Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Tues 5/22

Back from the library. Looks like I may have to make another trip because my granddaughter left one book at home.

Lora, if I don't hear from the Kashi people soon I will let you know how to microwave it. One pouch makes 4 servings I think. I usually put it individual bowls and freeze or refrigerate so I can just heat it up. I don't think there would be a problem of overcooking it. It has a chewy texture. I like my pasta cooked al dente too.

Julie, welcome. Sounds like you had a good workout. Do you have a trainer for weights?

Dallys, I kind of liked the sounds of the compliment too. Thanks:)

Anne, I get books on tape because we drive back and forth to school and make stops a lot. It is over 16 miles both ways when I pick them up.

Debbie, I bet you are enjoying that extra sleep:)

I am backkkkkk

I hate the x-flowvision..( started the ab and hate it). Any one want it. Not my thing... Or, i am e-bayin it..
If i want to dance i will go out ..Shake your booty... Char..LOl..
I did gs tri's and upped the weights from Cathe and purple band..And my favorite.. Biceps..
I almost made it through the curls with 35#. Guess i am gettin stronger...
I did partial reps with 10's and had to go to 12 and 15 for the con curls..
Somedayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..i will catch up to you guys...

Dallys , i b&G and i haven't done it in over a month... I have been going heavy and like Rodney in Dr. Doolittle... HEllllloooooo...

I am still fricken sore...

Going to do back and shoulders and a little chest tomorrow..

Diane Sue , i am addicted to the Kashi cinnamon crunch.. I munch on it.. Love it...

Goin back to finish reading..
Lora - I think that I get more full quicker than I used to. But I'm still always hungry. That will never change. I've always been like that. I was hoping that would go away. But I think since we work out so much our metabolisms are always going. I do think I am more used to being hungry though. Although I'm not sure that's something to be proud of. I used to get bad headaches if I didn't eat and then when I would eat I'd get really bad stomach aches. Not anymore. I adjusted.

Diane Sue - I also think you have pretty arms. You work your tushie off for them. I'm sorry you're getting a headache. Would you ever consider talking to your doctor about Topamax or do you not want to take something daily? I never wanted to before, but now that I'm having such great results (and it did take awhile and upping the dosage, as you know), I'm enjoying it because I'm taking less Excedrin and much less Imitrex. And migraines are not interfering with my day-to-day life like they were. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it continues and it's not just a cycle I'm in. And I hear that with Topamax the idea is that it "rewires" your brain and eventually they can take you off all together. My neurologist won't confirm that, but I read that. He just said something like, "Wouldn't that be nice?"

Time to go home and try to force feed myself some dinner. Hehehe. AS IF!!! I got too busy to eat this afternoon (tsk, tsk - I hate when I do that!) so I'm pretty sure I'll have no problem stuffing my face. :9


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Suz, thanks for the compliment. I have watched my dd go through terrible migraines and different doctors. She was on some really strong medication for awhile. Topomax worked for her for awhile. She went to the neurologist and he did slowly remove most all of her medications. Said Excedrin was not a good thing to take. He took her off of Topomax. She hardly has the migraines now. She was so bad she had to have her dh and herself do injections for awhile. When she was on her own she would come to my house knowing the side effects and drowsiness of the meds. We helped with her son. I have found almost everything I have tried has side affects. I really am trying to avoid anything as much as possible. Maybe somewhere down the line I will try something but my headaches are not as often as they were in the past. From my dd experience I think you are on the right track with the neurologist. I think that is where I would push my md to let me go if I started back to what felt like non stop migraines. I have an hmo so I have to get the authorization.

Diane Sue - I'm glad that you dd is getting fewer of them now. And that's good to hear that her neurologist has taken her off of Topamax. So maybe what I read is correct? My dad told me that as I get older I will get fewer of them too. That's what happened with him. And I've also heard that once you go through menopause you might get fewer - of course my dad wouldn't know that. :p I do feel bad that you have been suffering with them so much. I seemed to be on a bad streak for awhile there but lately haven't been and it's soooo nice. I'm hoping it lasts. I'd love the same for you. As much as I always wanted to have kids, in the back of my mind I wondered if my migraines were one reason that I wasn't able to have them b/c I wondered how on earth I would take care of children when I'd have a migraine. That's nice that you were able to help your dd.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France


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