Hi Peeps!
This morning I woke up with that nagging migraine again. Now wasn't I just saying how I hadn't had one in AGES???
I should have said, "Knock on wood." It's that same one that won't go away but this morning it was worse. So I took Imitrex and went back to sleep. It's about 80% gone I think. I have no energy though b/c of the Imitrex. So I just did a deep treatment on my hair and read Us magazine. I'm all caught up on Hollywood.
I'm going to go sew now.
Storm - No, it's a different dress. I had to stop working on it when I started on that other dress for Halloween. But this one required so many alterations so it's been taking forever. I'm not sure I'm going to like it in the end. But we'll see.
Diane Sue - Have fun on your ride.
Randi - Have a great workout. I'm not sure if you ever saw my post, but I'm keeping you in my prayers. Hang in there! I'm glad you're talking about it and that you're getting help. You're very brave.
Lora - I know you're not happy about your hours right now. That would be tought to get used to. I just heard about all of those people that Chrysler (was that the car dealer?) is laying off, so maybe that will help you to see your job in a different light. That sort of thing always makes me sooooo thankful to have my job and I really try to remember that on days when it really sucks.
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France