Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for 8/10

Linda, I bought this Super Band from perform better that is super strong. I read that you can use it for assisted pull ups. I bought just one. Wish now I had bought the set with the dvd. I have see uses on youtube. A friend that just finished her personal training course said that they were using them. Here is a link. There is a video clip as well.

Diane Sue
- What size band did you get? It looks like that package only comes with a 1" and a 1/2"?
Linda, I bought the 1 inch. My friend thought that she had just bought two bands and the gave her a dvd with it. So she thought I would get one but when she contacted them they said she bought the package deal. It is a pretty tough band. She said they told her that they have a special door attachment available for it that is not on the website but if you call you can purchase it for 2.00. She says the dvd is a whole lot of circuits. I looped mine through a regular door attachment so that it was actually double on both sides and did crunches on a stability ball with it.
I also bought those mini bands that are like versa loops. I bought heavy and extra heavy and they sure increase the difficulty.

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