Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Monday Aug 7

Thanks for all of the advice everyone. Now, I've really done it!! I just ate 2 pieces of peach pie at Mom's house and I NEVER do that. I ate the one and it was so good and my DH said, have another and I said....how big do you want me to get??? and he said, oh it's not that bad it's just peaches and some crumbly stuff with sugar. So ....the little piggie I am, I ate a 2nd piece. Now I feel so guilty.

Suz - Prayer is a part of my life every day. Being a recovering addict, I turn my self over to God every morning....but sometimes the struggle of living with this disease is still there and God's light doesn't shine thru. I will say that it's TTOTM and I've been having extreme disc pain/jaw pain and migraines also....so maybe it's a combination of everything. Also, I think addicts have a tendency to be sort of bipolar. I experience extreme highs and lows and when I do something that I enjoy, I can't get enough of a good thing.....and with the recent concert I went to, I think I'm experiencing the extreme low ....coming down off that....if that makes any sense. I'm a very very hypersensitive person to all things, emotions, etc. I went to a counselor for a while (psychologist) and she told me I have ADD and made me feel more defective. I quit going to her cuz it did no good. She basically summed me up like this - I'm a survivor. I don't live and I don't enjoy life.....I just exist and survive and get by. She did not really tell me how to go about changing. She also told me that I probably lived with ADD my entire life and have just learned to deal with it the best I can. I went and bought a book on it and then I felt even worse. Not a good experience, and not to rehash old stuff.....but I don't think anyone with a book education could understand what it's like to live the life of an addict. I'm not trying to get sympathy here, It's just that it basically takes one to know one and I don't think the psychologist understood what actually goes on in my sick little head. I'll be okay......I always am.......after all, I'm a survivor. I think this is all part of my mid life crisis now.

I'll shut up before I stick my foot in my mouth any more and come across like "poor me"....cuz that's not how I mean this at all.

ETA: I hope I don't read this tomorrow and wish I hadn't posted it...as I'm extremely emotional and vulnerable right now.
Lora- just wanted to tell you I wish I was there to share the pie with you! Sounds great! Don't worry about the pie! Seriously, just wanted to send another hug and tell you to take it a day at a time!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

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