Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Thurs 4-8

Linda, I am so sorry about the bunny. Did you get this one from the same place? I wonder why? Were you just feeding it rabbit food? I know raw potatoes are poison to rabbits. Ours ate lots of veggies. He could nibble raisins but we couldn't let him have too many.

- No, the first one came from my neighbor and the second one came from the pet store. I was only feeding it rabbit food & timothy hay.:confused:
Linda, maybe it was just bad luck. Harvey was the only bunny I ever purchases and he did great. There are people that do nothing but breed rabbits. Harvey was a lop eared bunny. Although the ears were lopsided LOL I wonder if the variety makes a difference. Harvey liked the Timothy Hay. I switched to alfalfa once in awhile for a change but I think Timothy Hay was his preference. Was funny to watch him play and rearrange his crate.

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