Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Monday 4-16

Hi Maniacs!!

It's Monday!! Had a long busy weekend.

Saturday was IMAX 2, Sunday was a rest day, and Today, I did CTX - All Step, chest and a run outdoors.

Toasty - Glad to see you here. Isn't moving fun??

Randi - Sorry about the ticket. I got stopped a few weeks for exactly the same reason, but the cop was nice and just gave me a warning...I was happy about that.

Talk to you guys later!


Randi, you had a pr**k.LOL....Tell him you never had a ticket?Show some clevage? Did you smile nice??? Cry, anything??????????
You will get a notice in the mail. I know in Pa. by the time you add the fees a 40 buck ticket is 150.

Char, we want house pictures.. Messy or not....Miss ya ..
Moving is like working out...,,

Why is the watch hard to get off?? Isn't it an adjustable strap?

I am tired and it is only 3:15. Not used to night shift...


Dallys- what does it taste like? Maybe I won't like it either. It looks similar to barley. Does it taste anything like that? I'm just trying to find something high protein to eat that I actually can swallow! LOL. Yes, that was the problem with the book and me also.....all the numbers. I'm not good with numbers. I'm so tempted to get the new one.....and now I want it even more since you liked her first book so much! I

Randi - 10 miles over.........just pay it. To me, it wouldn't be worth the hassle of going to court! I probably would just pay it no matter how fast I was going. It happens to all of us! Sorry it's your first one. They suck! This is a perfect time to do a kickboxing workout and take out your frustrations!!
Lora - I have no clue about a treadmill with 3 inclines. Sorry. Mine goes from 0-10.

Randi - Sorry about your speeding ticket. That sucks.

Char - Can't wait to see pictures. Are they guys working on your house hotties?
Hey Girls!

I've missed you! Where does the time go? I've still been doing cardio 6 days a week and weights 3 days. I finally broke through my plateau (that I hit at week 2 - hardly a plateau I guess). I'm down to 134 solid now - gone is the 1/2 pound). So it's 4 pounds now from my official start date but 7 pounds from my unofficial start date just a few weeks earlier. I'm pretty happy about that.

This morning was to be steady state cardio on the bike on the trainer, but guess what? I decided to do Rythmic Step instead. That was fun. I haven't done it in so long thought that I forgot most of it! It kept my HR at a good level for steady state. Doesn't get up very high but perfect for what I needed.

Randi - sorry about your ticket. It happens to the best of us. I bet you can call the court or maybe the police station (or sheriff's dept. or hwy. patrol depending on who you got it from) to find out how much it will be. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's not like you got a DUI or something. Just a little speeding ticket. As Candace in CC#6 says, "It's just a thing." :) You might call the court anyway and ask if they have a program where you can go to a class and have it wiped off of your record. Since it's your first ticket (or sometimes if you haven't had one for a long time) they'll let you do that. You just pay for the class but it's worth it to not have it on your record. Good luck!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Suz- Great job on the 1/2 lb loss (hate plateaus)! You are going to make it all the way!

Randi- Dang! Hate tickets.:(

Lora- Can't really remember what it tastes like. Buy it, try it and see if you like it. I like Edemame much more, myself.

Anne- The strap is just plastic-ey and isn't overly flexible. It's not that hard though, not to worry... you lift weights.:p

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~


"The most effective workout isn't necessarily the longest or the hardest; it's simply the smartest."

One of the guys is not bad. They were listening to country music while hammering and such. Tired as crap so actually didn't mind it today. Part II tomorrow as they have to finish.

Gosh, I have to clean this computer..got dirty during move. I can't stand looking at the screen. I got to go eat now. After I am done..gonna pass out on bed. lol

Thanks for making me feel better you guys:) I'll just pay it, it is 72 dollars. I did have tears in my eyes:(
Lora kickboxing workout sounds perfect for this situation but I just did one yesterday . Still havent decided what to do defenetly let you know
Just finished my tricep workout Gym Style triceps, MM triceps and BM2 triceps I am really tired today think i'm going to bed early
Have a good night

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