Hello everyone!
I think I'm adjusting to my new workout plan. Yesterday DH wanted me to lift upper body and no cardio, just to rest, so I did. That was new for me. I didn't argue (aren't you proud of me?). He has decided to remain my coach, btw.
Today I rode with my girlfriend since tomorrow I am helping my sister with her garage sale. I only got in an hour because...
I crashed on my bike this morning - BIG TIME! My girlfriend turned around to ask me a question and when she did she got wonky on her bike and my front wheel hit her back wheel and I went down big time. My head hit the road so hard and bounced back up. Thank goodness for helmets! Luckily it was 35 degrees when I left my house so I was wearing a long sleeved, thin shirt, a long sleeved heavier jersey and a thick long sleeved jacket (yes, I tend to overdress - I hate being cold!). My jacket is all ripped up (a really nice Pearl Izumi

) and I still ended up with road rash on my elbow, but I can't imagine what it would have been like without all those layers! I also got road rash on my hip - that swollen kind that looks like a saddle bag, but didn't rip my tights. Go figure! My hands are bruised but I was wearing long finger gloves so no road rash there - just a teensie bit on one hand. My $3500 bike is a little scratched up but not too bad. Whew! DH wants to know how I managed to crash on both sides of my bike. Beats me! I must have been flopping around the road.

The side of my helmet that is dented is the opposite side than the side of my body that I have road rash on. We were going about 16mph.
Yesterday we had a lot of tornadic activity with 3 touching down. They said today was going to be similar and they have just issued a tornado watch. We are just north of the tornados that hit Colorado yesterday. Yikes! Sirens are going off. Gotta run!
I hope you all have a great weekend!
We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. -- Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)