Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Monday Nov 12

Good Morning Lora and everyone else:)
Today i'm doing cardio not sure what.
Went to see American Gangster last night with my guy friend. Good movie!
Here is my problem (another one:)) Me and James have been friends since last October It's really hard for me just to be his friend since he really cares about me ex brought me flowers at work on my first day back from the hospital, calls me all the time tells me how beautiful i am ex.... I was afraid to tell him about my problems because I thought he would think I would be too much of a problem but he said "I'm still here for you arent I" and we are intimatex( The thing is he just got his bachalors degree in computer science and he's moving to California probably by the end of January That is why he has told me he he doesnt want to get to close because of that. But he said he might be back from Calf if things don't work out as far as his job goes. He did say I could visit him all the time if I want. But I can't take this anymore I'm almost in love with him and I have a couple times told him I cant talk to him anymore because I feel i'm going to get hurt if I get to close. But for some reason we always start talking agian urgggx( I need some advice if you have any girls.:)
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Well today I think I might just ride my bike even though I worked my legs yesterday and rode a horse. Today is gonna be warmer and I need to take advantage of it. Oh, and work my abs.
I got to go apply for more jobs this week as well.


Do you care about James, and are you attracted to him? I would try to move on from your ex. I have had long distance relationships and they usually don't work very well. Why did you two break up anyways?
Hey Maniacs! I'm going to do the new Kickboxing and legs workout in just a minute (I SWEAR!). Gonna try to get back on the wagon this week as I've been dragging behind it for the last two weeks.

Char- Glad you had fun horse back riding, even though you froze!

Diane Sue- I'm jeolous you've already finished your workout!:p

Randi- If you really think you love this guy...tell him! Maybe you will end up in California too!;) Follow your heart and don't be afraid.

Down to the basement...

[font face="script" color=magenta size=+3]*~Dallys~*[/font]

Good morning!

I'm also thinking of riding my bike. It's only 35 degrees and supposed to snow (only a 40% chance though) but I'm in the mood. SOMEBODY PLEASE tell me my muscles are going to rot if I don't use them soon!!!

Char - Your little legs are gonna be fried. :)

Randi - Are you saying your ex as in ex-boyfriend or ex as in example? I'm easily confused. :p I think that if James has said that he doesn't want to get too close because he's moving, then you should cut off the "intimate" part. Because THAT is close. And you have also said that you don't want to get too close for the same reason. If you want to remain friends and maybe go visit him once in awhile (maybe when you go visit your brother if it's convenient for YOU because as you know it's not an inexpensive trip - unless James is willing to help pay for part of the trip), then that's great. But I would cut off the intimate part. Especially since you're falling in love with him. That's not helping you. So until James knows what he wants (either he's going to stay in California or move back or he wants to get closer to you and serious and you want that too) then I would recommend that you two should keep it strictly friends with no side benefits. :) If that's too hard for you to do right now with your feelings for him, then maybe it's best if you don't see him until he leaves. If he is truly a good friend, he will understand. Okay, now I hope I was talking about the right guy here! :)

I took the day off with DH today. He had a holiday but we must have traded it for another day off so I took a vacation day. He's still sleeping, the little beauty. :)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

I ended up doing Women's Health Ultimate Fat Burner and Women's Health Total Workout in 10. Workout was 65" and I burned 519 calories.

I don't think that the Ultimate Fat Burner one had very difficult cardio intervals. They were too short and my HR hardly elevated past 142. I really liked the Total Workout in 10 though. I knew neither one of these would be a good "stand on their own" workout cuz they are both only 40" each....so I bought them with the intention of doing them back to back or doing one workout twice.

No time for yoga today. I got up late cuz I worked late and the DH is off today so we're colouring and highlighting my hair and might go to a movie later.

Suz - don't take my complaining about my hours as me not being grateful to have a part-time job. It's better than nothing.......but I guess it's human nature to complain about something. I also think I'm having a bad case of the "Poor Me's" cuz of my recent job problems. I look at everyone else with these great jobs that they've been at for years with tons of vacation time, etc.... and I SHOULD be that person too....cuz I've worked hard my entire life and would have stayed at the first hospital I worked at for 10 years, had they not downsized me out years ago. It's just frustrating and it's a big adjustment. I am grateful too that I didn't have to take a job at McDonald's cuz I know Walgreen's is better than the alternative. I guess I just vent here cuz I know I can! :)

Randi - I agree with Dallys -- follow your heart and do what you feel inside........you won't know if it works unless you try it and if it doesn't work out.....oh, well........at least you'll have known that you tried! I think if you don't try it, you might regret it later and always look back at this time of your life and say "I should have..........done.........blah blah blah". Don't be afraid of getting hurt.......as you'll find that life will bring many heartbreaks, joys, ups, downs and rounds and rounds..........as I'm sure you're finding out right now! I wish you the best with whatever you decide and know that we are here for you to talk any time............cuz I don't think you talk to us enough about your personal stuff...........and that's what we are all here for! There is more to life than exercise and Cathe and you're welcome to share anything with this lovely group of ladies!

Have a great day everyone. OFf to eat my oatmeal. I broke down and ordered some of that BSN Dessert Protein in the Fudge flavor.....used my Paypal Account.

Toasty -speaking of Paypal -- did you get the BPAL notice.........ANNIVERSARY scents coming and a NEW DARK DELACACIES blend!!!! 11-23 .........be there!!
Okay guys - we're going to have to debate this a bit for Randi. :) You guys are telling her to go for it and tell him she loves him. But what about the fact that he has told her he doesn't want to get close? And he knows she's got strong feelings for him because she has told him more than once that she doesn't want to see him because she is afraid she is going to get hurt. Don't you think that he is aware how she feels? If he is ready to get serious, he has had the opportunity to make a move in that direction. It doesn't sound like he's ready. Why would you "send her in" another time? I think he's made it clear that he's just not ready right now. Maybe when he gets to California and doesn't have Randi there with him he'll realize how much he misses her (who wouldn't - she's a great catch!!!). But for now I think he should respect her enough to cut off the intimate part. But he's a guy with hormones and she's a beautiful girl and well...nuff said.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Lora - I understand your frustration. I would totally feel like you do if I were in your shoes. TRUST ME! I think you're handling your situation really well. And I'm glad that you feel like you can talk to us. I was just trying to make you feel better. :) I just hope that you can get an office job really soon.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Suz- I think we need alittle more info. from Randi. That way we can tell more of what's going on. I totally agree with you about the "intimate" part. That is not helping Randi at all. She's getting attached and he is soon going away. Not good. I was just thinking that she is falling in love and if he knew that, he might make some changes (remember, guys can't read our minds). If he is going away and doesn't want anymore than jsut to be friends with Randi, she should definitely stop the "intimacy" part and set the boundries of being "just friends".

Randi- I hope you can handle us and are thoughts!;)

[font face="script" color=magenta size=+3]*~Dallys~*[/font]

Hi Dallys,

I was wondering if you were still doing any of the Turbulance Training? And also what you thought of the program?

I was thinking of trying it. I did do the Bodyweight 500 this morning. Boy was that tough!

Hi all! I am back. Sorry I have been MIA. Lots going on but hopefully all is slowing down. Missed you guys!!!!

This morning was the dreaded leg workout but I had an excellent workout and I'm really feeling it already. This is what I did:

[font color=indigo]LEGS[/font]
1 min. rest between each set

Front Squats:
65# - 12
75# - 12/12
[font color=blue]****Getting the hang of these. No more pain in my shoulders. Still not sure if I like this exercise or not. LOL![/font]

90# - 10/10/10
[font color=blue]****I really like this exercise. I remember when I was scared to death of doing them and every time I read that one of you did this exercise I would cringe. This is becoming one of my favorites exercises again.[/font]

Plie Squats:
45# Dumbbell - 20 reps then 2 sets of low ends with 8 reps each. Did this three times
[font color=blue]****Excellent burn with this. I was using my barbell with 85# and just didn't feel them. Using the dumbbell between my legs gives me a better burn with these.[/font]

Leg Extensions:
100# - 12/12/12

Hack Squats:
85# - 12
90# - 10/10
[font color=blue]****What a difference 5# makes![/font]

Calf Raises:
From Cathe's LIS workout. LOVED THEM!!! Got a great burn. I used 25's instead of 15's for the weighted part.

That is all.

Hope you all have a great day.
Glad to see ya Deb,
I did the back and shoulder portion of 4 day split..
Must be going to work now..

I don't do front squats.Uncomfortable.. I put that barbell on the shoulders..

Randi, the girls are giving you advice.. I don't have the best marriage, so i am butting out.
Have a great day all.

Hey Deb! Welcome back girl. We've missed you too. Some others have popped in and asked about you and said they've missed you. Good to have you back.

Storm - I can't do plea squats holding the bar in the front either. What's up with that. I'm such a wimp.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

I hate to admit, but I haven't worked out yet! I will though...I PROMISE!

Deb- Great workout girl!

Anne- I hate front squats also. They are so awkward. Throw'em on the shoulders I say. LOL!

Suz- Yep, it's hard to imagine that guys can't read minds or vibes or take hints or listen to our subliminal messages or any of that stuff. I don't know how they function in life. LOL!

[font face="script" color=magenta size=+3]*~Dallys~*[/font]

Welcome Back Deb!!
I'm so sad because I dont want to talk to him anymore the more I see or talk to him the more I am falling for him. Yes the intimate part should be cut off but it is hard because we are both affectionate people and we are attracted to each other. But if he calls me it's hard not to answer it because we have fun talking and I will miss him if I dont. But if things dont work out there is no way I could visit him in Calf. I would be too upset!
So I cant just stop talking to him cold turkey what would he think?
It's hard because he has really cared about me in the past.
I just wish he would want to be with me;(
I will cry and cry if we just stop talking because we have known each other for almost a year
Thank you for you help guys
You all are so caring

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