Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Sunday Dec 3

Afternoon Maniacs!!

Today is my rest day. It is cold here today. Just finished putting Gingerbread house together and my dd and boyfriend are doing the rest. My son doesn't seem interested in helping so far.


I ordered both the new oils. I have about $3 in my paypal account. WOOHOO!!!! lol. I hope I like the Wolf Moon. Alittle worried about the pine notes, but looks like the other notes are good so you never know. I am wearing Mum Moon today since I don't have bitter...whine. x( I like my Demon of Vanity of shirt too. What size did you get? Don't think we are seeing any movies today. Doesn't seem much out that we want to see...maybe cuz we seen them all.:p So what Salon blends did you get? I will check my email.

BTW, awesome calorie burn. Good gosh! If we ever meet to go to a concert, don't get me to do a cardio session with you..please!!!!! I will just die.


Sorry to hear your not feeling well. Hope you get better soon. Chicken Broth?


Guess I need to do my fit test today too. Ready to rock? I don't know about taking pre pictures. I take pictures so much that everyone knows what I look like...no one can forget! lol.


Pizza and a movie sound sweet! Hope your children start to feel better. I got your emails and will now get a chance to respond. I didn't know you were in the military. No wonder you do both Imaxes together!!!! That explains it! Good workout today!


Good for you for still riding in the cold weather. You motivate the heck out of me with that. Now I want to ride. I don't have the fancy gear for it though. I would look like a little preppy girl riding with my furry hoodie. Actually, I was thought to be a little girl riding one day and a man complained to a friend because I wasn't wearing a helmet that day. So funny.

I just glimpsed over the workout for tomorrow and swallowed hard. There are going to be alot of pushups. Stuff called Lawnmowers, etc. So we are all going to turn into bionic maniacs?


You gone up in your squats? Way to go! You still trying to work in negative fashion though? This way really burns. My biceps are STILL sore. Have fun today!


I am in the magazine???? I got to check it out. Actually was thinking of sending my picture. Sorry to hear about all the bad weather and such. Be careful. Ready to go tomorrow?


What is the december rotation? Leaning out, bulking? Have fun with it. Nice to switch up.


Hey there!

Ok, you gotta see this pic. 3 years ago in the summer. I was a cow.
This is when i said enough... My fitness pic's. Of course , we just got out of bed at the beach... I look really bad, but my legs and face were enormous!!!I look oh, my old and fat.Gags me...I am going to run 10 miles and throw up now....

Oh, my!!!
Aka( Storm)


Are you ready for this. Embarrasing...
Aka( Storm)


Oh my! Your legs are so much thinner now. They are gorgeous! I don't think you look like a cow though in that picture, but you should be very proud of your progress made already. I have my own pictures I don't like from years ago. Now we are all superheroes here!!! Are you ready for January boobs?

Bionics or anyone else that can help...

I am doing the fit test from P90X. Question..toe touches and inches? Don't get this. I can touch my toes with the top of my finger tips...what does it mean by inches..measure from where to where?
Found out too I am eating exactly the right amount of cals too...but I pretty much already knew that or I would be gaining weight or losing and not maintaining like I am.

ETA: I also measured. Boy, am I out of proportion. My right thigh measures 21 inches and my left 21 1/2. My right are 12 inches and my left 11 1/2. Anyone else have weird measurements? My chest measures the same when I was 12. lol.

Oh yes i was...I weighed more ther than 9 months pregenant...
I went from 109-159. I was 163 there, and fat and flabby.
I am ready and scared of the pain from boobs and not being able to w/o for a while. I am planning a grocery list of foods to keep it off an maybe loose more. I am trying hardm right now to loose the last 15#.I used to have boobs. Now it is like padded bras.
6 weeks. I have been on the implants by nicole site chatting. very informative.Biggest fear is capsualar contraction.If i listen and don't get an infection i should be ok.
New bathing suits this year...LOL...
I am gonna be Diane Sue, hot grandma if i die doing it. No lipo though. I will do it with hard work.
Can't fix the wrinkles and boobs on my own.LOL...

Char, you probably don't stretch enough, but you should pass the fit test with no prob.
I hop you build some muscle. I build, but have a hard time loosin the fat over it. I can see the muscle under it.It takes time.
My goal is 125. I will get there. People tell me . You are too skinny. I say yeah right....

Aka( Storm)

Hi guys..

Char...0 is if you touch your toes, I believe. I haven't measured yet..., DH is home now and excited for picture time. LOL.

Anne, simply amazing transformation! Careful with the boobs...I've often wondered if it was worth it. Especially now waiting on lump results.

Welcome back Suz, I'm psyched for p90x with ya!

hope to be back later, just threw 6 loaves of banana bread and vege chile on, so it may be awhile, especially if I have to give rewards after pictures. hehe

Toasty - I just emailed you. You mean you can't put your palms flat on the floor!! My palms are flat when I'm not warmed up and when warmed up, I can even bend my elbows and stretch more!! I guess you didn't like the Namaste Yoga you tried ?? I see you stopped trying it. I haven't tried my Namaste yet. What didn't you like about it? I still want bottles of Great He Goat, Lantern Ghost and Les Anges Duges (or whatever it is). Did you see the new Salon Blends? The one with caramel sounds divine. (I got the Venus & Cupid one and the Sabbath ...whatever it is blend -- first one with the caramel).

We went to see Casino Royale - the new James Bond movie. It was actually good. I really liked the new bond....he is like the Rebel Bond!! I didn't like the way he looked when I first saw him, but he did a good job and the plot was well done. We enjoyed it. Not bad!!

Anne - I hardly think you look like a cow in that picture.
Oh Amber. I have really reasearched. I am doing cohisive gells. Just had a mamogram. I am fine. Doesn't run in the fam. Calcium is very common. My 1/2 sis's mom died from breast cancer. It is scary. If the big guy wants me i will be there w/nice boobs... LOL...
Thanks. I need a good photo w/clothes and makeup. I look bad....
Good luck on the x girls...
Banana bread mmmmm. MAkin me hungry. Time to do some steamers....Veggie...

Aka( Storm)


WHAT??? I didn't know there was new salon blends. Just thought you were getting some old stuff. I just spent $41.50...I can't spend anymore or I will get it!!!!lol. I will check it out. Got to now. lol
It is not that I don't want to do Namaste. I just get on here and start yacking and forget it is on FitTV. If I can remember, I will do it. Got to get in the habit of it. I believe P90X has plenty of yoga though. Yeah, just can get my finger tips to toes. So I suck with stretching, but give me til Feb and I will be doing back flips? Alrighty then, will check email.


Shut up!!!! You do not look bad in that picture. Have you seen my before butt picture. I cringe. Think of where you are now. Don't go back. Think of where you are gonna be, Storm and make the men blow over when you walk on by! That is what I am talking about...WOO HOO!!!!! lol


Thanks. Now I feel dumb.

Anne - Yes, I think it's good enough to own. Again, I just love the way they are going off in the direction with him being sort of a rebel. I always loved the bad boys!! I can't wait to see pic's after you get your boobs done. I've always wanted them.....but I'll never get them. Don't have the money and the DH would never let me!
Toasty - you best look again - there's an entire second set of Salon's that went up today - as well as Shub Niggurath! It was made a catalog blend....previously a LE....it's gingery goodness. I ordered a bottle of Shub also.....but I still want Great He Goat, Lantern Ghost and Les Anges Duges!! I must find money!

Re: Heart Rate Monitors - mine counts the calories from the time you start until the end - so it goes thru the warm up and cool down. I know some of the other models only count the calories you burn once your HR goes above 100. Mine's not like that....maybe that's why I get higher calorie burns.
Hi Suz! Good to see you back! Glad you got home safely.

Anne - great pic!

Char - No, I'm not doing negatives anymore. I may add them in here and there to change it up, but I'm off that for a while.

Where's Diane Sue today?
Hey guys. Alright, here is one pic. It was today after WO. Please don'tmind the hair and no makeup. Dont' be frightened. LOL!
Not sure what I think about the back. Not really much to see I guess. Not much def. Do my shoulders look to big??? Not sure....


Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums


Your shoulders are nice. I would like mine to be bigger. More definition will come soon. You look fabulous with or without makeup! I can see your sweat from the back! lol.

Meag, you look great...
You are right where i am girl. Trying to shed a little more to see the muscle.( It is under there) I can see and feel it!!!
Your shoulders are not too big...
Give me a bicep and i betcha you got some muscle girl..
Look how FAR YOU HAVE COME!!!!!
Be proud...You are the s**it!!!
Look how fat i was... No makeup, just out of bed.
I looked like a freak show....Come see the fat woman...

Aka( Storm)

Hey Crazies! I've learned I can't go into a workout blind. Because I ended up at CostcoX! LOL! Anyhoos, no workout for me today. I promise my week of sloth is over. I am a maniac for crying out loud! I did get my tree up, so today wasn't a total loss.

Anne oh Anne- I've got my scary pictures too. I think *Who the He!! is that" LOL! Then I realize it's ME! You need to keep it and always remember how it made you feel. You look so good now. You should be proud. I used to have boobs too. I wonder where they went. At least I still have a handful. LOL!

Char- just remember you can reach your toes and at the end see how far past you can go. I got to where I could use the block like one girl on there, except I used it the short way, not the long way. You'll know what I mean when you do the workout. I never did a fit test, I just asummed (sp?) I was fit. DOH! LOL! Oh! I'm crocked too! My right arm is bigger than my left, as is my right boob! LOL! Oh, and my right hand, etc. It goes on and on. I probably have more hair on the right side of my head too. LOL!

Meg- at the rate you are going you will be in competition shape! Love the pics! I don't think your shoulders look to big at all. I think they are looking quite nice.:) YOu look tons better than I do after a workout. I'm very scary!

Hi Lora and Debbie- and Yeah, where is Diane Sue!?

Well off to cook some artichokes.:9


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