Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Mon Jan 7


Morning Maniacs -

This morning I did P90X+ Total Body followed by 15 minutes of The Biggest Loser Cardio Max. Workout was 67" and I burned 438 calories. I used my new chinup bar with the chair to assistance and my new Perfect Pushup handles.....but I think I went too low in a couple of pushups and felt a twinge of pain in my bad shoulder and now it hurts. I hope it gets better quickly.

I can't believe it's Monday already. Where did the weekend go?

Have great workouts everyone.

Dallys - did you order Eion's DVD yet? I wonder what new sayings he'll have this time around. His sayings and his little doggie running around doing yoga on the yoga mat makes me laugh on PY4H! The dog is too cute on his little yoga mat.

Diane Sue - do you do chinups? or do you use your Bowflex?
Hi you all! I'm sorry I haven't been more active on this list. I've been so busy and just don't have time for the internet in the evenings anymore. I'm also going to start doing some cross stitching so that will take my time as well. But I will keep posting my workouts. I just want you all to know that I do eventually read all my mail, but by the time I do they are so outdated that I don't respond to them. I hope you all understand. I can't believe how active this list has been!

Anyways, today started Week 7 of my rotation. Had an excellent workout! Worked to almost failure on each exercise today.

2 min. rest between each set (thank God!)

[font color=indigo]CHEST[/font]
Weighted Pushups:
10# vest - 20/18/18
[font color=blue]***Killer! I loved doing these with my vest on. I know I should have done more of a "power" move, like presses, but I just love pushups and haven't done them in a while. Since this was an 18 rep workout I figured why not.[/font]

[font color=indigo]BACK[/font]
Underhand Barbell Row:
65# - 18/18/18
[font color=blue]***Again, another Killer! These burned. By the third set I almost didn't make it to the 18th rep.[/font]

[font color=indigo]SHOULDERS[/font]
Lateral Raises:
15's - 18/18/18
[font color=blue]***Nice burn here too. Shoulders felt awesome.[/font]

[font color=indigo]QUADS[/font]
80# - 18/18/18
[font color=blue]***Did parellel on these and my glutes got a great burn. Hopefully I will feel these tomorrow.[/font]

[font color=indigo]BICEPS[/font]
EZ Preacher Curls:
45# - 18/18/18
[font color=blue]***Again, got a great burn. Left wrist kept popping, it was so gross. I put my wrist wrap on for sets 2 & 3 and that helped.[/font]

[font color=indigo]TRICEPS[/font]
Overhead Dumbbell Extension:
35# - 18/18/18
[font color=blue]***1st set was easy, 2nd sets got a little harder, 3rd set was grueling! LOL![/font]

That is all...

My dad is going to have a CAT scan on Tuesday. This will determine whether he needs open heart surgery or not. Please keep him in your prayers! Thanks!

Lora - I love Flyleaf!!!!

Hope you all have a great day!

Here are the worksheets ladies if interested.
Today is cardio.. I am hurtin, and going to have to work through the pain..I swear i am never going to quit getting sore.
Bi's are a feeling it. I am trying so hard to get them stronger..

I am trying to keep my eating on track.
Breakfast 1/2 veggie omlette 1/2 orange. Saved the rest for tomorrow..
Great job Deb..
I really need a smith machine.. I am so scared to not have something to catch the weight if i can't handle it.
I bought 2 more 10# plates. Wanted 25's but they had none . Will have to wait till i go to Dicks.

We have a weight bench, but Dh has 250# loaded in it and the other crap is loaded and gets pissed if i touch the weight. Oh well..


Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Doing another bike ride today. Bionics, sorry to make you cry while you shovel snow. :eek: :p ;( :+ }( :D I am gonna open windows here in a few. This weather is unbelievable..SUMMERTIME!!!!!! Then I got to do some back work, ab work and alittle BBM (big butt management). hehe


I know what you mean about wanted someone to spot you at times. Felt that way when I was benching yesterday.


Great workout as usual.

I still haven't gotten word yet when my P90X will ship? I ordered Dec 30th.
Good Morning, today I started with 4Day Split Double Cardio Premix. I am going to go do P90X+ Upper and abs/core in a few minutes. I was going to post the worksheets but I see Anne got the address up:) I don't know why they have made it so difficult to find. I just had it bookmarked for the original worksheets so that is how I was able to find it.

Lora, I use my Bowflex and do pulldowns and I do some chin ups with a bar across my VKR tower.

Deb, do you ever worry about dropping the barbell on ya when you bench a 100#? I get scared to break my neck.I am kinds fearful of going over 60 and throwing it up on my back, or benching, but i have not gotten that high yet..

Char, we have wonderful weather here too. I am lovin it..
Yes..60's. Beautiful out..
Diane Sue, i went on to the message boards and did a search is how i found them. I knew they had to be there somewhere..
I am going down as soon as breakfast settles.
Char, any job news??


Hey Maniacs! Just did 30 min. on the treadmill and A/C+. Used my arms swings and that made a huge difference in engaging the abs!
Will do Upper+ later today.

Char-Anne- It's freezing here! You meanies!:p

Anne- I can't lift 60lbs. over my head without struggle. I put the bar on my bench rests and get under it that way. Still nervous to go over 90lbs. with squats. I have a squat rack, but it's still outside. Costco has a nice Smith Machine for $799.00.}(;)

Lora- I did the pre-order for Eoin's DVD's. :)

Diane Sue- Can't wait to hear how you like Upper+

Debbie- Great workout!

Gotta run...back to work after 2 weeks off! (longest I've EVER taken!) Don't want to go back.:(

[font face="script" color=magenta size=+2]*~Dallys~*[/font]


I am going to apply for more jobs later today and see what happens. Kinda scared right now cuz things kinda tight money-wise. Sold some of my perfumes to get the P90X workouts and ebay ain't doing so well either over there...little bids, not just my stuff, but other people. Everyone is tight after Christmas and tax time coming up. Slows things down.

Yesterday doing flyes...thinking the 30's would drop on my face. Shoulder pain...had to push up with the ache in there..either push it up or it will land on my face..no choice.
Hello my friends!

I'm baaaaack!!! My dad has left and my house is back to normal. I have my routine back. I realized what a weirdo I am and how much I need a routine. It was really good for my dad to be here through this difficult time, but 2 weeks is a loooooong time for a house guest. Char, I have a new appreciation for what you did for your FIL.

This morning I started the week off with a good cardio BANG - CC#7. I plan on doing a weight workout tomorrow (no really, I do!). I just wanted to burn some calories. My weight is in check, so that's good. Today DH and I start eating totally clean again. I'm so happy about that. Big all-campus meeting at work this morning so they had TONS of fruit. YAY. Of course they had bacon, sausage and other crap but I didn't take that.

Linda - Was it you who asked the other day if anyone does HIIT? I do. That's pretty much what CC's are. I used to do it with the BFL cardio. It's the only way to go. Really helps burn the fat. And you keep burning. LOVE it!

Hopefully more time to check in and for personals now that I will have my computer back. My dad took it hostage and I didn't get to be on it hardly at all when he was here.

Gotta git! The meeting is about ready to start.

Have GREAT workouts and a wonderful day!


We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. -- Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)

Ok, i am officially dead.
Made it.
1 hr 20 min and 5.3 miles and i had to go to the bathroom on the last sprint. lOL..But i could not stop. TMI. Gross huh..
Treadmill said 798 cal. HR monitor said 433. I like the 798 better.That is a big difference.

New battery did the trick. I was right on for how i felt..
I was pretty much in zone 4 for the 3rd challenge the whole last 3 min.. Good w/o. I like the music. It went fast..
Maybe my p90x will be at work when i get there??
Who knows..
Anyone else not get it yet??


Today is a rest day for me and I am so not complaining about that! The P90X+ rotation is not that hard on legs and cardio but it feels like every single muscle is my upper body is sore right nowx(

Well off to a vet appointment for my oldest cat. She's 14 and has steadily been losing weight for the last few years (almost 6 lbs) I had her blood work done last August and it was normal-including her thyroid levels so hopefully all is still ok. For any of you that have cats, have you had any experiences like this?

Lora-I hope your shoulder feels better soon!

Debbie-I will keep your Dad in my thoughts and prayers.

Char-Glad you are taking advantage of the awesome weather we have been having too. You don't have to rub it in though;-)

Be well everyone!

Anne and Suz- You are making me jealous with the CC# 7. I don't have that one and you are making me want it.

Coni-Enjoy your rest day! I do upper body + today and I'm sure I'll be sore. Haven't lifted a weight in 2 weeks!!

[font face="script" color=magenta size=+2]*~Dallys~*[/font]

Morning/Afternoon Maniacs,

Well, I am still here! Head must be pretty hard! Does anyone have the Jillian Michaels Cardio Kickboxing DVD? I was just given it and was wondering if it is even worth opening?
Any way today started the eighth and final week of this rotation and I am back to supersets. Boy are they tough! I fried myself this morning. Was failing all over the place.


Dumbbell Press
15/15/13 - 35's
Tricep Pushups


Barbell Incline Press
12 - 70#
10 - 72# (this was a mistake, forgot to take off wrists weights from Overhead exts)
10 - 65#
Overhead DB Extrension
12/10 - 32#
10 -30#


Decline Press
15/12 - 32 1/2s
11 - 30's
Lying Dumbbell Extensions
12/12/11 - 15's

Pushups - HIS #1 & 2
Band Pulldowns - Bootcamp

Debbie - Will you still have a chance to shoot me a new rotation? I am on my last week here, then will probably break away from the heavy stuff for a week, then be ready to go again. Also, your dad is in my prayers!

Suz - Yes, it was me who asked about HIIT. Guess I will have to plead with DH to fix treadmill so I can get some CC's :7

Anne & Char - I am with you, it would be great to have a spotter every once in awhile!

Well, I have to go move the dumbbell rack for tomorrow's cardio :p

Great job, ladies!
Anne - Nice going with CC #7. No, I don't ever worry about benching heavy. I got stuck once and all I did was rolled the bar down my torso to my hip area, sat up and then leanted it to one side until I could slide out. LOL! I never put myself in a situation where I could drop a bar on myself. When I squat I put my bar on my Power Tower arms. Perfect height for me to get under the bar and just pick it up on my shoulders. I NEVER hoise a heavy barbell over my head, that is way too dangerous.

Linda - I'll get it out to you ASAP. You'll LOVE it!!!

Thanks everyone for the prayers for my dad! I really do appreciate it. I will keep you all updated on his progress.
I just got back from bike ride. Gonna eat lunch and then do bbm and back work. Just called beachbody to find out about my order. Says it is coming tomorrow. Guy on phone doesn't speak english well at all. He gave me my tracking order and I have no idea what numbers he said. He sounded like he was underwater giving me numbers....so if it is not here tomorrow then I will call again and hope this time to get someone else.
Hi :)

I've been trying since last week to get onto CC website. Did he change something, my goodness, isn't this it www.cardiocoach.com HELP!! Keeps coming up cant find web page

Thanks guys I would love to have CC#7
Teddygirl - Done. Hope it works.

[font color=indigo]Meals for today:[/font]
M1: Banana Cream BSN w/ 1/4 c. oats (pre workout)
M2: ON whey protein shake (post workout)
M3: Banana Nut Bread BSN w/ 1/4 c. oats & 1 tbsp. ground flaxseed
M4: Grilled Garlic Chicken; 2 tbsp. raw almonds
M5: Chicken sausage; small salad w/Zesty Italian dressing
M6: Buffalo burger patty; salad w/ light Honey mustard dressing
M7: Protein pancake w/ 2 tbsp. power pb

[font color=blue]1872.5 calories
68 g. fat - 33%
185 g. protein - 39%
134 g. carbs - 29%

Thought I'd try something different so I bought some Chicken sausage that is organic and has red and green peppers in it. Not bad but I just can't get past the casing. Next time I'll peel it off. The flavor wasn't all that great either.

Not sure I mentioned, but my boss cut our hours here. I get to leave at 3 now instead of 4. I'm happy about that but really need my hours so I'm pissed that he cut them. There are so many other things he could be doing instead of making us all lose hours. Can anyone say "poor management".

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