Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Fri Jan 19

Just finished my leg workout. I am more tired today then usual and my arms and lats are still sore so I started to skip the pulldowns, etc.

Here she blows...

Squats 150# 3/10
Leg Ext 95# 3/8
Deadlifts 130# 3/8
Reverse Lunges 130# 3/10


Balance Lunge
Calf Raise Squats 60# bb
Reverse Grip Chin Ups 6x's
Superskaters (no weight)
Wall Squats 20# db's
Lat Pulldowns 90# and only 4x's
Step Back Lunges 25# db's
Alt Side Lunge 20# db's
Single Leg Squats 20# db's
Deadlift Squats 12# db's
Three Way Lunges (no weight)
Sneaky Lunges
Chair Salutations 25# db in lap
Toe Roll Iso Lunges 15# db's
Groucho Walk with 40# db
Calf Raises 60# bb
80-20 Seiber Speed Squats/Jumps

Thank goodness I did Ab ripper earlier cuz I am done!!!!! Worn out.


I was 144 pounds with my son and that was huge for me. I got so big so fast that the doc thought I was having twins for goodness sakes! Ya know though, there are some women that you can't even tell they are pregnant. You are also more sensitive when you are pregnant cuz the hormones are out of control so maybe that is why I never forgot it. It was like telling me I was Henrietta Hippo or something. I am glad I am not that emotional anymore...now just once a month instead. I think that might be today? lol.

DH just says that those are fun names and he doesn't mean anything by it. Except....the Lunch Box one I got cuz I can put some food away.

I have to look for this 3 hour Cathe workout someone at VF mish-moshed together. I had it copied and was going to paste it this morning, but I was running late. I'll look for it later. I figured you maniacs would want to do it.
Lora, you know us so well LOL!! That would be interesting to see. I may need it the next time I go on a pizza binge!!

Char- great WO lady. I agree, your legs are like steel. Now take a nap! Glad I got mine done too so I can relax after work.

BTW, I was about 225 when I was pregnant! Probably more towards the end since i was still 203 2 months post partum! YUK! Talk about having jiggly legs!

Oh, I have to go to work now and my butt hurts. That walk up those hills hit my booty good, especially carrying 38 extra pounds! Then those one legged squat thingys in DM, when you hold one leg up! Those are good ones.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums

Hey again! Done working.:) Have no food(well, not much) in the house. Just finished off the last of my almonds and had some raisins. I'm still hungry.:( One of my customers gave me some Tea samples. I don't like herbal tea much. To strong. I'm having green tea with some kind of green liquor flavor! Wish it had real liquor in it. I need to relax. LOL!

Meg- Great workout! You did good today.:) You've done amazing, since your pregnancy. I can't imagine having to lose more than 1O-15lbs. That's like sooooooo hard for me, I'm not good at it. You are so disaplined.

Char- Henrietta Hippo! That's hilarious! You're nuts! You had a great workout despite being sore. Don't you have recovery week next week?

Lora- I'm glad to hear your DH is just playing with you with the names and isn't being mean. I can be a lunch box myself.:) I saw that mish mosh over at VF. It's totally insane! LOL!

I'm probably the Bionic poster of the day. LOL! I'm just chatty today. Maybe cuz it's Friday and I'm happy and starving to death.:)

Got me some more shorts in the mail.:) These are really padded. I'll use these for the loooong rides. They look weird on me. My least favorite so far.

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Anne - You are cracking me up. "Those bad boys". LMAO!! Enjoy those hooters. Sounds like my cousin, she came over when she was all healed up and had to show me her hooters. Like I really wanted to see them. But she was so happy. Hope your jaw gets better soon.

Someone said they did the B&G blast premix and ended up doing it twice last night. Dallys, Meaghan? Anyways, I cannot believe you did that workout twice through! Now you got me wanting to do the premix, but only once!

Missy - We love you too! :)

Randi - Great workout today!

Dallys - I just read your post about your dh waking you up. LMAO! You must have been the one that did B&G twice! I was sore about two days after that workout but not the soreness I usually get. It was subtle but in different places then what I'm usually use to.

Lora - Sorry to hear about your dh. His knick names for you aren't too nice. I hope you have some mean ones to call him.

Meaghan - Your walk sounds nice. We're getting big snowflakes here too. Love it! I'm not sure about the pics, I don't think I look much different then what I looked in the November pics I took.Su

Suz - I hope your dad is ok. Thats scary. Last week my dad didn't answer his cell phone or return a text message I sent. I instantly got worried. His battary died. Oy! Do you have heat again in your office?

Char - Great workout! Your weights are up there with legs. Awesome you maniac!

Where's Amber and Diane Sue today?

You put away some food cuz you burn so many calories. I can put away some food too and my FIL will report back to my hubby that I have been eating forever. lol. I think it is funny though. Anyhow, just a natural thing to eat more after hard workouts.

I am gonna take a 40# db and knock your dh upside the head..is that o.k. with you? Tell him I said to SHUT UP!

Yeah, where is Amber?


Yes, let us know about your dad.


Are you turning into that bird in your avatar picture...the reason I ask is because it sounds like you are eating like one...go get ya some steak! My frig is getting bare too and I just went shopping. Hubby will be pissed if I keep buying more food. I am so high maintenance with my eating habits. lol. Aw...recovery week...yes! Kinda scares me though. I feel like more then a few days set me back too much so I might do some of my own stuff inbetween. Not sure yet.

Debbie-Yeah, I was the one that did that premix 2 times. I didn't do it on purpose, and I don't recommend it! I just pushed something that started it all over again. I just kept going thinking how nuts this workout is. I think I might like that premix better than the original. Try it and tell me what you think. It doesn't have any floor work.

Char- I feel like I'm eating like a bird today. I need to go to the store and get some more veggies. Not sure how to store them now. My inside fridge is so weird. My milk will be warm but anything in the crisper will freeze. My outside fridge is just out in the cold and can't warm up. It's turned way down. Don't worry, I'll be eating like Henrietta Hippo as soon as I can get to the store.:)

Yeah, where is Diane Sue and Amber?

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~


your too much. :p :+ My son asked me if I wanted a hershey bar from the theater where he works. I was like..."NO"..Don't bring any home for me. I am trying to be good. Then my dd request one. She will purposely put it in the cabinet in the kitchen knowing I will find it and eat pieces off it. I will have to tell her to keep in her room.

Char-That's what my DH will do! He'll purposely put a goodie out to see how fast I'll devour it! He can go for days without touching, but I'm weak, and he know it! I haven't touched his little stash of cinnamon gummies fishes, yet. He'll be surprised. If my DS aked if I wanted a him to bring a candy bar home, I'd probably say "Hunh? Just one, I'll need more than just one!" Oy!

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Good golly you girls are chatty! This gal who started coming to our knitting group was 6 months pregnant and had gained ONE pound she said. The reason was b/c she had been so sick and had lost weight. She was super skinny. She has since had the baby and was supposed to be there last night but wasn't. We had a present for her so we were hoping she'd be there. She's a tiny little thing anyway, but ONE POUND at 6 months? None of us knew her before then but she was definitely skinny at that point.

Just wanted to say hi. Still can't reach my dad. We're off to have dinner with some friends - one of my knitting buddies - the one I took knitting with about 7 years ago (we worked and traveled together) - and she's an awesome knitter now after living in Yellowstone for 4 years and knitting all winter with a group of 30 women! - anyway her and her husband and my other friend from work who we also taught to knit. I introduced those two and they ride bikes together in the summmer b/c they are more the same speed. I love how all my friends are intertwined with knitting and cycling. :)

I'll try to catch up more later. I just can't keep up with you all today!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Suz - I hope you find your father and he's okay.

Regarding the name's.....I guess I shouldn't give him all the credit, cuz he does verbally abuse me and calls me a F'n B#$@ anc the C word!! He's a hot head....but it does no good to try and change him. He blows up and then gets over it in a few days. I'm used to it.

Speaking of recovery weeks, I'm planning on doing a Yoga/Cardio/Pilates week coming up in the very near future. I've been wanting to do some harder yoga's that I don't do when I'm sore from other tough workouts. I think the change will be good.

Speaking of Blimps or Hippos.......I'm really not doing well with my chocolate habit. I filled up the candy jar on my desk at work (left by the other secretary with a note that Jay & Ed like Dark chocolate) and when I get stressed, who pigs out on all the candy??? MOI!!!! I can't stop! The most I ever weighed in my life was a couple years after I got clean, I went up to 140. I felt like a Rhino! Then I usually stayed around 135 for a long time and right when I turned 40, somehow miracously - I lost 10 pounds and have been staying around 124-125 for a while now. I was 117 when I was off work for 5 months and doing double aerobics and I tend to like myself at 114-117, but I doubt I'll ever get there again.

Speaking of work.......if I have more days like today and less like the rest of the week, I think I can handle the job. Today wasn't too bad. I was busy....but didn't have to type 6, 14 page documents over 5 times and have them done by a certain time with Jay calling me every 5 minutes. I even got a chance to get a bit of my monstrous filing done. Let's pray that it starts going better for me. I was also just a tiny bit less nervous around Jay today and he even had a bad day and got upset here and there. I'm seeing that he really is the "big shot" there. He has something to do with almost every deal going on in the Practice and I'm finding I also do a lot of typing for the other attorneys because a lot of documents have to come to him and Ed for final approval and I end up typing them!

Figured I'd say some positive stuff about today since I've been whining all week. I hope I didn't jinx myself.

Anne- I'm jealous.......I wish I had "hooters"! I've always wanted to know what it was like to have cleavage....other than butt cleavage! LOL.
How ironic...dh came home and said I have back fat now. So I am wearing his favorite perfume..black cat..(being sarcastic..he hates it..says it smells like ortho) I am mad at him

Charlotte - I don't know how you could have any fat on your back!!! You're an ecto for goodness sakes. He's crazy!!

Here's that workout someone posted at VF: I think a harder workout would be Butts & Gutts Leg Blast, P90 X Chest & Back and Drill Max!!!!!!!!!

The Hardest Workout You Have EVER Done, Here's Mine...
OK. I decided to see how much I could do over the weekend. So, I combined Cathe's May 2005 Rotation with her IMAX Extreme from her Terminator DVD into a 3-hour kick-butt workout. Here it goes:

*I took 8 counts of rest between sets, and between 16 and 24 counts of rest between weight exercises. I changed the audio from my DVD to the radio during the weight lifting portions*

Cardio and Weights Warm-Up
1) Super Man (3 sets of 25 reps)
2) Wide grip barbell rows overhand grip (3 sets of 15)
3) One Arm Rows (3 sets of 15, each side)
Cardio and Weights Cardio #1
4) Narrow Grip Underhand Barbell Rows (3 sets of 15)
5) Barbell Deadlifts (3 sets of 15)
6) Seated Row with the resistance band (2 sets of 25 reps)
7) Barbell or Dumbell Pullovers (3 sets of 15)
IMAX2 Interval 2
1) Push Ups...(5 sets of 10 to 12 reps)
2) Incline Dumbbell Press (3 sets of 15)
3) Flat Bench Dumbell Fly (3 sets of 15)
Cardio and Weights Cardio #2
4) Flat Bench Dumbbell Press (3 sets of 15)
5) Dips off of bench with legs elevated (3 sets of 15 reps)
6) 3 sets of 20 crunches on the stability ball, with a medicine ball
7) plank on your elbows, hold for 1 minute
8) 3 sets of 15 rocket shoots
9) 3 sets of 15 three count crunches on the floor
IMAX2 Interval 3
1) Barbell Squats (5 sets 12)
2) One legged Dumbbell Lunges w/back leg elevated (3 sets of 15)
3) Plie Barbell Squats (3 sets of 15)
Cardio and Weights Cardio #3
4) Free Style calf raises off edge of step (3 sets 30 reps)
5) Barbell stiff leg deadlifts on platform (3 sets of 15)
6) Firewalkers (2 sets of 36, first set with toes pointed in, second set with toes pointed out)
IMAX2 Interval 4
1) Seated overhead dumbbell Press (3 sets of 15)
2) Seated dumbbell side lateral raises (3 sets of 15)
3) Upright barbell row (3 sets of 15)
Cardio and Weights Cardio #4
4) Barbell Front Raise (3 sets of 15)
5) Dumbbell Rear Delt Flys (3 sets of 15)
6) Resistance band rear delt flys (3 sets of 15)
7) 2 sets of 30 bicycle ab-work
8) 3 sets of 16 Rusiian Twists
9) 3 sets of 20 ab crunches (1st set to the right, 2nd set to the left, 3rd set to the middle)
IMAX2 Interval 5
1) Seated Alternating Dumbbell curls (3 sets of 15 each side)
2) Preacher Barbell Curl (leaning on stability ball if you do not have a preacher bench) (3 sets of 15)
IMAX2 Interval 6
3) Barbell Curls 3 sets of the following pattern (8 reps from top half/ 8 reps from bottom half/ 8 reps full range of motion)
4) Dumbbell Hammer curls
IMAX2 Interval 7
1) Lying Barbell Extentions (3 sets of 15)
2) Seated Dumbbell Overhead Extention Both Arms (3 sets of 15)
3) Dips (3 sets 20)
IMAX2 Interval 8
4) Dumbbell Kickbacks (3 sets of 15)
5) I had a VHS ab video set up and quickly switched to it and did FIRMAbs for 20 minutes
IMAX2 Interval 9 + Cooldown

Anyways, that is my favorite workout (although I can only manage to do it maybe once every other week or once a month). The original Cathe Rotation is here:

Does anyone else have a killer workout that they really enjoy?
Oh...and I think all of the P90Xers should do the above workout next time they do a weight workout or chest and back!!!! C'mon ....if Dally's did double Leg Blast - you guys can hang!!! Specially Toasty with her 40 pounders!!!
I am riding my bike tomorrow...25 miles and then kenpo. Gotta get the fat off now. Recovery week next week...forget it. Drill Max everyday.

I'm going to butt in here because I'm very troubled by the name-calling by your husband, Lora. Those names are not funny, and should not be acceptable to you. If you have low self esteem and confidence, here's a clue as to why. If you have someone calling you stupid for a long time, you begin to believe it. Maybe you would hesitate to call him a jerk, but that's what he is. He is a very cruel character, and it's a shame that you put up with it.
My dad is found!!! As suspected, he found a care facility for his wife for a few days, drove himself to Seattle 2 hours away, had an angiogram, they found a slight blockage but not much, put in a stent and sent him on his way (well, this was a couple of days that he spent in the hospital). He drove himself back home and got home this afternoon. He plans to pick his wife up tomorrow even though he is not supposed to do any heavy lifting. Now, mind you, she is 5' 8" and weighs 140 pounds and can not walk. But he says to me "It will be fine. I'm fine. I need to get her home." He felt bad enough leaving her there tonight. I'm pretty sure she doesn't really know the difference, but he worries that nobody will take good enough care of her.

Anyway, thought you would all like to know. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.

Charlotte - back fat? Yeah, whatever!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France


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