Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Wed May 31

Hey Ladies!!! Busy at work today! WOW!!!

Did P90X Back and Biceps, Core Max #1, and just completed a 4.5 mile tempo run. I'm feeling good today.

Had to pop in to say Charlotte - you ROCK!!! You give me something to strive towards!

Marietta - most training schedules for 1/2 marathons has the longest run at 10 miles. The excitment of the crowds and the other runners makes the last 3 miles easier. So, I think you will be fine, girl!! I'm only up to 6.8 miles - so I'm trying to catch up!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for the weather...

Sounds like everyone is getting in great workouts!! Dallas - I feel you on the treadmill - I only did 45 minutes and it was tough! I'd much rather run outside!
I'm baaaaack! I have a break in between meetings. The next one (last one) isn't until 5:30 and it's only 3:30. Got lots of work to catch up on though.

Debbie - sorry about your yogurt. I don't count calories. I think I'd be shocked if I did! I mostly try to do the portion size thing - carbs and protein at each meal - the fist or the palm of your hand. I'm sure if I counted my calories I'd be more lean. Of course I'm terrible at math so I use this as an excuse not to even get into it (read: I'm lazy!).

Dallas - you've been busy! It's nice to see you back. Congrats on your treadmill run. I agree with Marietta - the minute on minute off run may surprise you if you hit that minute really hard.

Marietta and Charlotte - I'm so weak in my chest. I swear presses kill me! I can do about 3 sets of 20 pushups on my toes, but I can hardly lift a thing for presses. You should see the baby weights I have to use in Cathe's videos. I need to work on that.

Christine - great workout!!! Glad you had a few minutes to say hey.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Hey Christine!!! Haven't chatted in a while have we?? Missed you girl!! Thanks for the encouragement...I'm needing it for some reason. I don't know why I freakin out...I never have. I think it's because I've set a goal and I'm thinking I may not hit it...Hmmmmmm.

Suz - You are not alone....trust me. This is common for alot of women. I'm really not about the numbers...but more about what is effective for me. Don't be selling yourself short missy!! I don't count calories either...I get all caught up in the numbers and get frustrated. I try to pay attention to my portions and go with that. I do admire the counters though...it's not easy.

I did get on the elliptical at lunch and also threw in some shoulder work...

Looks like rain here....we really need it so I won't complain too much.

Have a great evening everyone!

Oh yeah - good to chat with you, too. I know what you mean about setting a goal and maybe not reaching it, but you will. I know you will. You're going to be hauling your bad a$$ back here on Saturday bragging about your time and how easy the run was! You know you will... Whenever you want to quit, just remind yourself that you're tougher than those 13 miles. You know you are. It's just the pre-race jitters talking. Don't listen to them...
Good evening,
It took awhile to get going this morning but I did Turbo Jam Cardio Party Remix, I liked it a lot. I think the cardio portion of this would be a good addition to TJ Fat Blaster as it has two Turbos in it and is up there in the intensity, I then ran 3.5 miles on the treadmill and previewed TJ Booty sculpt Plus abs. I was surprised that it appears to be a total body workout with the emphasis on the lower body. It looks good though and uses dumbbells and a dyna band. I did the ab portion. It was good but only 5 minutes. I then did Core Max Tough Core Premix, and some hanging leg raises, I followed with Bowflex and free weights, Back, Shoulders and Biceps.

Sandy, I think a good substitute timewise for MIC would be SJP Hi Low, followed by Step Blast Challenge, then CTX Step & Intervals. MIC runs about 24 minutes of intense Hi Low, then 32 minutes of step with the last few minutes being intervals. Good for you getting through I Max 2.

Marietta, it's good to see you back. Have a great time doing the half marathon. DH & I are just taking our fifth wheel trailer out camping for the weekend.

Dallas, It looks like you are doing really well with your foot. I am so happy for you. Glad to see you back as well.

Charlotte, it looks like you got in some good poundages. My highest bench press with dumbbells is 35# pair. Pushups I can do 30 after doing p90x. Depending on which ones:) I still don't like pushups.

Suz and Debbie, my diet varies somewhat. I think I am the salad queen. My family just know to make sure I get salad. I usually have some protein on them lowfat or fat free cheese, various greens and veggies. I usully mix low car bbq sauce or salsa with light or ff ranch dressing. This does vary. Mornings after my workout I usually fix a protein smoothie right away. Then lunch is a large salad. I snack on cottage cheese, almonds or walnuts, raisins,and sometimes a can of tuna with liquid smoke and mustard for flavoring. Then dinner is a protein source and lots of veggies and maybe more salad. Sometimes I have a smoothie in the evening as well. Whenever I do my calories they are quite often around 2000-2400. I have been know to snack on veggies as well. This is just basic. I will shock my system once in awhile and eat whole wheat pasta, quinoa, or brown rice. I did the phase one of p90x almost exclusively with a few changes through the entire 90 days. I did not use the recover drink though and when eating breakfast I skipped the protein bar. I was never hungry though. I do cheat and eat cake and candy and stuff here and there. Suz, thanks for the compliment. Now I have a hard time seeing myself that way. I guess we are all hard on ourselves.

We still are missing some people here. I hope they all get back soon. Have a nice evening.
Diane Sue

Thanks for sharing, Diane Sue! I'm starting to think my problem is I'm not eating enough. I workout hard and feel great this week since I've upped my calories. I'll see if I can shed these last 5 lbs. I eat clean 6 days a week and have a couple cheat meals on Saturday's. I'm really trying to limit those. How tall are you, Diane Sue??

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