Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Sunday Dec 3


Calm down sista! You are no freak show ((((HHEEEELLLOOO))) This is not bash yourself night. You are working it hard...what more can you do. Time will kiss your pretty butt and you will get the results you want. It is coming. Now ssshhhh. I don't want to hear anymore about what was...what is coming sounds better. Go Anne..Go Anne!!!!!

Dallys- competition shape?? LOL!!!! Probably not, but thank you.

Char- I honestly never paid as much attentin to my back as everywhere else. Probably cuz I can't see it. I need to incorporate more work for it and re-take that pic in a month or so.

Anne-- YEP! That is what King sized whoppers and double order onion ring and huge soda from burger king EVERY day will do to ya!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums

I know Anne. WHy can't we find people like this close by?? Sucks. But at least we have each other here to share stuff with.

Even though there isn't a whole lot of def on my back, atleast it isn't all fat anymore like in the above before pic LOL!! That is an accomplishment huh? LOL!! I just love that you can see my collar bone in the other pic! It went missing for about 2 years!! LOL!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums


No one around here wants to workout. Stuff their faces with donuts and then run for a few miles during lunch break and think that will get them somewhere. This is what one of the ladies did that I use to work with. Never get anywhere like that. She was very flabby. I wonder why? lol. I wish we all did live closer. Can you imagine how MUCH MORE we would motivate each other. I would love it!!!

Meg - awesome transformation! You have come a long way! Your shoulders look good, you're getting there. Definition will come, just keep on lifting heavy and eat right! :) Thanks for sharing!
Hi everyone, today is my rest day and we have been very busy. I still have things to catch up around here after helping dd move and watching my grandchildren overnight. I just wanted to stop in and say hi.

Anne, you have done a great job. You can really see how hard you have been working with your before picture.

Meahgan, nice pic.

Lora, as far as changing your lower body workout, I really like to do Super Sets lower blast. If you have time you could add in the floorwork from Push Pull using mix and match for a couple of times. You should have a little time for some abs if you want. I don't have my notebook with me but I know at least the weight work on SS lower blast is around 28 minutes. I will get back to you on others. There is also Gym Style timesaver legs.

Did a 40 mile bike ride with 6 others. The temp when we started was low 30's but got better. We might have hit 40 when we finished. It was much more comfortable at near 40 degrees. Was a good ride, though. 2 guys asked me today how I'm staying in such good cycling shape for this time of year. I tell them Cardio Coach.

Maeghan, love your pictures! You are doing fabulous and with 2 kids to boot and all that you do. Very admirable. Good that you are doing it while you are young. I didn't start working out until about 3 years ago and am now 48 years old. Mostly I just rode horses before that and kind of watched what I ate.

Maeghan or anyone else: How do you post pictures in your post (instead of on Picture Trail). I'm not having any luck getting into my picture trail as I changed email addesses since I last posted and also can't remember my password. I've emailed them to see if they can help. I'd like to post a picture like Maeghan did of me before P90X, just to lay it on the line.

Dallys, the cold weather gear for riding does cost but is soooo worth it and lasts a long time. Most of what I have is a few years old and gotten lots of use. Today was a balaclava AND ear warmer day. Face gets pretty cold. The booties are a MUST and so are the lobster gloves for me. I like to ride all winter at a lesser intensity and hit it harder in the spring. A lot of people just quit during the winter and then have to make up all that fitness in the spring. Whatever floats their boats, I guess.

Suz, so glad you are back safe and sound. I was getting worried. I hate driving in the ice. I really hate white outs even more. Hard for me to want to go forward when I can't see in front of me. Are you ready to bring it tomorrow? Bet your DH, dogs and birds were happy to see you again. Suz, you keep your house much cooler than ours. We have a woodstove and DH likes to burn that wood up. I'm usually opening doors and windows and he's turning the logs over to make more heat! I tell him to put some clothes on and he tells me to take some off! Minus 4 degrees???? Brrrrrrr.........

Randi, I liked Cardio Fusion and really sweated with that one. Lots of variety. Hope you meet someone nice. Glad you are feeling better.

Anne, I like jalepenos too! Hope your cold stays away. How did the picture taking go?

Char, gingerbread house? How fun. I haven't done one single bit of decorating yet. Probably next weekend and get a tree then too. Need to buy a permit and go out with the rest of the family and cut trees. We usually bring something to keep warm around (peppermint schnapps and hot chocolate,LOL), a smudge pot, some goodies and it's lots of fun. That cracks me up that that man thought you were a little kid without a helmet. Girl, you need to wear a helmet!!! I'm scared to look at tomorrow's workout, but I'll be there. I haven't done the fit test yet.

Hi Diane Sue, hope your rest day was productive, cuz I know you probably weren't resting much. Glad I didn't hear of anyone falling down with all the ice.

How on earth am I to keep up with all of you Chatty Cathes? :) My goodness you all have so much to say.

DH took my before pics. I'm NOT posting them, just so you all know. Before pics are SUCH good motivators. Lora - I am officially the fattest one here now.

Maybe I'll post some at the end when I post after pics. I had a talk with DH tonight about not always trying to get me to cheat. He isn't trying to sabotage me or anything, he just likes to have fun and enjoy baaaad food and it doesn't give him the ill effects (gaining weight) like it does me. So he doesn't think about it. I told him that he can still eat junk when he wants but I'm just gonna say no. He said he'd be good too. So we'll see if he sticks to it. We're on vacation together starting Dec. 15th until the first of the year. That will be the real test. We aren't going anywhere. Just hanging around home and that can be tough! But I'm determined.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Suz, I did good with P0X because I followed phase one of the diet throughout most of the whole 90 days. DH was gone though and I did not keep much other than what I needed. Snacks for grandchildren were a lot of dips and fruits and vegetables. I am sure your dh is not trying to jeapardize your endeavors. Letting him know should work out fine. Even when we went to eat if it was a shrimp or chicken dish I looked at ingredients in P90X and picked up something similar from the menu. I did cheat a few times throughout when he came home to visit or I was out eating. I even took the P90X dvd's with me to Cancun and did the recovery week which is shere I planned it:7

Suz, I did good with P0X because I followed phase one of the diet throughout most of the whole 90 days. DH was gone though and I did not keep much other than what I needed. Snacks for grandchildren were a lot of dips and fruits and vegetables. I am sure your dh is not trying to jeapardize your endeavors. Letting him know should work out fine. Even when we went to eat if it was a shrimp or chicken dish I looked at ingredients in P90X and picked up something similar from the menu. I did cheat a few times throughout when he came home to visit or I was out eating. I even took the P90X dvd's with me to Cancun and did the recovery week which is shere I planned it:7

Thanks for your encouraging words Diane Sue. I guess I better look at the nutrition plan they sent me. I was going to just do Body for Life. But isn't Phase I of P90X higher protein? That's great that you planned your recovery week for Cancun. I was going to do that whether it was my recovery week or not but now we have decided this Feb. won't be good for Mexico, but if we end up having to go back to my dad's again, I'll definitely take my P90X recovery week dvd! I'm hoping to get to finish the whole 90 days here though.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France


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