Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for January 2015

Debbie, I sort of contemplated the abs instead of finishers pre mix .I am not a fan of the band upper body stuff. You got a nice workout in. Those power pulls with the band worry me. Really as far as delts and band work I generally have some pain afterward. I think that the weight work is good. Shoulders were easy when I was younger.
Today I did Cardio Coach #3. I was so tired this morning, I'm shocked I had such a good workout. At first it didn't feel right at all to be on my treadmill, but then after I warmed up I was good to go.

Workout was 40 minutes, I ran 2.29 miles and burned about 255 calories.

I won't be working out tomorrow as I have to be at work really early. Not happy about missing a day, I've been on a roll here.

Diane Sue - My upper back is feeling it today. I have a knot on my right side but it's not too bad. I was worried about that band work as well, but I didn't go real tight. I stopped when I felt the burning.
Debbie, it is probably good that you stopped when you noticed the burning. I believe there are some without the finisher mixes. I don't mind the barbell rows though and the crazy eights are good finishers.
Today I did Ripped with Hiit Low Impcat 2 mix with abs 1, 37 minutes, Ripped with Hiit Circuit upper mix #2 no blasts, 37 minutes, and I finished with Tai Cheng Neural Reboot. Total time was 1 hr 43 minutes and calories burned 462.
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Yesterday I did Low Impact Hiit and X10 step, today was STS total body have not done this one in a long time. I ordered Weider Ruthless dvds going to see how to incorporate them into my workouts
Today I did Party Rockin Step 1 and followed with the intention of doing Ripped With Hiit lower circuit. Minus the blasts. With the circuit lower I did, squats weighted pulse lunges, weighted lateral walk. That is all. Plenty of texts and family helping move things. I got my spin bike today :). Missed having it. ,
Today I did Ripped Hiit Lift It, Hit It Chest, Shoulders & Triceps - the premix with no finishers. I like this workout, and I used my own music and turned off the music Cathe had. I love this one, I seem to be able to go fairly heavy.

This is what I did:

Flat Barbell Press:
60# - 1 set/12 reps; 65# - 2 sets/12 & 10 reps
Incline Barbell Press: 60# - 3 sets/12 reps
Incline Dumbbell Flies: 25's - 3 sets/12 reps

Barbell Overhead Press:
25# - 3 sets/10 reps
Superset w/
Upright Rows: 25# - 3 sets/10 reps

Alternate Lateral Raise: 8's - 3 sets/10 reps
Superset w/
Front Raise: 12# - 3 sets/10 reps

Overhead Triceps Extension:
25# 2 sets 12 reps; 1 set 10 reps
Lying Barbell Extension: 35# - 3 sets/12 reps

Then I got on my treadmill and did a brisk 2.25 mile walk. Had a great workout!!!!
Today I had to make my workout quick so we could go to our Grandson's 4th birthday celebration. So, it was Ripped with Hiit Plyo Hiit 2 with abs 2 mix and adding the stretch, 40 minutes, 258 calories. Heart Rate was 130 avg. ./ max 168.

Roselyn, I have not heard of the Weider Ruthless workouts.

Debbie, nice work today.
Yesterday I did a Ruthless workout (called Rip 10's), they are 20 minute Hiit, trying another tomorrow(Hardcore Citcuit)

Today I did Low Impact Hiit 2, and Lift It chest and biceps.
Today I did Run Fit which I haven't done in a LONG time. Had a great workout!!! My endurance is really up there lately. Enjoying these workouts.

Workout was 54 minutes, ran 3.18 miles today and burned about 381 calories.
This morning I did Lift it Hit it back, shoulders, and biceps, Extreme mix 11, 4 sets with finishers, 63 minutes, 307 calories. I had a lot to do today so that was plenty :)
One arm row; 4 sets 35lb, 12 reps
finisher barbell rows 35# 20 reps
Pull overs; 4 sets, 35#, 12 reps
finisher Barbell row overhand; 35#, 20 reps; and band pulls
One are angled row 4 sets, 30#, 12 reps
finisher 1 arm seated band pulls
Rear Delt Flys 3 sets 15# 12 reps; 1 set 12# 12 reps
finisher 1 arm band pulls 20 reps
Prone rear delts 4 sets 8#
finisher T band pulls
bicep curls 4 sets 35# barbell
finisher W curls 10# , 20 reps
Concentration Curls; 1 set 25# 12 reps; 1 set 22.5#, 10 reps; 2 sets 20# 10 reps
finisher crazy 8's 26# ez curl bar
simultaneous standing hammer curls; 4 sets, 15# 12 reps
finisher crazy 8's 26# ez curl bar

Roselyn, are all of the Ruthless workouts Hiit?

Debbie, I am glad that you had a great workout today :)
Today I did the new Ripped Hiit Lift It, Hit It Back, Bi's & Shoulders- No Finishers. I liked this workout, a lot. I changed some of the exercises because I wanted to, :)

This is what I did:

On Arm Row:
30# - 3 sets/12 reps

Pullovers: 30# - 3 sets/12 reps

Barbell Rows: 45# - 3 sets/12 reps
This was supposed to be the One Arm Angle Rows.

Rear Delt Flies: 12's - 3 sets/12 reps

Prone Rear Delt Flies: Skipped

Barbell Curls:
30# - 3 sets/12 reps

Alternate Dumbbell Curls: 15's - 1 set/12 reps; 2 sets/10 reps
I seriously HATE concentration curls so I did this instead. Really felt it,.

Simultaneous Hammer Curls: 15's - 3 sets/12 reps (did 10 reps for the 2nd & 3rd set, my bi's were feeling this one)

Then I did Bonus Abs #1. I like that one. I stopped after the 1st set of planks. Those got me.

Diane Sue - Nice weights and workout yesterday!!!
Today I did Ruthless Hardcore Circuit and x10 cardio blast yesterday was weight work

Diane Sue, so far the two I did are Hiit, today was 3 minute intervals, kind of like Insanity, 20 minute workouts right to the point!! I got 20 dvds for 26.oo on amazon so far I like, the 2o minutes makes it nice to add on to weights too.

Nice workout today Debbie.
Today I did Ripped with Hiit Hiit Circuit Lower Body mix #7 with abs 1 and added on the stretch, 58 minutes. I added on Great Glutes Stability Ball and bonus chair work 14 minutes, I finished with Tai Cheng Tai Chi segments from phase 1 and 2, 20 minutes. Total time was 92 minutes. I hate to mention calories. Total was 444. I was feeling good at the 381 I got with Ripped With Hiit till I saw the workout manager had it over 500. Oh, well, the workouts are doing good things and the calories seem to be making little difference. I have been doing Ripped With Hiit since December 9. I think maybe after a couple of months I need to change a bit

Debbie, nice work. I don't really hate concentration curls but, they sure are hard. I think I dislike the prone preacher curls more. I plan on doing the 4 set mix of chest, shoulders, and triceps tomorrow.

Roselyn, that was a good deal on those workouts. Had you heard reviews on them before you bought them. I like reading reviews on Amazon.
Today I did Cardio Coach #6 with Candace (it was a Candace week) and I did Challenge 1, 2 and 4. I don't like 3 so I usually skip it. Had a great workout!

Workout was 47 minutes, ran almost 3 miles and burned 312 calories.
Today I did Ripped with Hiit Lift it Hit it Chest Shoulders and Triceps Extreme premix 4 sets with finishers, 48 minutes. That is all I had time for. I took my husband to the doctor this morning and he has strep. It is so weird how many of our family members that are adults have strep. Tomorrow I will get in some sort of cardio. My legs and glutes are sore from yesterday's workout.
Flat Bench Press 4 sets, 12 reps 30# dumbbells
Finisher 15 pushups
Incline Bench Press 1 set 30# dumbbells, 3 sets 25# dumbbells, 12 reps
finisher tricep push-ups 15 reps
Incline fly 4 sets 20# , 12 reps
decline push ups 15 reps
superset barbell overhead press/upright row 35# 10 reps 3 sets; 20# 10 reps 1 set
finisher scarecrows 5# dumbbells 20 reps
Superset lateral raise and front raise 10# lateral raise 4 sets 10 reps; front raise 15# 4 sets 10 reps
finisher external rotation lateral raise 8# 15 reps
overhead triceps extensions 4 sets 30# 12 reps
finisher dips 2 sets 20 reps
barbell lying extension 4 sets 30# 12 reps
finisher kickbacks 10# dumbbells 20 reps
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Today I did Gym Style Legs, the standing part only. Had a really good workout and knees didn't bother me too much. This is what I did:

Barbell Squats: 55# - 3 sets/16 reps - dropped to 45# for last set because Cathe does add ons and they kill
Front Lunges: 8's
Rear Lunges: 8's
Plie Squats: 10's
Leg Press w/Band: Only 1 set
Elevated Deadlifts: 45#
Stiff Leg Deadlifts: 45#
Slow Motion Lunges: 5's
Calf Raises

Had a good workout. I'm happy to say I am down 4#. I hope tomorrow will show 5#!!!!
This morning I did Ripped With Hiit Low Impact Hiit Extreme Mix #2 Hiit 2 and 1 mix, 48 minutes, 342 calories, HR 133 avg/ 164 max.
I then did Ripped with Hiit Abs 2, 13 minutes, and finished with P90X3 yoga, 30 minutes. Total time was 91 minutes and calories burned 480.

Debbie, nice workout and great job on the weight loss.

Roselyn, anymore Ruthless workouts done ?
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I did Ruthless Pure Willpower and then X10 fat burning circuit, I really like what I have done so far in Ruthless, may incorporate next week with weights before and then a ruthless, just like to have something different to go to.

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