Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Thursday Feb 16


Morning Ladies -

This morning my rotation called for Cardio Killer 2 (The Firm). I overslept and only did about 40 minutes of it (it was 46 long). I didn't have a real good workout, as I'm not feeling too good.

Yesterday was a really bad day. My boss had a talk with me because she said I go to the bathroom too much and she said I must have a problem and I need a slip from my doctor. I don't want to go into the whole story here, but it escalated from there and she picked at me about other things also (like my day off on Monday).

Right now, I'm feeling really mental and depressed and I don't even know if I feel like working out or checking in here any more. I certainly don't feel like a fitness maniac right now.

Have great workouts everyone.
I just wanted to give you a ((hug)) and say hang in there. Personally, your boss sounds like a real pill and that there's no pleasing her. Please don't stop working out and checking in. You are such a great motivator and have such consistency. You are always the first one to start this thread.

I'm not in the best work situation either, but to me it's just a job. I do the best I can, but it really pales in comparison to my real life and activities. I also try to surround myself with positive people, that helps a lot. I work at a prison, talk about a depressing jobplace!

Is it possible to transfer from that department or get further away from this boss? From reading your posts, it sounds like almost daily she is unhappy about something. She wouldn't have liked me yesterday as I woke up feeling way puffy and determined I was going to drink tons of water, which I did! I was in the bathroom every 1/2 hour or so. My boss is a man that I think wouldn't even dream about discussing my bathroom habits with me.

Please hang in there, I, for one, look forward to reading this thread each day.

Wow Lora...sorry you had such a bad day yesterday. I can certainly understand your frustration. I really can't say anything about your boss that hasn't been said already...I will say that you shouldn't let this affect your life outside of the office. I think you check-in here because you like to and you should continue to do so. Don't give your boss or anyone else for that matter the power to come between all the things that you like to do.

Don't feel like a fitness maniac right now?? Fitness Maniacs is nothing but a title...it says nothing about "who" we really are...each of us as indivuals...it merely decribes one aspect of our lives which is fitness. We come here and share all kinds of things with each other and we are here to support one another. Please don't lose sight of that.

I can't make you change you mind if you really don't want to come here anymore....but just know that it won't be the same without you, so please don't go...

Remember....we are here for you...that's what friends are for.
Lora I 2nd everything Marietta said!! I could not have said it better.

I would just like to add I have a friend that was really into working out, and she fell into a deep depression, and quit working out gained a lot of weight and was even more depressed. Now she is working through it with the care of her Dr., and he told her that working out at least 30 min. a day was something she had to do. He told her it is like taking a pill that she needed!!

I truly hope you don't leave us because like Marietta said it would not be the same without you!!

We are here for you!! So USE US!! We will support you through this difficult time!!



P:S: Jeanette thanks for dropping by, and giving Lora your support!!
Lora-I third what Marietta said. It wouldn't be the same without you. We count on you for dvd reviews and we enjjoy hearing from you. You need a better boss and need to stay here with us. We can help you through this,

Today is a kickbox workout and a 30 minute run. Later I will do A ss workout. It's snowing here today so I doubt I will go anywhere this evening so plenty of time to workout :)

I will check back.

Oh...I guess I should say what I've done today.

This morning I did Cardio Kicks...not sure how I feel about this workout. I hadn't done it before...don't know if I'll be doing it again. I guess it was okay...but it did kinda remind me of hi/lo which I'm not very fond of.

I will definitely be running later and I'll probably get in some leg/glute work as well.

It is raining and it is getting colder which could be rather dangerous...hopefully it will all end before it's time for me to go home.

Hi Terri! I see we have SJ&P tomorrow. I may do Circuit Max or Step Blast or something along those lines...I don't like SJ&P too much. I think Wendy has been sick so she hasn't put a check-in thread for the January rotation out there. But we're still on track so I guess it's all good then.

Hi Nicole!! That story about your friend...I truly believe in that...I think exercise keeps me sane!! I'd probably lose it otherwise...it is a great outlet. Thanks for sharing...

What are the rest of you chick-a-dees up to today??

Oh Lora....BIG (((((HUGS)))))!!!! I'm sorry you are feeling this way. Don't stop checking in here! Who's going to start our thread every morning at 3A! ;-) I second and third what Marietta and everyone else has said. Jeanette, that was so nice of you to pop in here and offer advice. I've been having some rough days myself, but look forward to seeing what all of you are up to every day.

Today I did L&G standing and floor ankle weight work, CM #2 and Bryan Kest Power Yoga. I plan on doing KM - lo impact version still. No jumping yet for me. :-( I would have had that done by now, but my sil called again. She's having some moments lately too. Heck, maybe we need Spring to get here faster!

Susan ~ Yes, it's MTV Pilates Mix.

Hi to all who follow! :)

I have both kids home from school. My dd is still running a fever. She probably will have to go to the doctor. I was there yesterday for my son and he does have impetigo. Geez, when will the madness end?! x( He can go back to school tomorrow. Poor kid he's Student of the Week. Not a good week to miss school.

Have a good day everyone!


ETA: Nicole ~ Thanks for posting that BBB workout! That has got to be the funniest name!:7 Is that what you all are starting on Monday? Thanks for posting that about your friend. I agree, Lora. At least you're doing something and that's all that matters!
Hey Marietta-I jusr saw you don't like SJP. I like that one but I like hi/lo. Wow we are almost done with week3. We rock!

Lora-I go along with what everyone else has said!! We are here for you on or off this thread. Email or call me any time. We can complain about work together. I also don't want you to stop checking in, I would miss you. As for our thread title it does not fit me right now since I hardly ever get to workout, i just LOVE this bunch of ladies!! You are all so great!! Sending you lots and lots of (((((HUGS))))).

Dallas-I am sorry your kids are sick. I swear I didn't send it to you via the internet!!! lol Now, what is impetigo?

Terri-I am glad you received your magazine.

I better get some things done before I have to go to work. I might be on here a lot if there is nothing to do at work. lol

See you ladies later!
Good afternoon,
Lora, I am with everyone else. They have all offered good advice. It would not be the same without you here. I appreciate your knowledge on al of the workouts out there. You get me motivated to enjoy aromatherapy. I love scented bath products and oils. I buy candles all of the time and have to have one burning when I am working out or relaxing. I am sorry your boss is treating you that way. I don't know how she could give you a hard time for going to the bathroom.

Today I got a slow start. I had a hard time getting motivated. I sat and drank half a pot of coffee, visited with my daughter and grandson so when I finally pushed to workout I split my cardio and YogaX. I did Cardio Coach #5 on the treadmill. I started the yoga and got through 13 min. and quit. After I picked up my granddaughter and fixed the grandchildren lunch I went back and made myself do the whole thing (no wheels though) I think that is where I hurt my back last time.

Marietta, I am not fond of Hi Lo either. I quite often do the SJP, SB step circuit premix, or the step segment only of MIC. On Cardio Kicks I usually use the power drills option which is 14 minutes as an add on to other Kick Box workouts.

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue
Hey everyone,

Lora, your boss is simply a bully. I've never heard of anything more ridiculous than what she pulled on you yesterday. I'd have to find another place to work. I'm not a Hardcore Maniac either these days. We're all here to support each other. Remember that.

Nicole, do you workout when you have your parents visiting? I usually take days off then.

Marietta, I like Cathe’s KPC and KM MUCH better than Cardio Kicks. I hardly do that one. It does work the upper body good though.

Dallas, I’ll try the MTV Pilates mix dvd some day soon.

Sabrina, impetigo is a skin irritation that appears on the face. It’s like a rash, but it oozes for a couple of days. It’s very contagious, but not a serious illness. That’s about all I know about it.

Terri, It’s about time you got some snow.

Today I did TLT- Strength in Movement. I really liked this one too!

Hi Lisa and Diane Sue!!

Susan C.M.
Hi guys...What the heck is goin on??!!

At lunch today I did a tempo run that ended up being a little more than 5 miles (including warmup/cooldown). I did one set of the BBM exercises too.

Terri - I don't know what my deal is with hi/low. I'd much rather do an IMAX workout!!

Dallas - Hey...hope all is well with you. I'm just an email away if you need me. Sorry about the kids...you are just having a time aren't you?

Sabrina - You must have work to do...hope you have a great day at work!

Susan - Yeah, that won't be a workout that I'll be crazy about...that's for sure. It was ok...just ok. Hope all is well with you..

Diane Sue - I've seen you mention doing the power drills only of cardio kicks...think that's what I might be doing as an add-on. Don't know if I can ever find the motivation to do that entire workout again. Hope you find your motivation...

Hi Lisa!!

Talk at you guys later...

for those of you doing the Cardio coach, do you enjoy it more than just listening to music or watching a tv show? Which one is your favorite?
Hi Ladies,

It is very cold here. Like 18 outside. It quit snowing but I want more! :) Yes Susan it is about time here for us to get some serious snow. So how is everyon's afternoon going? I have an appointment to get my hair colored in an hour. I almost canceled because of the cold but my roots are bad and I have a bd party to go to tomorrow night.

Marietta-I forgot to thank you for the post about my post on the "are we fat thread" yesterday. Like I said there all the information can be overwhelming! You gave great advice! Thanks :)

Hey I am back!! I forgot to post what I did today!!:eek:

I rode my airdyne for 25 min. I may hop on it again tonight???

Susan "NO" I usually take time off when I have company, but my parents were still sleeping this morning so I thought I would quick hop on it, and get something in today. (My airdyne is in my bedroom so there is no excuse not to do it ha ha) I am liking what this extra cardio is doing for me. I LOVE SIM to, but I am really really liking EIM these days, but hey everytime I get done with one of them I think that is my favorite;)

Marietta I do the hi/low off SPJ on my rebounder!! Otherwise I would not do it!! I have TRIED to like MIC, but can't!!

Well better quick get going I am making supper, but I thought I would quick pop in while I had a min.. My parents are watching a movie with the kids:7

Take care, and I will try and pop in here and there if I get a chance??


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