Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Checkin for Thurs Feb 23


Morning Ladies -

This morning I did TLT Strength in Movement with Jen Carmen. I like this particular workout the more and more I do it. I really believe these have a learning curve.

Ugh...do I feel fat lately. I still need to lose a few pounds. Maybe after my P90 Masters rotation, I'll have to do a Cathe Fat Loss. All of this stress at work is making me fat! Regarding the job - I really don't want to transfer to another dept at the moment, as there are huge cuts coming in the next couple of months and I hardly have any seniority, so a lot of less senior peeps will get bumped out of their jobs. Nobody will want to bump me where I am. I still continue to look in the newpaper for an outside job weekly, but it has been slow. I guess I just have to find some way to deal with her. I think she truly is Bipolar, as an employee from the dept. next to us said that right before I started, she was made to take mandatory time off to get placed on medication for her condition. He said maybe it's time for her to go back on her meds.

Charlotte - do you have the Flyleaf CD? Is it good?

Susan - I checked into those Pilates tapes you were looking at and nobody on VF bought them cuz they are only available on VHS and the website doesn't have good descriptions. Have you ever heard of the Cardiobarre workouts? They don't use the ring, but they are ballet and pilates based...I think. I think Stott makes a video using the ring. Check on Collage's site. I think I have it from a long time ago.

Have great workouts everyone and hello to everyone.

ETA: I don't know how I'm supposed to take a rest day Saturday feeling as fat as I do. I'm supposed to do an easy workout tomorrow too, as the instructions for the P90 Masters rotation says to take a week or 2 of recovery before starting. Do you ladies really think I need to do a couple easy days?
Good Morning Everyone!


No, I don't have the flyleaf cd yet. I just listen to their two songs off the computer and leave it on all day! LOL! I will be sick of them by the time I go to the concert just like I am sick of Seether, but it will still be sooooo awesome!

Well I am going to run today. I want to push myself so I would like to stay out running for at least 1 hour and then onto BBM. I need to do 3 sets of that workout. One is just not enough for me. Core Max 2 I will do in the evening along with bicep curls and work tri's.

This am. I plan on riding my airdyne for 30min or longer, and then onto 3 sets of BBM and then going to work on upper body!!! Not sure what workout to do?? I will decide at the time:D

Marietta did I miss something??? I don't remember you posting anything that was bothering you??? Sorry!! As you know everything will get better..... just give it time!! You are in my thoughts and prayers!!

Well gotta go!! Will be back later!!

Morning ladies!

I thought I would check in real fast before we hit the road. Looks like everyone is getting in some good workouts. I never made it to check in yesterday because I was trying to get everything ready to leave this morning. You would think we were going to be gone longer than one night. lol

Lora-I hope you get out of your funk soon. Remember we all care about you and I am sending you lot of ((((((HUGS)))))).

Dallas-I hope we can get together later. Call me. We will be at On the Border around noon and then not sure since we cannot check into the hotel until 3.

I will post some pictures late tomorrow maybe. I have to work Sat 9-12 and then I am hosting an open house on Sun 1-3. I will get them on here sometime for you to see though. Billy Currington here I come!!! LOL!!

Have a great day ladies!!
Hello Ladies,

Today is KPC and the 500 squats etc from january rotation. The BBM workout isn't giving me doms so I think Nicole is right and the Slim Series worked our glutes and legs so much we are conditioned fo these moves. I will stick with the plan but I don't thonk my butt will ever look as hard as hers! Ya know I think Diane Sue has her butt! Look at her aviator pic. Way to go Diane Sue :)

Sabrina-Have a safe and fun trip. If you and Dallas get to met up be sure and take pics.
Lora-I don't know your financial situation but if at possible leave that job! Your health is more importantthen any job. IMO tis job is destroying you and it is not worth it.
Nicole-You have been on a roll lately with your workouts. I think adding the bike has been grea for you. Do you miss doing the SS? I miss not doing one everyday as I felt they hit all areas except cardio ya know?
Susan-Any new pics of your little boy? I hope you are getting some rest.
Marietta-I hope you are feeling better today. WE are here for you. Remembe the e-mail you sent me when I was worried a couple months ago? I tink you should read that as I know where you draw your strength! It all turned out ok for me and gave me peace.
Dallas-The new Dr. sounds so much neter then the other! I kow you are happy to be ale to do some cardio again.
Charlotte-How many hours a day do you workout?
I will check back later. My day yesterday got crazy with work disasters that I had to take care of.


Usually not that much. LOL! I need to add in the cardio (running) more because my body is starting to store more fat. Eating the same so I guess it is the cardio that I need to do more of. My body must be getting more efficient at storing glucose or something...weird.

Good Morning...

Well today is a NEW day and I'm going to make the best of it!

I did KCP this morning...I'll do more cardio later and then I need to do 3 sets of BBM and Back work.

Lora - I don't know all the details, but I have read that stress can make you gain weight. So, if you plan to stay at your current job, you are going to have to find a way to lower your stress levels. In otherwords, you will need to find a way to "overlook" your boss and her wicked ways. I know you can do it...dig deep inside your soul and be determined to get through.

Charlotte - Sounds like you've got a good workout plan today. I ready your post about your dd and her friend. I hope they stick with it...but you know these teens get bored really fast...you're gonna have to be a drill sargent!! Your DD looks just like you...too cute!!

Nicole - You didn't miss anything...just asked for prayer pretty late in the day yesterday. Thanks for being there. Good workout lady...looks like most of us have 3 sets of BBM to do today.

Sabrina - I was wondering where you were yesterday...Have a fun trip...I hope you and Dallas can get together.

Terri - Thank you my friend...you are exactly right. I took my burdens to the Lord last night...and I left them there. Today is a new day and possibilities are endless!! Bring it on world!!! We need to figure out what we are doing next month don't we? I don't think Wendy is still doing this rotation...do you?

I'll check back in later...

Hi everybody that follows!!

My body seems to be storing fat also!! I need to do more cardio, but I can't get up any earlier than I already do (well maybe 2:00 and not 2:30)and I can't do it after work, as I have enough trouble sleeping and I'd be too wound up.

Charlotte - You do have both Seether CD's - do you not? If not, I HIGHLY recommend them and for the Disclaimer one, you've got to have Disclaimer 2 for all of the extras on it. It has the DVD and all of the extra songs. I also recommend Shinedown's first one. I like the 2nd one, but not as much as the first one. I also like that song by Flyleaf "So Sick".....but I only heard about 3 of their songs at the concert due to the technical difficulties. I might buy it though. I'm thinking about it.
Marietta-I am so glad you aree doing better today. Yes, we do need to figure out what to do next month. You said you were thinking february rotation. I liked doing a rotation with you so maybe I will do that one as well. Adding more in where I feel I need to. Maybe we should see what Cathe puts out for March first. What do you think?

Well I rode 11 miles on my airdyne, and Mis upper body, and got 2 sets of BBM workouts in. :)

Terri I think adding the bike in has been good to!! I am really building up my stamina riding the darn thing.:7 I can't believe I have had it all this time and really never used it like I am now?? (It's my dh's.........NOT:p

Yes I do miss my SS's!! I tell ya Terri I don't think anything has done what SS has done for my lower half.(Although the bike seems to be working..... I will keep you posted!!) I even do Cathes now with lower wt for lower body.

Charlotte I have to agree adding more cardio helps!! It seems to be in my case:D

Marietta sending ((HUGS)) and continued prayers your way:D

Good Afternoon Everyone!

Some days the phone never stops ringing! :-( How can I stop the 800 numbers from calling? There's got to be a way. We put in privacy manager and that worked for awhile, but not lately!

Marietta ~ Bigs (((((hugs))))) coming your way and good thoughts and prayers too! Hope everything will work out for you.

Terri ~ You haven't been doing the SS lately? I thought you still were.

Nicole ~ Our printer was out of paper yesterday. I've printed out the BBM today. It looks like I can do a lot of the exercises except the lunges and squats. :-( You know I really miss doing walking lunges, I know it sounds crazy! lol They work!

Diane Sue ~ I know you have got to be busy trying to get ready. I know I am and I still have a month to go. I have a lot of shopping that has to get done. My kids grew since last summer, so they need a lot of new stuff. My shorts are all too loose from last summer! :7 You know the weird thing my weight really hasn't changed. Can anyone explain that?:)

Lora ~ Hang in there! We're here for you! Cardio always helps me de-stress. Could you squeeze an extra 30 minutes somehow?

Susan ~ How's the little guy? You're right - I'll try to stick to mainly this thread. ;-)

Sabrina ~ You must be at On the Border by now? I hope we can figure something out. Anyone want to babysit for me. ha ha :+ :7

Charlotte ~ How did the run go? Oh boy, am I envious. I'd give anything to be able to run right now! :-( Soon I hope!

Oh yeah, this morning I did Janis Saffell Brand New Butt Pilates. That DVD was frustrating me. It kept going back to the main menu after each "chapter". I'll have to see if that's meant to do that. Then I did ToneIU floor work and CM #3. Not much more I can do since I can't do cardio right now. Can you tell I'm getting impatient! lol

Take it easy!

O.k., just checking back. I ran for 30 mins until I felt the pain of an ingrown toenail. Came inside and not long after did some plyo jumping jacks to the sound of Seether. Lost count, but just kept jumping thru 2 Seether songs. Did the BBM workout with weights in pyramid tradition. For bench step up, started with a 25# db and then 20# and 15#. Did hamstring curls with 70# first go around and dropped to 60# for last 2 sets. Deadlifts to 65#, dropped to 55# and then to 45#. Lunges with 20#, then 15# and lastly #12. Duck squats 30#, 25# and then #20. Think I got it all in. Still have Coremax 2 to do tonight. I will see about riding bikes later with DD and friend> LOL!

Ok...I'm checking back in too!!

I went for about a 3-mile run and then I did some back work. I had 400 jumping jacks to do so I did them between sets (50/set until I reached 400). I'll have to do the BBM when I get off work...didn't have enough time and I really need to get in a 3-set day.

I have choir practice tonight....so I'll be home late. Had dance practice last night and it was a late night also. The little girls I teach, but have been given sugar injections because they were bouncing off the walls and driving me crazy!!! I couldn't wait for them to leave...yesterday was just not the day for that...trust me.

I was supposed be off work tomorrow, but now I have to work and the weather is going to be very nice (at least nice for the midwest this time of year), so that's certainly a bummer...but oh well...at least I have a job...things could be worse.

Dallas - Hi! Yes I can tell you are ready for cardio...just hang on girlie...your time is coming! Just a little longer.

You guys make my day!!

Be back...

Good afternoon,
This morning I did a treadmill run with Cardio Coach#5. I started P90X Yoga but only got through 30 minutes and ran out of time do to helping my grandson with studies and needing to leave early to hit my dentist office for tooth whitener before they left for lunch. I think I will just start it over this evening after everyone goes home. It is 92 minutes and I have to go back and pick up the other grandchildren from school.

Marietta, I am glad you are feeling better today. I pray you will be able to handle whatever you are struggling with.

Charlotte, that sounds like a good workout you have planned. I hate when I have to split mine. I like to do it all in the mornings.

Dallas, you have even more to keep you busy with shopping and packing for children:) I just keep thinking I am getting done and something else comes up.

Terri, I am kind of missing the slim series for the lower body work.

Sabrina looking forwards to seeing pictures. Have fun.

Hi to everyone
Diane Sue

I am still doing the SS just not everyday like I was. So hard to fit in everything with cathe's rotation for Jan. I try to ge at least 3 in a week. Next month I am going back to everyday with them :)

Great workouts ladies!

Hey there everyone!

Marietta ~ So glad you're doing better! more ((((hugs))))

Lora ~ I guess you could buy it on CD and crank it on a CD player. I purchased the downloadable version and put it directly on my iPod. I did make a copy to a CD just in case something happens to my iPod.

Terri ~ Yeah, it's a bummer I have to even modify the SS! x( No lunges and squats. I feel a little something in my foot today. I wonder why? Maybe that pilates reformer class last night? "Oh bother.." as Pooh bear says. ;-) How are you doing? Are you out of that rut yet?

Sabrina never called, but I don't see how I could have gotten away without a sitter. :-( I'm sure she's having some nice bonding time with her hubbie! ;-)

Nicole ~ Tomorrow I'd like to try adding the BBM (of course w/modifications) onto whatever floor work I chose to do tomorrow. I'll let you know how if goes.

Diane Sue ~ I have my coupons and lists ready for some major shopping this weekend. That'll get me out of this rut! lol

I must go figure out what to make for dinner.

Have a good night everyone!

OOOHHHHHH Dallas...that was a BIG ((((hug))))...Thank you sooooooo much!!!

That darn foot of yours....what the heck are we gonna do??!!

Sorry you and Sabrina didn't get to hook up...yeah, something probably came up.

Have great evenings everyone!!

Like Dallas said you can purchase it on CD and play it. Also you can download them and burn the workouts to a cd. I do this as well as loading them on my Dell DJ. I think my favorite is CC #5 and then #4. The difference in these is the hills and length of time spent and the sprint intervals. I try to push these really hard. Especially if they are short sprints. I like to go all out on the hills as well. Anyway I like them. I do wish they had a little different music as all of them seem to go with Enigma type stuff.
Diane Sue
Hi! Sorry if I'm barging in here, but I've been watching you guys off and on for a bit. I have a question. Are you all making a rotation between you that is slimming your thighs down? I don't think I could do 500 squats (yikes) but I'd be interested in what you are doing with the SS (I assume it is super sets?) THe music I saw you mention, is it good to work out too? I've never heard of either of them, boy where have I been, huh? You guys are incentive to me to do a workout. Although, I really lack cuz I only do one a day. Maybe I should increase that? I'd like to lose some inches somehow. Thanks for the info!

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