Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Sat Dec 15


Morning Maniacs -

This morning I'm going to do a bit of light cardio and yoga. Be back later. Sorry I missed checking in yesterday, but I was running late in the morning, but I did work out. I did Michele Dozois' Best Body Circuit.

Be back later.
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

I NEED MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. I might have to sell off my perfumes. Gosh. There are no jobs around here lately. Never called back for the waitress job so I am trying to figure something out instead of stress.

In the meantime, I have decided to switch things around. I am gonna start doing cardio/weights every day. Elliptical in the morning and weights later in the day, 5 days a week and take off on weekend. The weekends are tricky most times to get in workout when dh likes to go out for breakfast and then other places, and I enjoy being with him and doing more things with him so if I use weekends for rest days I will not stress and have to fight to get in my workouts.

Well waiting for snow, but I think it will be ice. I have to listen to weather report.

I am gonna get on elliptical this morning and do weights/abs later in day. I already rested yesterday so I need to tweak this week til I get established with my new plan of working out.
I ended up doing Patrick's Step My Way - 52" and burned 407 calories.....or should I say "tried" to do it. He's a bit too complex for me. I'll probably put this away and try it again when I'm not learning a new job. I also did Yoga for Weightloss and Removing Toxins 75" and I hated the instructor and I was in a hurry cuz I have a ton of stuff to do....so I'll have to try that at another time also.

Toasty - That sounds like a good plan with your workouts. I know you like spending time with your DH. Hopefully, you'll find a job soon.........but believe me, I know how you feel. I'm still looking even though I'm working right now. I"m not sure this job I'm at is the one for me. Plus I"m only a temp and not even sure they'll keep me.

Have great workouts or rest days everyone. I'm off to eat breakfast soak in the tub and we're going to the $1 movie's later.

We are going to see I am Legend tomorrow, if we can get out.
I use to temp before and it is o.k when your in a jam. I like something long standing like you. It is nice when you find the right job and with people you enjoy working with as you feel like your part of a team that way...so if your boss is no good then you can "team" up on he/she. lol
Morning Maniacs,

Well, I put a huge dent in my Christmas shopping last night and felling much more relaxed today! I shopped for 5 hours straight on nothing more than water and some 88% dark chocolate. This getting to bed every night at midnight is killing me, but somehow I am still managing to drag myself out of bed at 6:30 to do my workout.

This morning was supersets of of shoulders and traps.

Dumbbell Military Press
12/12/12 25's
Barbell Shrugs
15/15/15 100#

Plate Front Raises
12 27 1/2#
12/12 25#
Overhead Shrugs
12 60#
12/12 55#

Lateral Raise
15/15/15 10's
12/12 15's
12 12's

Then added CTX Step and Intervals, for the chocolate and eating so late when I got home. Guess I am back out today to finish up and then I need to bake cookies for a cookie exchange.(hope I can behave)


Wow, what a difference a few hundred calories make. I had so much energy this morning and I feel awesome. I had a great total body workout. However, it seems the weight it starting to come on again. I've gained 4# in the last two weeks. But that's ok. I usually hover around 130# in the winter so I'm on schedule and I'm not going to stress about it.

Seems my dh fixed my Imara HRM. I wore it today and it kept track and didn't lose beats at all. I'll wear it tomorrow when I do cardio and that will be the ultimate test. My fingers are crossed.

High reps today. Killer! I am really loving this rotation, it is my all time favorite. This is what I did:

[font color=green]2 min. rest between each set[/font]

[font color=indigo]BACK[/font]
Incline Pullovers:
35# - 15/15/15
[font color=blue]***Love pullovers. These feel really good on an incline.[/font]

[font color=indigo]CHEST[/font]
Incline Dumbbell Flyes:
30's - 15/15/15
[font color=blue]***I was hoping my shoulder wouldn't pop doing these since it's been a while since I've done them but no such luck. My right shoulder popped the whole time.[/font]

[font color=indigo]QUADS[/font]
85# - 15/15/15
[font color=blue]***Went to parellel and these felt great. Especially in my glutes. Hope to be sore there tomorrow.[/font]

[font color=indigo]BICEPS[/font]
Incline Alternating Dumbbell Curls:
20's - 15/15/15
[font color=blue]***By the third set I was really struggling. I love this exercise.[/font]

[font color=indigo]TRICEPS[/font]
Overhead Dumbbell Extension:
35# - 15/15/15
[font color=blue]***Really concentrated on the upward movement. My triceps are already sore.[/font]

[font color=indigo]SHOULDERS[/font]
Lateral Raise:
15's - 15/15/15
[font color=blue]***Third set was a struggle. These felt awesome, though.[/font]

[font color=indigo]CALVES:[/font]
Calf work from LIS. This is my new favorite calf workout by Cathe! Used 30's for the weighted section.

[font color=red]
HRM showed:
1:06 min. total
6 min. 29 seconds in zone (LOL!)
190 calories burned

That is all...

Char - Sorry to hear there are no jobs out there. You'll find something. I like your idea of your cardio/weight workouts.

Linda - Nice workout girl! You are doing awesome with that rotation. I take Vitamin C to keep away the bad viruses. And also, I've read Vitamin C also helps with muscle growth but I'm not so sure how true that is.

Lora - Great workout and nice calorie burn. I so envy your calorie burns.

Sandy - Happy Birthday!!! :)

I hope Diane Sue is ok too. Can't believe we haven't heard from her yet.

Going to take my mom out to lunch. PIZZA!!! Hope you all have a great workout and a great Saturday!
Hey Maniacs! Finished up Core Synergistics. I'm finally feeling stronger in the core area, but still need to make lots of improvements.:) Dh made huveos rancheros for breakfast.:9 I ate half and will eat the other half soon.

It is strange that Diane Sue hasn't posted yet. I wonder how long she'll be out of power. It's been days...I sure hope she and her family are safe.

Lora- Great going on the workouts! I hope you do find another job that you like better.

Char- I've been doing cardio almost every morning and my regular weight stuff later. It's been working out great. I still workout on weekends, but it'd be nice to not have to feel the need to get those in, as weekends get busy. Be careful if you get the ice storm!

Linda- Great workout! I have'nt done any shopping yet.:eek:

Debbie- Great that upping the calories is giving you more energy. I know your body is happy about that!

Suz How's your vacation treating you? I'm jeolous you are already off.

Later crazies!
[font face="script" color=magenta size=+2]*~Dallys~*[/font]

Hey Maniacs!!!

I decided to go with Cardio Coach #6 Candace. I started out with the first 5 sprints in red zone instead of orange because I have to close my eyes and just do my thing so when I opened my eyes, I noticed I pushed farther so when I got towards end of the entire workout I was the closest I have ever been to puking, but now I FEEL MIGHTY FINE!!! lol.


Average pace during sprints 13.5mph
Calories Burned: 315
Miles Traveled: 4.4

Now I am gonna do ab ripper and some shoulder work. Probably won't be back on much...family hogs computer.

Meals :

Meal 1: Kelloggs Protein Plus cereal
Meal 2: Protein bar with yogurt and pieces of apple mixed in
Meal 3: Chicken sandwich, spinach salad, orange, cup of chicken noodle soup
Meal 4: Protein Shake
Meal 5: Teriyaki Beef Stir Fry with brown rice
Hi Ladies!

This morning I did CC#7 again. I know, I'm in a rut. I was going to do an old Step Reebok workout, but I wanted a really good calorie burn since we were going to the Macaroni Sin Palace today. :)

I was watching Fox News earlier and they were showing Oklahoma City and saying that there are still so many people without power. I had the volume down though since I was doing CC so I don't know how long they said before people were back up. Poor Diane Sue. :(

Char - I hope you can find a job soon. Your new workout plan sounds like a good one.

Lora - We missed you yesterday.

Debbie - I'm glad you're not freaking out about your weight. You're smart to know where you need to be. You work out so faithfully and so hard that you know what to do. What is it that you do in the spring to drop it (you mentioned it the other day)?

Linda - Way to go with getting to bed so late but still getting in those amazing workouts!

Dallys - My vacation is already speeding by. You know how it goes! But we're loving it. And my dad will be here before I know it and then I'll be heading back to work. We always say how fast time flies. We have Cheyenne Frontier Days here every summer (which we hate but it's huge) and we always say that before you know it, it will be Cheyenne Frontier Days and then Christmas. And it's so true! Are you getting excited about your trip?

Off to sew...and maybe watch a movie. We watched The Nativity Story last night. Loved it. :) I've always read about it, and all the surrounding stories in the Bible, but something about seeing it played out was kinda cool.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France


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