Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Thurs March 1


Morning Maniacs-

Not sure what time I'll be back......gonna go try out one of Barry's Bootcamp interval Treadmill's and maybe get Amped up on some Tae Bo and then cooled out on some yoga! Be back in a bit.
This morning I did Cardio Coach #6 with Candace and had a really excellent workout. I hit this one with each challenge. I got my HR up to 166 at one point which is pretty much my max. Felt GREAT!

Workout was 1:05 was in my zone for 48 minutes and burned 370 calories!
I'm back. I ended up doing Barry's Bootcamp Treadmill cardio from Barry's DVD and Joey's DVD. Barry's was fun....however, I'm not very good at running backwards on the TM. I was mistaken yesterday when I said they run backwards with it off.....they actually run backwards with the TM on a low setting. This will take me some practice. It's relatively hard to stay up at the top of the TM. The Grocery Cart Push was cool....that's the one you do without the TM turned on. I even did the pullups at the beginning (and it's not even a weight day). Barry's cardio segment was only about 16 minutes and then I did Joey's which was 30 minutes but I quit just shy of the end. It was tough. They did sprints and then they did incline drills. My TM only has 2 inclines and you have to get off the TM to adjust it. I did put it up to the next incline and I don't know if I'm ready for that just yet.....really felt it in my back....so I put it back down. I think I will wait until I'm a more "seasoned" runner to try those. Plus, they only increase in 10% increments at a time ....and I've not clue how much mine goes up. I did speed drills instead. Maybe once I get my foot and hip used to running....I can try again.

I also did Tae Bo Amped Core Express 30". Total cardio was 1 hour 20 mintues and I burned 560.

I also did Shiva Rea's Fluid Power yoga - Lunar Segment for Flexibility followed by Rainbeau's Dawn bonus 10 minute practice.

I can't beleive I'm actually sorer today from that SWAT workout than I've been lifting lately......even after doing a Cathe weighted workout. It must be because it's so different than what I'm used to.
The strength workout yesterday has no breaks....so it's continuous lifting and with all of the mountain climbers, squat thrusts.....I feel pretty worked. I'm happy about that. I even got my abs sore doing those weighted jacknives yesterday.

Diane Sue - Thanks for the tip on the Advil. I cut back to 1 in the morning only for the last 3 days and this morning my belly looked so flat that if I had a digital camera, I would have felt good about posting a pic of myself (well -- almost). I don't know if I can go totally off of them though, as my pain is severe without them. At the moment, it's actually worse than usual cuz I've been doing pushups on the floor, pullups which bother my injury. I hope you like your Eion DVD when you get it. IF you ever see Rainbeau's Dawn/Dusk anywhere really cheap, it would still be worth it (I think) as you can't always do harder practices on your rest day, can you?

Deb - Great workout - great calorie burn!! My max HR is up in the 160's also.

Have great workouts everyone. I'm going to eat breakfast and I"ll be going to the grocery store in a little bit.
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Did not workout yesterday. Cleaned the entire house and did all the laundry. I am gonna do Step Blast today and work my shoulders and ab work tonight.

FIL is gonna buy a house down the road from us. Announced this last night. You can amagine my surprise. I tried not to show it. I am happy about this,not just because he will have his own place, but he will be nearby and my dh and children can still have time to go fishing with him, etc. Be able to check in on him as he continues to get older, etc.

Good Morning Ladies!

Well, I am glad some of you got good w/o's this morning!!! Unlike me....I forgot to double check my cell phone last night (actually, I was so tired I fell asleep on the couch). I always set my cell phone alarm; it wakes me up better than a clock! Anyway, my phone was turned off and I slept too long :(

I did a worthless fitv caribbean w/o...big waste of time!!! I think I am going to do the stairmaster in a little bit to make up for it....if my kidos will sit still for a bit!

Maeghan, my kids are 2, 4 (5 in June), and 6 (7 in sept). They keep me busy!!!! And interrupt my sleep!

Better go clean kitchen, start laundry, and try to w/o.

Toasty - FALLS OVER -- I can't believe you're actually doing a STEP workout!!!! I don't see you say that too often. That is one of my favorite Cathe step workouts though. Have fun. Sorry the FIL is back in your house and creating stress in your life (maybe you need to buy more oils .....LOL - any excuse is good -- right?). Are you really okay with him living down the street? Will he be staying at your house a bit too much? I hope not......as I know you like to run around naked (hee..hee).

ETA: I just saw the March rotation......it's an intermediate. I guess I don't have to ask if anyone here's doing it? I don't even know if I'm going to print it. I was hoping for fat loss & definition one incorporating the newer stuff.
Good Morning, today I am doing cardio, abs and some stretching. I slept in today. I am still working to get things transferred to my new laptop. It is really time consuming. Today I have to run errands. I am going to do cardio, abs, and stretching. I won't have a lot of time again as I have errands to run before picking up the grandchildren. Yesterday I did Body Max 2 w/up and cardio segments 1,2,&3 then M&F Hers rotation phase#3, Body Max2 stretch. THis took me 1 hr and 15 minutes.
M&F Hers Phase 3 this is done as a circuit repeated 3 times
Barbell squats 50# 20 reps
pull ups 15 reps
squat jumps 20 reps
overhead dumbbell press 15# dumbbells 20 reps
romanian deadlift 50# 20 reps
decline pushups 20 reps
upright row 15# dumbbells 20 reps
parallel bar dip 15 reps (I use my vkr tower)
weighted jumprope 100 reps
walking lunge 15# dumbbells 40 reps

Lora, I thought I would check Ross again for yoga dvd's. That is where i got the other Rainbeau Mars one and I found RTTC in there.

Sara, I have 5 grandchildren. There ages are 10,9,8,7,&7 :). Thanks.

Sorry, I am absent a lot. I keep glancing over the forums but have not had a lot of time to really read them and do personals. BBL

I think I'm ready to try Barbell rollouts. Can anyone here explain them to me? I know Diane Sue is busy.........I can wait for her if I have to but I thought I'd check.

I love stepping now. Just haven't done it in awhile..stop falling over!!! lol. Actually, I am not stressing at all. I feel pretty darn good about everything and yes, I can still run around naked or not. I will just tell FIL to knock before he comes over. I know he will respect that and not just walk in lest HE FALL OVER! lol

Morning Maniacs! Today will be NROL Break-in workout B. followed by some HIIT. It snowed alittle bit last night. I also have a dentist appointment. Have me a cavity.:(

Lora- Here are some examples of barbell roll outs (scroll down a bit). Be careful! They hurt my back. Even on my knees. But, I know your abs are alot stronger than mine. http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/exercises.php?MainMuscle=Abdominals

Char! I'm so happy you FIL found a house! Being just down the street will be good for DH to keep an eye on him.

Debbie- Great CC workout! You are doing so well with those. I keep doing the short ones. LOL! It's like I can't set my mind to do 5 and up. LOL!

Sara- Sorry you got in a sucky workout. I hate that!

Diane Sue- Looks like another great workout!

Off to the basement...

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Good MOrning Maniacs:)
Today I just did Muscle Max upper body and abs. Wanted to leave my legs alone today because yesterday I did Leg press mania off L&G and went to the gym and did the eliptical for 40 min. I hate being in a hurry but i'm late for work gotta run:(
Dallys & Diane Sue - not sure if those will hurt my back or not. I'm not sure if I should try. Maybe I'll try the foam roller first and then light weight with my knees bent. I'd hate to injure myself. My core/abs are getting so strong that I need new challenging ways to work them. I wish I could do hanging leg raises.
Hi again! Did my workout.

Here goes:

NROL Break-in Workout B

Warm up: one set all exercises no rest
Deadlift 1x15x26
Stepup 1x15x0
DB one arm shoulder press 1x15x8
Close Grip pulldown 1x15x40
reverse crunch 1x20

Workout: rest 60 sec. between exercises and supersets

Deadlift 2x15x48
Stepup 2x15xpurple band
DB one arm shoulder press 2x15x15
Close grip pulldown 2x15x70
Reverse crunch 2x20

Followed by 10 min. run on Treadmill. (6min. HIIT 4mph/6mph)
Followed by 25 min. "Yoga Flow" off of Karen Voights Yoga Sculpting.

Workout was 1hr. 8 min. Listened to Hank Williams Jr. LIVE. Lot's of rock and roll covers on this one.:)

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Hi Maniacs!!

I've been sooooo busy this week.....I so wish I could stay at home and work. But...I can't.

I had a life insurance exam and they weighed me damnit! I ignored it and the next day the doctor weighed me before I had this stupid cyst removed from my neck. It's not wrong!! I've gained 10 pounds since I've been back from vacation. Talk about depressing, how is that even possible????

Since then I've only done an hour of cardio each night...I'm so obsessed I added 30 minutes on in the morning! And you all know how I cannot make it up to work out in the morning. I'm on a friggin mission now.

Tonight, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna do cardio fusion or low max...I should try cardio fusion too! Cardio every single day!!!

DH is trying to quit smoking and I am keeping up with him as far as eating to replace the oral habit!!!

I just spent the last 20 minutes catching up on the last 3 days, I can't believe I haven't been on here since monday!

Char, you look fabulous..I think you have great definition in your back and arms now. I'm even really impressed with the definition in your legs! Wowsy. And...love the avatar pretty momma! I was trying to tell if you were kidding about FIL moving in down the street...figured you were b/c you made no mention of your popping in to tell him hello!!! Hang in there...it's getting better!

Lora...I haven't heard much on the job search, having any luck at all? I'm still hooked on true love!

Sara...you have a stairmaster too heh? I was going to sell mine, but opted to keep it...it's just hard on my knees if I go longer than 30 minutes. FYI...I loved the firm, I still have them all. But if you are using a lot of cathe's...it may be too easy for you. But there are a lot of 4 limb movements...using lower (with step) and upper (w/weights) at the same time.

Suz...my blood pressure is normally very low. 80/40, my pulse runs in the 50's high 40's. I've been told it's normal for me. If you are usually higher than that, like 120's over 70's, then of course that is a big enough change to keep an eye on it. Are you missing DH???? When is your weekend to go see him?

Debbie...more storms are coming I hear! yeah...I downloaded cardiocoach 1 and 2 but haven't tried them yet...I find I like to watch the news in the morning.

Dallys...are you using the band on your step ups with the high step??? I have tried to do that and I can't! I'm not sure if my bands are too short or if it's because I'm so tall...so usually I just use weights.

Diane Sue...new laptop! how nice of DH. That's all I ever use at home and at work. With wireless networking these days...you can go all over the house with it.

Janie..you have a stairmaster too! You must have a fantastic workout room now! I missed one day of feeding on my starter...so I am going to feed it tonight and Friday..then I will have Saturday to work on it. It looks like an all day thing. But I did go out and try to find seminola?? Couldn't find it, found coarse cornmeal though, I hope that works. I have been using white flour but will switch to rye and wheat soon as I just bought some.

Hi to all I missed... back to work. I need to check in more, you ladies make me smile and laugh, adds so much to my day.

Gotta run!

Sorry for the book...can you tell I miss you guys?;) :p

Dallys what is NROL?

Lora..I saw those SWAT workouts in the collage book...I wondered if they were any good. I have to be careful these days...DH is now counting my workout dvd's ...so I started hiding them...I should sell the older ones on E-bay..that might make him happier. I told him...fat wife or fit wife what do you want???? LOL

Just popping in to say hello. Back early from Dr.
Char, you look great BTW.

Mexico looked awesome. jealous.

I am free to resume as normal in 2 weeks.Doc says lookin good. LOL..He said nice.. for 6 weeks.I was hootin.
I joined the gym. Need the machines for now with the lifting and i need out of the house more. Nice change. My legs are fried today.Just hated the waiting game. Couple ladies hogging the smith machine for over an hour.I can lift alot more like this and watch the upper body..Take a few classes and socialize some. My best friend from high school goes for the classes. I am going to join her.

Diane, Sue, Deb, Suz, Dallys, Amber, Janie and everyone i missed.
Back to work.

Take care ladies....

Take care
Back from the dentist. That was sure fun. The drill sounds were creeping me out and the stareing at paint on the walls was very diturbing. They painted the ugliest "pea green soup" color ever created and didn't even bother to take the nails outta the walls! I kept thinking of that "Seinfeld" episode. You know, the one where Jerry wakes up and his shirt is untucked, and the Dentist and assistant are adjusting their clothes. LOL!

Amber- Yes, I use the bands for the Stepup. I'm 5' 5" So, I'm shorter than you. My bands are 6ft. I've seen at some sporting good stores where you can buy it off a roll and get the length you want.
NROL is "New rules of lifting" a book by Lou Shuler and Alwyn Cosgrove. Really enjoying it so far. http://www.amazon.com/New-Rules-Lifting-Maximum-Muscle/dp/1583332383 To make you feel alittle better, it's seems some others of us here are feeling the fat thing. Must be a virus goin' round. LOL!

Anne-What workouts are you doing at the gym? Sounds like fun!

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