Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Monday Nov 6

I just got home not too long ago. Found two cavities so I stayed and had them taken care of while I was there. I cannot take novacaine so they gave me something else. Wasn't bad though. I don't mind getting drilled! lol. My children did not have cavities. I am not sure how this happened. I don't eat bad and barely any sugar.

I got to get ready to workout now

Talk to ya'll later.

Suz- thanks for explainin' the doggy class thing. Yes, Viper is more UB, I jsut happen to really like ME. But Imax Extreme and Gauntlet are surely more cardio. Not to confuse you more or anything.:p

DS- Great WO, and I bet you are having a wonderful time with those pups. I would love to have some doggies here, but I don't have the time to house train with all the kiddies. But, my DH and I have been discussing looking into some shelters. Someday.

Char- SO you like to get drilled huh?? LOL!! Too funny. I know all to well about cavities. Genetics and pregnancies have sucked the life out of my teeth. And, well, drinking WAY too much soda in the military. Connor really zapped them good. I had to get two molors pulled while pregnant with him. Sucks, even though I brush and floss daily. BUT, my last visit a few weeks ago, the dentist was astonished that they were BETTER. He said it was all due to my diet change! How cool is that. Still costs too much money!x(

Janie- just hop in now! No need to wait! All you guys are certainly enticing me into getting P90x!!

Dallys- good WO woman. I really need to look into preparing the weekly meals on Sundays. It would save me ALOT of aggravation! Plus, it would help keep me from nasty temptations! I know you were looking into the vegan stuff, so are you vegan/vegetarian? or do you eat meat?

Randi--YAY for you! Glad your mom isn't making you wait till 2/14!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Hey Maniacs! I've got a lunch break here. Salad with hardboiled eggs. I'm such a boring eater.:)

Suz-I remember loving the Gauntlet. It's a good hard workout. I haven't done the others on the DVD. So, you have a dog training class at the college? I would have taken it. Then my friends would have called me a dork.:+ I hope the shelter clears up the problem soon. Not to good for the animals or the budget.:( I made some potatoes out of the Vegan Planet yesterday. It was really good! It's the Potato with sundried tomato, olive, lemon one. Can't remeber the exact name, but you'll find it.

Randi-Way to work the Cardio! I hope I get my new workouts tomorrow.

Meg-How's the fussy baby doing? I hope not so fussy now.:) That makes for a long day, I'm sure. No, I'm not vegetarian. I just can't do it. I tried for a week. LOL! I can't omitt things to eat. Makes me want it more. I'm just trying to get more vegie stuff in my daily routine. I haven't eaten beef for months, but that doesn't really mean I never will. On the planning meals thing. I find if I at least have some easy to grab protein choices (like the hardboiled eggs), my eating goes alot better. Keeps the snacking at bay. Also, If I have some cut up vegies or pre-made salad, I can just grab those. If they are not cut up and ready, then I tend to not eat them as much and go for the junk. I'm getting alot better at it.:)

Debbie-The calve work on the GS's is a toughie. I remember the ball work in CoreMax made my abs extremely sore. I should do that one more often.

Janie-DON'T WAIT to join! Just jump right in. I'm doing P90X right now. I have 2 weeks to go, then a recovery week. I joined this check-in when I first started P90X. It's a great check-in. Diane Sue, Lora and I can give you any help you need with it when you start. Since we all have done it. You are hardcore just buying it! You know what your in for. LOL! You look Fantastic in your photos! Way to go on the weight loss! Your Utah pictures and my bike ride pictures are in the same area! It's so unbelievably georgous there.

Char-Cavities! What up with that? Must be all those cheetos you had yesterday. What workout you doing?

Diane Sue-I'm glad to hear you were a little lost after P90X too. It's like, now what? I have to actually think again? LOL! Your puppies sound so fun! How are they getting along? Is Puddles as big as Mudd?

Sorry I can't chat more today. Tomorrow.

Finished workout.
3 sets/ 6/4/4 /60 sec rest

Pulldowns 80#
BB Rows 75#
DB Rows 35's
1 Arm Row 40#

Pullovers 53#

Calf Raises with the 90# barbell (I need to wake up my calf muscles..they have been asleep my entire life) lol.

Then I just did the leg work from Legs and Shoulders. I used 53# for the plie squats and 90# for the bar. I could have gone heavier with bar, but I forgot how many reps she does and if she did the pulsating squats so I wanted to be safe. Overall, I got a nice leg workout too. I will work abs this evening> I say this all the time and most time I just get too tired, but I will push thru it tonight.
Dallys - those potatoes sound YUMMY!!! I'll have to check them out.

I still haven't decided what workout to do. I have 55 minutes left at work and then I'm gonna have to decide. Oh my!

I CAVED and bought P90X!!! I couldn't stand it anymore. I always read what people post about it, but figured that I was doing well with Cathe, cycling and my weight machine. But today's posts got me. Now I will have a little over a week to do all of my new Cathe's before starting a P90X rotation. Or maybe I will start that on a Monday so if they don't come this weekend, which I doubt they will, that will give me 2 weeks with my new Cathe's. But then I have a conference in Baltimore the 29th, 30th, 1st and 2nd of this month (at a really nice hotel on the water with a lovely workout room I hear). Oh my! Now I'm scared. :eek:


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Hi again! I just finished up Plyo X and having my recovery drink.:) Felt good energy today.

Suz- You are going to love P90X! At least I do. Geez, I'll be all done with it, by the time you start! LOL!

Toasty-Great workout! How you doing with the extra calorie Shake? Seeing any extra muscle yet? I fry my calves doing a full set of 75 reps, with 37lbs. I do 15 toe-outs slow, then 10 fast. Then the same pattern with toe-straight and toe-ins. There is no rest the whole time. My calves almost cramp at the end. LOVE IT!}(

I'm watching Kirstie Alley on Oprah. She looks pretty good. She came out in a bikini. Also, Leah Remini looks tons better! I like her.

>Could those dogs get any cuter? Seriously? WHat a little baby
>face!! Too cute!:7
>And those arms DS, aren't too shabby either:+ .
>Maeghan AKA megadoo

Exactally what she said! Word for word.:)
Suz, if I remember right Gauntlet has two I Max2 intervals with one bootcamp interval and weights done 4 times. Viper is 1 interval and one cardio segment from C&W with mostly upperbody weight segments from the intensity series. So which one are you doing:) I think you will like P90X. It is a big change from Cathe.

Dallys, you will soon get back into figuring out your own rotations. It was sort of fun re introducing myself to other workouts again.

Diane Sue - what Meg and Dallys said word for word. That's funny - I was showing DH your puppies and how adorable they are and I said "And look at those arms!!!!" So impressive.

So after all that, I was re-reading your info on the two workouts and the doorbell rang. Guess who??? The UPS man with my new Cathe workouts! They weren't supposed to be here until tomorrow. So OF COURSE I had to do one of them! I did Body Max 2. I was wiped out at the end. I couldn't do the side planks because my arms were shaking so bad. What the heck??? That's never happened. I was bummed! I mean, it's a good thing that I got a good workout, but I can't believe I couldn't do those. So we'll see if I can even lift my arms tomorrow. I jumped right into the hot tub when I was finished. Ahhh...

Off to bed. Thanks for the Viper/Guantlet reviews. I just may do one of them before I start P90X. And for the record, I was going to do the Gauntlet. :)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France


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