Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Thurs March 29

Well, I went to Macaroni Sin Palace and ate the bread AND ate the double chocolate cake!! That's not counting my Chicken moztarella (I know I butchered that spellin.) sandwich on buttered up Ciabatta bread and homemade parmesean cheese potato chips! I did only eat half of that. Guess that's lunch and dinner too!(fat cheek smilie)

Waddleing off to the basement! Must workout!

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Dallys - that meal sounds amazing!! YUM!!

Suz - no worries about posting your weight and height. I have also been open and honest on this subject..........as well as other confessions I should not make on a public forum!!

I ended up doing 1/2 hour of my new CIA step DVD with Gay Gasper. It was very low intensity, as I did it in the basement and there's not a lot of room to move around down there. I just wanted to try to get a feel for it (as the music is really good......reminiscent of old Tae Bo Live's) and I felt guilty for eating 2 chocolate chip cookies today.

I can't believe that I'm actually tired! That never happens......however I did force myself to get up at 2:15 this morning......but I'm sure when I try to fall asleep later, I'll be wide awake.

Brooklyn loves her new home!!! :) She's already taken over and rules!

The shame of it all! Naughty one. Glad you enjoyed yourself. You work your butt off..you deserve it, hardcore honey!


Ms. Pudd is extremely spoiled. My dd has been taking her outside and now she demands to go out all the time. I am in the middle of working out and she doesn't care..OUTSIDE, she says..meow, meow, meow. So I take her outside inbetween sets, etc. and pet her while she eats grass, throws up, etc. Once we get a fence in our new yard, she will be able to go out while I am there watching (just in case she doesn't jump over fence).

So how did the interview go? Wasn't it today?

Hi ladies! No WO for me tonight...so let's talk about you! :)

Suz-I will make you feel better right away...5'1" and 168 lbs. I would love to take the challenge with you, but I want to finish the strength rotation I am doing. I may join you after another week. How are you keepiing yourself accountable? Are you keeping a food diary? I did see your response the other day about kids and "making peace with it". Thanks for sharing your thoughts...it has been on my mind for a long time. DH says he does not want this to turn into a science experiment...but I feel at our ages a little planning is in order. Trying to compromise...that is what a good marriage is about.

Deb-Wishing you a rain-free Friday! :)

Char-I love that top you bought! Unfortunately only my right boob would fit in it!

Marietta-Nice picturetrail! Are you still competing?

Diane Sue-That top of Charlotte's will look so good on you! Great colors!

Dallys-Yummy, Yummy lunch! That was definitely a "worth it" cheat meal!

Lora-Hope you had a GREAT interview! :) Good going on the Barry's when I checked out the website they looked very tough!

Meg-I am so glad you are around more lately! What does your cousin's cat look like? Any idea what the kittens will look like? How will the boys handle it?

Wow Dallys - I'm no longer worried about you not enjoying yourself at the Macaroni Sin Palace! :p

Lora - Well, I guess it's too late for me to worry about posting it, huh? :) And like Marietta said, it will keep me accountable.

Char - Usually if I go there, it is only a free day. I always wish they would open one where I live, but then again, I'm glad they don't b/c that would make it too easy to go there when I shouldn't. We only go there once or twice a month.

Jen - Jump right in and join me when you're ready if you want to. No food diary, I'm just cutting calories. I'll PM you on why I'm pretty sure it will work and you'll understand completely. :) On the kid thing, I have a friend who is 45 and trying for a baby. She has 3 daughters - 2 in college but married a guy last year who is 37 and has no kids. That was his condition. They are also applying for adoption. She's on her 3rd round of insemination. She's ready to quit, he isn't. Not sure how much longer they'll try that. It's a tough call. When is it unsafe?

Roads were really icy on the way home. I was going so slow and STILL slid a few times. SCARY!!! Winds are still 37mph ad visibility is crap. Wind chill is minus 16 where I live outside of town. Yikes! Where'd spring go?


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France


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