Finished my workout and had to go pick up my grandson from school because he is not feeling well. I am just getting around to eating. Good thing Ii had my protein powder and coffee this am. I did Amy's Kickbox Extreme then the Muscle and Fitness legs and calves workout.
MEF rotation all with 1 minute rests
squat bowflex 200# 8 reps 3 sets
leg press 310# 12 reps 3 sets
dumbbell lunge 35# dumbbells 8 reps 3 sets
leg extensions bowflex 200# 8 reps 3 sets
lying leg curl bowflex 100# 8 reps 3 sets
standing calf raise 35# dumbbells 15 reps 2 sets
leg press calf raise bowflex 310# 20 reps 2 sets
seated calf raise 95# barbell 20 reps 2 sets
Welocme to the check in Teddy Girl
Lora, I had pulled out the cc rotation and a couple of Cathe's that I was going over but, had put them away when we had company the other day. I will get back to you with it. I have to go to the desk top computer to send the CC one. I change up my cardio once in awhile. It does stay around 1 hour most of the time. Once in awhile I will up the time too just for the shock the body benefit. When I did the M&F Hers rotation I lowered to around 40 minutes a day. Another method I have used that was beneficial was alternating weeks of concentrated heavy weight work and shorter intense cardios with the following week endurance and longer cardios.
Julie, it looks like your trainer put you through a tough workout
Debbie, I bet you will be ready for getting back into the workouts. After the two days I was feeling pretty energetic.