Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Thursday Oct 4

Dallys - I don't want to be working either. I wanna go home! I think I mentioned we have snow coming Saturday night and Sunday. We must be getting it from you. I showed our bird sitter the tricks on how to avoid being bitten. I hope she succeeds. Hopefully they'll be too afraid of her to get close. But you never know.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Char - I love my long nails, they are natural, though. I sometimes have a hard time getting earrings in if I let them grow out too long. You should take a pic of them, I'd like to see them. Also, I love skull crushers. I did them at 55# last week but my wrist was bugging me today. :( Great going with IMAX 2!

Lora - I can't remember if I've asked you this. Do you like Sevendust? I kind of like them, I have one of their CD's but not a lot of songs jump out at me. I need to get a few more and see how I like them.

Julie - Have a great workout this weekend. Sounds like fun!

Dallys - You're so funny about your house. You should come see mine. EEK!!! Now I gotta download that song! LOL!

Randi - Great workout! Have fun with SJ&P tonight!

Diane Sue - Great workouts girl!! Bummer about the Itrain's not working on your laptop. Are they a visual workout?

Suz - I know what you mean about it being so dark in the mornings now. I hate that. I love waking up with the sun shining. Great going on your bike ride! Snow? Wow, that is early. Hope it passes you by!
Deb - yes...we talked about SevenDust. I like them...but just started hearing them recently when I started hearing them on the Digital Cable rock station. I told you about the song "Beg to Differ" that I like and I gave you names of a few others they play (names of which escape me). There most recent CD is from 2007.
I just downloaded a 17 min. Eoin Finn PYFH Surf yoga video http://www.eoinfinnyoga.com/downloads.php Now I can use this on my laptop. He has free audio downloads too. Been cleaning and using lemon oil on the cabinets in the trailer:) Had to have a nap. I feel kind of lethargic this afternoon. The radio staions that come in here are not very good. I found a oldie rock station but it has a lot of static. Mostly country here. We have speakers throughout the trailer. I forgot dvd's :(

Debbie, the itrain workouts are audio. I think they were supposed to come out with some videos. I have a stretch one and some treadmill ones and a sculpt one as well as the i teen box #1. They give you pdf files with some of them so you can see what you are supposed to do.

Suz, I can't imagine snow already. It is 90 degrees here today.

Debbie, I have most of them downloaded to my Dell MP3 player. It is just hard to do the workouts with the mp3 player and headphones. If I was home I could run the mp3 player through my stereo. I just don't have the right cables to do that with me:) I have a cd player but I don't have the ones downloaded onto cd's with me either. But I can use them with media player on my laptop. The ones that I downloaded to the mp3 player are not playing off media player for some reason. It's sort of confusing LOL

A quick check-in to say "hi" to everyone.

I am so excited that all these vids are shipping soon!!! CATHE!!! Tracey!!! Amy!!! (I’d add Kelly to this list, but I, for the life of me, cannot figure out how to pay on her site with a credit card – I only see the Paypal option!)

I did “Circuit Max” this morning followed by Core Max #3. As I’ve been doing TT, my upper body is very sore so I wanted a medium intensity cardio workout with light toning. This one seemed to fit the bill.

BBL or tomorrow fo’ sho’!

Marcia - I think Paypal usually has a Visa option? or maybe I'm wrong. You can always sign up for Paypal!!

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