX. That one gets more fun the more you do it and the better you get at all the drills. Nice to hear you have alittle DOMS too. Your pictures aren't bad at all. I bet you will really like your afters. You already have pretty nice arms and abs. And you don't look like a hobbit! LOL!

Diane Sue- Nice workout you have planned.:)

Anne- Can you believe I ordered the TJ's on Nov 10 and haven't got them yet? Do you not think it's worth it? I emailed them, but if they answer back should I cancel of keep?

Suz- Glad you are getting DOMS too! Maybe the lats with get sore later. Have fun with Plyo today! Sorry you have to the Docs. Never fun and always boring.

Later, gotta get to work.

Good morning maniacs.

Some DOMS in shoulders arms and pects, not bad, also slight on the abs. NO lats though, I'm jealous Char, I know it's because i did nothing during chinups and pullups but sit there with my jaw dropped. So will try the bands from the ceiling next time. I'm pleased overall, because I know this has a learning curve.

Will Bring it with Tony again tonight.

Netta...I do read last nights posting typically in the morning, so don't not post please! And by the way, you have amazing abs! your pix look great. I probably won't have time to post mine till this weekend.

suz, good luck with the dr. and keep pressing play. Check out his legs, I'm telling ya...shavin or waxed. There is no way. I love my hairy husband.

Anne..yes snow coming your way, we hug the MI/OH line here and we were blasted, it was an icy mess last night.

Char...I know what you mean about DD's, mine called me from her car to say the roads were really bad. I said hang up now...and pay attention, she's on her 2nd car in 3 years...you think she would learn! Scares me to death

Dallys...another dd problem. Hope you have a great workout and drillmax makes safely home. I can't follow those types of diets either, I don't eat any meat, just seafood and fish so I think I eat really clean anyway. That is one area where i'm a little obsessed.

I have some older TJ's too, but I've not done them in at least a year, should break them out for added cardio. I remember something about pain in my knees, she does a lot of twisting, but I do love her personality.

Hi to meg, Randi, Diana Sue and everyone else I've missed, gotta get to work.


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