Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Sunday Dec 30

I ended up doing Spinning - Crank It Up interval spinning workout. Workout was 65" and I burned 563 calories. I also did Yoga Inside Out - The Healing Way 65".

Have great workouts or rest days everyone. I don't want to go back to work tomorrow.......bummer!
I'm taking the day off. Still cramping pretty bad. Going out to lunch and do some shopping with DH. Got some gift cards I need to burn! :)

Hope you all have a great day!
do you guys workout if you are sick? I have body aches flim and all that good stuff:( I workout yesterday but just did back shoulder and abs but barely had the strength
Randi if you are sick, skip it..
No w/o today ladies. Had to go out with the DH fam last night and MIL is nasty beeotch and kept making mean comments about the GSon. I put down one too many and am paying here.. Better than ringing her neck. Or telling an old lady off...Is the holiday over yet??
I just want to stay home and enjoy my own family..
Told the Dh never again..

Venting... WELL happy shopping and rest days..
I need some more asprin...
and a nap...


Hey Maniacs!!!

Did a 20 mile bike ride yesterday..weather was about 70 so I took advantage of it. Gonna do my challenge circuit today. Still at 120 pounds..go figure. My eating has been on track too.


I would not workout if you don't feel well. I don't work out when I don't feel well..listen to your body and get the rest.
Hey Maniacs! I've spent a week in total sloth and loved every minute of it!}( Ate like a pig. Workouts have been Potato chips curls and cookie crunches and wide grip cheese ups. Cardio consisted of very intense intervals of reaching for the remote, you know the drill. But, now it's time to get back to "real life" darnit! I plan on continueing with P90X and the "+" as soon as I get it. I've got to get the eating under control pronto! All I want to eat is sugar...salt...sugar...salt...sugar...salt...rinse and repeat 200 times... I kid you not!

Char- Glad you already bought P90X+! I was just going to tell you to buy it.:) I'm excited that the ab workout uses the pullup bar and has knee raises and other way cool stuff.:)

Anne- Your posts crack me up! I feel for you having to deal with the Monster-in-law!!

Randi- I wouldn't workout if you are sick. You'll just be a sick person working out and getting zero benefit from it. Your body will just hate you for it and keep you sick longer.:+

Lora- Nice workout! Sucks to go back to work.:(

Debbie- Enjoy your rest day and I hope you start feeling better.

[font face="script" color=magenta size=+2]*~Dallys~*[/font]

Good Afternoon Maniacs,

Today is a rest day for me! Wish I would have gone to bed earlier, that way I would of caught up on some sleep. No instead I stayed up later and end up with the same amount :-( .

Anne - sorry about the run in with your MIL. My get together with DH's family isn't till next weekend. MY MIL is okay she's actually kinda goofy, it's my SIL that drives me crazy! She doesn't like me, she thinks she is better than I am, to her I am nothing more that a dumb hick!

Randi - I do workout when I am sick, but I am an idiot!:p Seriously, I will workout through a cold, but only if it isn't really bad, more just annoying. If I feel really bad or I am not getting better I stop!

Enjoy your day, everyone!

Someone beat me here..I feel like crap. My mom defrosted a turkey and had to go get it. Guess i am having turkey again.. Lunches all week..

Went to the store for a few things. They had no smoothies. I like the lite n fit ones. What the heck..

Char, i ordered the p90 x . I must be nuts. I got the pull up bar. DH has one on his bench, but it is in the other room. I am gonna give it a shot. The price was right anyways.
When you ladies are ready , i am .After i get it.
How about you Dallys??Diane Sue ordered..
Char, he has a 30 min yoga out. I saw it on e-bay. I may get it.
My flexibility stinks..
I am good for skipping the warm ups and cool downs to save time.
Just get to the work.
Maybe i can get sdome cardio in later after i drink another gallon of water.
NO more alcohol for me here.. I give it up totally...
Was fun at the moment. LOL..
Anyone try the new progresso soup? It is a vegetable barly . Low in cal and no weight watchers points.. Really good.Nice n lite.

Deb, what kind of new HRM did you buy??
I do think it is the ipod messing with them..


Today is my rest day. I think I need it. I coughed a lot last night. I would have worked out anyway though but I usually have one rest day a week. I just made the Red Pepper Kale Saute from Muscle and Fitness Hers for my lunch. It was pretty good. I got my email from Beach Body yesterday that my P90X + has shipped:D I may start with a week of the classic rotation since I do not know how they plan on these fitting in. I have been sort of thinking about doing one of the recovery weeks but adding more cardio till they get here. Not sure how I want to do this.

Randi, I work out when I am sick unless I am running a high temp or feeling extremely nauseated. You will probably get better more quickly if you take a rest though.

Anne, is Toni's 30 minute yoga on one of his other sets??

Charlotte, that is great that you ordered too:)

Well ladies we might have to see if we are all gonna do P90X together or not. I am still finishing up my Toasty rotation.

I just finished up my Challenge Circuit. My energy level is near 0 today. I would say....maybe 2. I still had a good workout though. I need to work abs this evening.

Here is what I did:

Pushups 20/17
DB Flyes w/30's 10x's and repeated 2nd time around
Lat Pulldowns (dropped to 70) and did 12x's twice
One Arm Rows with 40's, sets of 10 and twice
Walking Lunges with 40# db's 25x's and then did static lunges with 15# db's and 12x's each leg
DB Curls with 30's 10x's and twice around
Plie Squats with 45# DB 4 sets of 15 pulsating squats
Lying Tricep Ext with 15's and 12x's twice round
Did a few Imax 2 blast after first time around and then just did some tuck jumps and airborne jacks on my own


You sound like me with workouts. I sometimes skip the warmups and always skip the cooldowns. I cool down by throwing myself on the bed and staying there. lol.
Anne & Char - I am with you. I am horrible at skipping the Cool downs. I do next to no stretching and it shows! :p

Hey Peeps!

My dad is hogging my computer! I think I mentioned DH loaded Photoshop CD's on them so my dad sits in MY spot on the couch :p with MY laptop all day long. I'm glad he's occupying his mind though.

As much as I do not want to go back to work on Wednesday, I'm looking forward to having a routine again. Working out regulary and eating better. My poor body doesn't know what has happened!

I hope you are all well. I miss you guys! By reading today's posts it looks like I better order P90X+ (since I was so dedicated this last round to P90X!). :)

My dad is here another week, but maybe I'll have a few minutes to pop in from work. Although since I've been off since the 14th, that may be wishful thinking!

Oooo - I saw AND heard the g-h-o-s-t!!! just before my dad got here. Freaky!!! He doesn't believe in them. He's an athiest, so I guess he doesn't believe in any kind of after life. So sad. :( This Saturday if the weather ever clears up (we have total white out conditions right now - can't even see your hand in front of your face outside), we're going to go to Estes Park, CO where the Stanley Hotel is. :)

Later gators!


We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. -- Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)

I forgot to add I did...

Overhead presses with 20# db's and 10x's both times around
Lateral Raises with 10# db's and 10x's both times around

Then did a dance workout with my daughter and I am guessing burned 200 cals with that. Lots of fun. The spaghetti for dinner must have given me the xtra energy.
I've been sleeping all day . Thanks for the adivice girls. I agree with you i couldnt put 100% into it if I worked out today. I'm now losing my voice;(
Have a great night

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