Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Friday May 23


Morning Maniacs -

No workout for me this morning. Just wanted to say a final farewell! See all you Maniacs next week towards the end of the week. I go back to work next Thursday. So very grateful to have a job to come home to!!

Talk to all of you next week and I'm sure I'll need all your motivation to start my Warp Speed Fat Loss program when I return.

Have great workouts while I'm gone.
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Gonna get on elliptical here in a few and be back later with stats.

Work has been going great. Boss stays out of your way there and let you do your thang and the women I work with are cool and catching on to stuff so I know what I am doing now. I'm happy. Hubby is happy I am working so we met somewhere in the middle as I didn't really want to work outside of home to begin with.


Hope you have a blast.
I have to go into work today so I had to get up early to workout. Sucks! I love my Friday's off. Oh well, I can certainly use the money.

Today was Bi's & Tri's and I had an excellent workout. Only one more workout before my week off! Woo hoo!

1:10 rest between each set

[font color=indigo]TRICEPS[/font]
Lying Barbell Extensions:
60# - 12/12/10 (up 5#)
[font color=blue]***These felt good. Probably should have done a warmup set first, though.[/font]

Weighted Bench Dips:
60# - 12/12/12
[font color=blue]***I love bench dips. These were tough.[/font]

Double Arm Kickbacks:
15's - 12/12/12 (up 3#)
[font color=red]After the 3rd set I dropped the weight to 10's and repped out at 12 reps.[/font]
[font color=blue]***I hate kickbacks![/font]

[font color=indigo]BICEPS[/font]
Close Grip EZ Curl:
55# - 12/11/8 (up 5#)
[font color=blue]***As you can see I crashed and burned on these big time. Got a great pump, though.[/font]

Dumbbell Preacher Curls:
25's - 12/10/10 (down 2#)
[font color=red]After the 3rd set I dropped the weight to 20's and repped out at 8 reps.[/font]
[font color=blue]***Dropped the weight here because the 55# curls fried me. Bi's were on fire here.[/font]

Hammer Curls:
25's - 12/8/10
[font color=blue]***Not sure what happened with the 2nd set. Love hammer curls! Forearms were fried.[/font]

That is all...

Gonna ride my motorcycle to work today plus I have an eye exam. So lots of riding. Hope it gets warmer. It's only 48 degrees out there right now. What is up with this stupid weather???? ARRRGGG!!!

Lora - Have fun!


After yesterday, I’m going to join the “He-man HATER Club” He-man came home, he came home with a attitude didn’t even say hi. I was the perfect candidate to F### with. We argued something fiece. I had to stop my workout I was about 20 minutes into Butts & Guts. And he knooooooow better to mess with me when I am working out.

This morning, I woke up PISSED off and didn’t feel like doing nothing NOT even coming to work ARGH…….WTH, MEN! Sorry to vent, just don’t understand why people take things out on someone else. Me I try to be more considerate and say, give me a minute or something anywho………..

This morning, I did Slow & Heavy Tri’s & Bi’s 3 set of each routine

Seated French Press:

Tricep Kickback

Dips w/40 bb (ouch, but that felted good)

Dumbbell Curls:

Hammer curls: (this is when I should had hit him in his big head):p

Barbell Curls
I could only did 2, then dropped to 45

That’s it! by then I was too mad to do wrist/ reverse curls and abs! Hope my day get better


Debbie: meant to say AWESOME work :D
Morning Maniacs,

No workout again, enjoying my rest. But I was back out in the yard this morning for 1 1/2. Different flower bed, but this time just rake, hoeing and weeding. Will try to get back out later to finish it. That will require digging, hauling dirt and mulch.

Debbie - Nice workout!

Lora - Have a great time!

Teddy - Sometimes men suck! Nice workout though!

Waves "HI" to all the rest!
Morning Maniacs -

Today was cardio - I did 4 rounds of intervals with 1 minutes intense and 2 minutes recovery The intense was running on treadmill at 8 mph (that is fast for my very short legs) and recovery was jogging at 6mph. then I did steady state for 20 minutes - incline and fast walk. Total workout was 40 minutes (I was running late today) but calories burned were 350, so not bad. I am looking forward to the weekend so I won't be rushed.

Great workout Debbie! The bike sounds like fun.

Great workout Teddygirl.
TeddyGirl - So sorry to hear about your dh! Geez, that sucks. You had a good workout, though. I hope you worked out some of your frustrations for the day!

Linda - When do you get back at it? I can't wait for my rest week. One more workout!
Finished my cardio...

Burned 364 cals
Traveled 4.4 mi.
Time: 40 mins

My speeds were much lower today..not feeling the energy as much.


You like to do the same things I like to do out in the yard. Fun, isn't it?


Those are usually the speeds I stick with between 8-10mph, but today was at 6mph for the most part. So great job on all you did!!!


Sorry to hear about that. I hope he didn't mean it and apologizes to you. Great workout though.


Does the dips bother your wrist with that kind of weight? I don't have the wrist issues you have, but when I do dips with the 45# db in my lap, my wrist are killing me. Just wondering, Ms. Goddess. ;)
Thanks guys:) I’m starting to feel better :) Co-worker had me cracking up!

I been wanting to ask you guys this, silly ???, but I get confuse!:) Okay when posting DB weight work, do I combine dumbbells for total weight? For example! I did DB curls. I used two 20’s and two 15’s, should I post as

Dumbbell Curls:
20/20/15 or 40/40/30
Ally - Nice workout! Are you following the WS eating plan as well?

Debbie - I start back on Monday and far as I am concerned it's going to fast! LOL!

Char - When spring comes I dread the thought of the yard project, but once I start I always enjoy it. It just always seems to be such a huge project! I have a BIG yard!
Linda - I don't think I can do that eating plan. I have been looking at it (that is all). I try to eat healthy all the time and have frequent meals. I have also been lowing my carb intake and that is really helping me lean up. I am traveling all next week on business and it will be hard to follow that strict of a meal plan. I am trying to go with the jist of it all and also look at what Debbie and you all are doing.

Are you on a special meal plan?
Debbie and Toasty: Thanks! Oh, by the way NOT married, been there done that twice.

My guy called and we talked, he told me what had happened and why he was upset and gave his apologies, NO problem, accepted! Then he told me as soon as I come in the door to start striping lol:+ I told him striping off clothes to do Butts & Guts. He said he don’t think so, ooooh booooy, here we go! I have a feeling there's going to be another round of yesterday drama. UNLESS, we leave early today and I have a funny feeling we are.
Late check in for me:) Had to go get grandchildren and to the store this am and drop off a prescription for my grandson. It has been preey crazy. Had my workout finished at 8 though. Workout was Amy Bento's All Pump Extreme premix total body adding the multi joint segment and some extra sets for lower and skipping the core work. Then I did itread 18 staying at the walking & jogging pace most of the time and going on to get 4.3 miles in before my dil called and I showered and left the house. Total calories burned today was 941. 50% fat burned, Max hr 93%, Average hr 72%. Wrists are sore from doing the pull ups twice this week using this series. I may have to substitute something else or do it just once.

Teddy, I get up really early to workout because I really do not like interruptions when I workout. Sometimes though I just have to know it is going to happen and have learned to handle it. Especially when I have the grandchildren here. Good workout. When I post my weights I usually put dumbbell if I am using one or dumbbells if I am using two. So if I am using 2 20's I put 20 dumbbells. Same as the others have said.

Debbie, I am sure you are going to enjoy the bike ride. I don't take cool weather to well so if it were below 70 I would probably be wearing my motorcycle jacket:)

Linda, I bet you are enjoying your rest:) I am like you. I enjoy the work outside once I get started. Wish I had the time to do it in the mornings when it is cooler.

We our out of here! Yay:D I will see you guys on Tuesday:D a nice 3 day weekend. Lots to do, clean carpet, washing windows I could go on. Oh, starting PUB on Sunday, Happy Memorial Day Everyone!:D

Meals for today:

M1: 2 Tbsp of protein w/1/2 grape fruit
M2: 3 egg whites, slice of ff cheeses w/grits
M3: turkey burger w/Thomas wheat bagel, onion and mustard & apple
M4: tuna and broccoli
M5: BSN protein shake
M6: ???
My meals have not been that good today!

M1 - protein smoothie
M2 - pretzels
M3 - salad with 3oz top sirloin
M4 - yogurt with almonds
M5 and M6 - no idea!

so fare 984 calories and 30% fat, 36% carbs and 30% protein. i need protein at the later meals.
Ally - I don't follow any strict eating plan, just try to eat clean and keep the carbs down, and lately I haven't been doing to good with either of those things!

DianeSue - After my rest week I will be back to working in the yard during the heat of the day! That's why I am oushing to try and get as much done as possible. Not to hot here in NJ yet.
Hello everyone!

I think I'm adjusting to my new workout plan. Yesterday DH wanted me to lift upper body and no cardio, just to rest, so I did. That was new for me. I didn't argue (aren't you proud of me?). He has decided to remain my coach, btw. :)

Today I rode with my girlfriend since tomorrow I am helping my sister with her garage sale. I only got in an hour because...

I crashed on my bike this morning - BIG TIME! My girlfriend turned around to ask me a question and when she did she got wonky on her bike and my front wheel hit her back wheel and I went down big time. My head hit the road so hard and bounced back up. Thank goodness for helmets! Luckily it was 35 degrees when I left my house so I was wearing a long sleeved, thin shirt, a long sleeved heavier jersey and a thick long sleeved jacket (yes, I tend to overdress - I hate being cold!). My jacket is all ripped up (a really nice Pearl Izumi :() and I still ended up with road rash on my elbow, but I can't imagine what it would have been like without all those layers! I also got road rash on my hip - that swollen kind that looks like a saddle bag, but didn't rip my tights. Go figure! My hands are bruised but I was wearing long finger gloves so no road rash there - just a teensie bit on one hand. My $3500 bike is a little scratched up but not too bad. Whew! DH wants to know how I managed to crash on both sides of my bike. Beats me! I must have been flopping around the road. :p The side of my helmet that is dented is the opposite side than the side of my body that I have road rash on. We were going about 16mph.

Yesterday we had a lot of tornadic activity with 3 touching down. They said today was going to be similar and they have just issued a tornado watch. We are just north of the tornados that hit Colorado yesterday. Yikes! Sirens are going off. Gotta run!

I hope you all have a great weekend!


We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. -- Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)

Hey Crazies! Sorry I haven't been around much, but I've been sooooooo busy with work and I've had a F'ing-death-cold for the past week and I could hardly function. Anyhows, we are going to Fruita Co. for some more bike riding this weekend, been 4 times now! We love that place! I've also been doing the shred workouts from Jillian Michaels. Looks like everyone is keeping up with the workouts and all the maniac-ness. I'll have to check in more next week. Hope you all have a great weekend!

Suz- Dang girl! I can't believe you endoed on your bike! That's what I always fear when dh tells me to draft off him when we ride on the road.
I'm hope the tornadoes don't hit your area. I was worried about that yesterday when they said they were heading towards Laramie!

Talk more next week, off to do my shred workout...later...

[font face="script" color=magenta size=+1]*~Dallys~*[/font]


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