Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Mon March 12


Morning Maniacs -

I didn't want to get out of bed. This time change is messing with me. I'm off to do either some functional fitness or SWAT weights and yoga. I'll be back.
Hi Ladies
I've been in Pasadena Califorina this weekend to see my brother. And I workout all weekend too at my brothers gym. I've been following Cathes Dec 06 rotation again which I got good results last time:)Today is scrambled cardio blast from Drill Max.
Missed you all:)
Lora - this time change is excellent for me for some reason. I hate when we gain an hour, it takes my body forever to adjust to that. But losing an hour, my body does great with it. Go figure.

This morning I did Cardio Coach #5. This is a tough one, but I love it. Lots of sprinting towards the end. Workout was about 50 minutes, I stayed on my treadmill until I reached an hour.

Workout was 1:06 min., was in my zone for 55 minutes and burned 362 calories! Travelled 3.83 miles.

Hope you all have a great workout!
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

I hate the time change. My eyes are puffy and I don't feel as rested. My workout was long yesterday. Bike ride was alittle more extended which I was pleased. Went 10 miles on bike with my kids. Ate lunch and then did Legs/Glutes and went to Red Lobster and had 1 1/2 pounds of crab legs with broccoli and a salad. Two cheesy biscuits too. lol. Got home and did ab ripperx. My hip flexors are a bit sore.

Today is chest/back and interval work (either Imax 2, lowmax, running, etc...not sure yet).

Gonna start packing. Waiting for buyer to accept our offer on home STILL...they just had a baby. SHould hear from them today.

Good Morning, today is M&F Hers rotation and cardio. This is the last day of that rotation. I am tired this morning. I stayed up to late. I guess because of the time change. Now to get moving:)

Charlotte, I hope you hear soon from the owners of the house. Enjoy packing.

Randi, good to have you back.

Debbie, sounds like you got in a good run. I like CC 5. I Like all of them though. Each has something special:)

Lora, the time change always messes me up for awhile.

Just finished scrambled cardio blast from Drill Max, didnt know if I could finish it I was so tired from all the time changes.

Diane Sue thank you:) What issue of M&F is the rotation from? How are your results?

Charlotte Congrats on your house Have fun packing:)I love Red Lobster cheesy biscuits and crab legs are my favorite!

Debbie are you doin the M&F rotation too? Great workout by the way!\
Have great workouts everyone
Morning Maniacs! Today is a NROL Fatloss-1 workout. The reps will lower this time. Going from 12 to 10. The rests between sets will also lower. Going from 75 sec. to 60 sec. I'll do this after work. Still alittle tired from my Bike ride yesterday and the time change has me lazy this morning.

Debbie-Great workout! I know the CC's have helped me maintain alot of my fitness for Mt. Biking. I was surprised yesterday how good of shape I was in for my second ride of the season.

Char-Dang! Now I want me some Crab legs! Those are my favorite! Have fun packing today.:)

Randi-Sounds like you had a great weekend seeing your brother.:)

Lora-I'm alittle tired this morning also.

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Jennifer - Thanks about my rotation, glad you liked it!

Char - Great going yesterday, geez, you worked out almost all day long! Glad you got some good eats in too!

Diane Sue - I know what you mean, every time I do one of the CC workouts I always say, "thats my favorite"! LOL! I love them all.

Randi - I'm doing the M&F rotation from the men's magazine from March.

Dallys - Thats great that the CC's kept your endurance up during the winter. Glad you rides are going so well!

This morning I did Bootcamp. It's been a long time since I did that one. I liked it. Seemed a bit easy. Hmmm...

I have my lung doctor follow up shortly. Today I will tell her that I don't want to take any meds other than albuterol for the asthma. I hope she's understanding. I'm sure she will agree. Most people want MORE drugs, not less, right? :)

Great workouts so far. I hope you all have a great day. It's so nice here. I'm loving the weather!

Later gators!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Suz - When I was diagnosed with anxiety last year my doctor insisted I take whatever pill it is they prescribe for this ailment. I refused and I could tell she was mad about it. Do they get a kickback on meds or something?

Anyways, I found a supplement at the Vitamin Shoppe that I took for about a year. I quit taking them around February and I haven't had an attack since. My heart rate has been back down to normal since sometime last year. Screw prescriptions, if you don't have to take them I say forget it!
Debbie, I don't think doctors get anything for prescribing a certain drug. I know that drug reps will provide food and have dinners to try to promote their products. But that is what there job is, to sell the product. The doctor just uses whatever he thinks is best. I too don't like to take meds. I had a Dr want to give me valium once. He said that he thought my pain and numbness in my arm was because I was lying on it wrong and it was the ulner nerve. Well I thought it did not make sense so when I went to get the prescription I told them I only wanted 3 pills. They looked at me like I was weird or something. It didn't help and it ended up being carpal tunnel syndrome. Anyway most meds have some side affects and I just don't like it. I avoid them as much as possible.

Debbie - Well, I saw a different doctor today and at the risk of disagreeing with my other doctor, he disagreed with my other doctor. He said that not taking medication can cause long-term damage to my lungs, although it is controversial. He recommended taking medication. He said at my age I should not be short of breath walking up my basement stairs and I should not be coughing every day and night. He said I have asthma symptoms that are poorly managed. By the time I left there he had me all talked into it. But by the time I got back to work, I had myself all talked out of it again. DH brought up a good point - my asthma is not that bad - only exercise-induced and there's only a "chance" I could be doing some damage to my lungs, but what about what I'm doing to my kidneys by taking all those meds b/c my kidneys are what has to process all that crap. I don't want to take that chance. I'm already taking Topamax and Imitrex. I think that's enough. Not to mention the money.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Diane Sue - I think we all think along the same lines of prescription meds, especially if we're healthy like we all are here. I know the drug companies and hospitals work hand in hand, it keeps the businesses alive. Plus, if the doctors can prescribe something to you that makes you sicker, well then you are right back in their office spending your hard earned money. It's a vicious circle and one they rely on to succeed. Sad, but true. I'm glad you only asked for three pills and finally figured out your problem. Did you have to have surgery?

Suz - You need to do what you feel is best for you. I wonder why you only have asthma symptoms when exercising? I've never heard that before. Is it every time you do cardio or just once in a while?
Debbie - I don't know why. It's called exercise-induced asthma. A lot of professional athletes have it. I get it whenever I do cardio. I get all phlegmmy (sorry) in my throat and I can't breathe so well. Originally I thought it was my heart since I have such a high heart rate all the time, getting into the 190's, but when my heart checked out my DH said there had to be something else going on b/c I trained as hard as all my friends, yet they can all carry on conversations when we ride and I'm busy hacking and coughing and just trying to breathe. A gal at work actually suggested it being a lung issue (she's a paramedic). So I went to a pulmonologist and viola. Just using the albuterol (rescue inhaler) before I exercise helps cut down the phlegm. I've been dealing with it for over 20 years and never knew what my problem was. I just thought I sucked at cardio.

Anyway, my girlfriends e-mailed me today and want to ride after work. It's so nice out. We're only going for an hour and a half. Darn - I shouldn't have worked legs this morning! But they rode 35 miles yesterday (the ride I opted out of), so they're tired from 2 days in a row THANK GOODNESS! Should be fun. I'm off!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

I guess it took me a while to get back here today. I ended up doing Mindy's All System's Go and then SWAT Strength. I added on the Bar Method blast. I also did some gentle restorative yoga.
I forgot to post my workout. I ran 2 miles on the treadmill, then did the M&F Hers rotation, I finished with Body Max 2 step combos and stretch. I was trying to rush to get done because we had guys come and texture the walls and ceiling in our garage. That is done so now we get the fun of painting:)

Randi, that M&F Hers rotation was in the January February issue. I did the advance program it was a six week rotation. I really liked it. I did add some triceps and biceps to the first couple of phases though. They used exercises that were supposed to be multi joint groups. I cut back a little on my cardio and added in more stretching. I felt like I got some good results with it.

Debbie, I did have the surgury later on for the carpal tunnel syndrome. It got very painful and wearing the wrist braces was not helping. I have not had a problem since.

Good evening ladies.
I don't feel all the great today. I did 30 min on the TM. I wanted to do more, but was beat. I might be able to squeeze in some yoga before bed. I could really use it. I did enjoy my protien shake tonight though.

DS- have fun painting!

Deb and Suz- I know how you feel about medicine. I cried when they made me take prednisone for my first flare up. I am still on it, but 2mg a day now, so not to bad. I have no idea what my future holds with meds, but hopefully it won't be to bad. Eventually I will have to take med to replace my thyroid since that is slowly being killed off too. Nice.

Charlotte- how much do you have packed now??? Wish I could help.

Lora- you are so quiet today! Crazy B*tch is now my ringtone on my phone!

Randi- good WO girl!

Dallys- that was some bike ride! Good for you.

It was nice here today, but to many kids to go out and enjoy it. By the time I wanted to go out for a walk/run, the sun disappeared adn it was cold.

Have a goodnight everyone!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics to NYC GTG and Christmas Albums 3/6/07

Hi ladies! Gotta be quick again tonight.... I did Maximum Intensity Strength-Back and Biceps portions only-three times each. This was a substitution for Pure Strength, since I don't have that one. I really had to look hard at the list tonight to find something to work that wasn't sore :) LOL! I barely made it through but knew I had to get something in because I am taking a forced rest day sooner than usual (tomorrow) since I will be working late again.

Hope you have a great night and hopefully I can catch up with you more tomorrow!

Back from my ride. Great fun. We only managed an hour by the time we all hooked up. We went 17.31 miles. I thought we were going to take it easy! Ha! Love the girl gab. :) It's sad one of our four core girls is moving. We went through a lot together with her last summer on our morning rides. She's so happy now though on the other side of divorce (at such a young age). It's amazing what brings women together, isn't it? Cycling, knitting, you name it.

Off to the hot tub...


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Meg - You are in a different situation with your medication needs. You struggle with a lot of pain and there is nothing you can do about it. You need to do what is best for your body and for yourself as a mother! You know that you couldn't function in the kind of pain you go through without that medication. Don't be so hard on yourself! I think you're amazing for doing what you do every day. Most people when diagnosed like you would have given up on working out and you know it. I'm really proud of you for everything you do!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France


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