Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Friday August 25


I know I shouldn't be envious of growing boys...just dumb, but I can't understand why I can't make *some* progress. All I want is just alittle bit, why do they have to hog it all???? NO FAIR!!! My son is catching up to me with weights and I got EVERYONE beat for squats so I asked my son if he wanted to arm-leg wrestle me today! lol He really was going to take me up on it too. We are all a bunch of nuts. lol

Good evening,
I just wanted to drop in and see what everyone was up to.

Sheila, welcome to the checkin. It looks like you have a good rotation going:)

Charlotte, you have made so much progress. You look great. You have people wondering where you are on the open discussion because you do make an impact on us all. I often think that I should cut cardio down and maybe not do as long of workouts but can't bring myself to change. I love cardio and I love to eat. Well maybe that is my problem not yours LOL. Question, does your son and dd boyfriend take rest days? Also I think trying to compete with a young male would be very difficult. JMO. I really don't care for supplements. At one time I tried implimenting L glutamine and Arganine and taking my protein supplements. I think all I got was gastric distress. I use protein powder which I use 1/2 scoop of in the mornings right after my workout because I rarely eat beakfast. I put this into a shake with some skim milk. Sometimes I add some berries and sometimes I add some left over coffee and splenda. Try Debbies approach it may be just what you need.

Lora, thats great that you got in one of the pics from the concert. Like your shirt.

Diane Sue
Toasty- my son is 14 and 6 ft tall so far he only wts 109lbs on that end he takes after me and dad but I am only 5ft4.I was tiny in my teenage years.So I am competing against long arms -legs and about 40lbs less than me.He respects my workouts and wants to be able to lift as much as me and says I work him harder than his coach.But I am his driving force in running he lives to beat me-oh but yesterday on hill repeats I beat him we settled on a tie but I did beat him.I know I am pathatic in taking joy in beating my 14 year old son in a race(secretly only you guys know).But it is a driving force for me to get better.I will die when he beats me in wt;(
Diane Sue,

I know I have made progress over the months and years. I am just greedy, I guess, and impatient too. Always seeking much more and pushing hard for it. I like to stay very hard on myself. It is a bad and good thing.

I am glad you are doing what you love. I think for me is to switch to something different more often. You love to eat cuz you burn soooooo much...gosh!!!! My son and dd's boyfriend have rested for a long time. DD's boyfriend is working now so hasn't been able to workout with me and son for some time and son just works out whenever. Yeah, I don't mean to compete with them two, but when I see dd's boyfriend doing one arm push ups...I want to leave the room and find a corner to cry in! LOL! Well I am waiting for Debbie as I am curious what she will have. Thanks for your encouraging words. Means alot.

Charlotte- You aren't bringing me down! You guys are making me laugh about the teenagers!LOL!! You have inspired me so much woman! All of you have! But talking to you Charlotte has given me a whole new outlook on weight lifting and fitness in general. I thank you for that! Don't give up!(Not that I really think you would LOL)!

All of you ladies are truly inspiring, and I love this check-in!

Goodnight guys!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

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