Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Thurs May 25


Morning Maniacs -

This morning I did Turbo Jam Fat Blaster x 2 with my 1 pound gloves. This was a pretty intense little aerobic workout ...especially doing it twice. I finished off with Turbo Jam Abs (lying segment). I also did a 10 minute Pilates ab workout last night from NY Pilates. I see why this TJ is Diana Sue's favorite. It's a good one. I enjoyed it very much.

I'm running late this morning. I've got a horrible migraine and I must be PMSing like crazy, as I keep misplacing things while getting ready for work. I lost my lavendar jade earrings that I had in my hand one minute and gone the next. It's either PMS or my hormone's are just at that age where we get "forgetful". I drive myself crazy.

For those of you concerned about my depression (and yes I had to drag myself out of bed again this morning groaning), I think a lot of it might be PMS right now, weight gain and the fact that I have to work Sunday. It's also a big part of my disease of addiction. I don't know if any of you have ever been close with anyone that is "recovering" but it is a constant struggle on a daily basis and depression is one of the biggest side effects of this disease. I'll be okay...I've gotten to 47 so far!! LOL. I'm not trying to get sympathy here...I'm just being "real". I guess I'm depressed a lot more than I vocalize it around here. I've just been being very vocal with it lately cuz it's been extremely severe for some reason. Thanks for the concern. I appreciate it and don't mean to come off as a constant complainer.

Sandy - I used to work for a NeuroSurgeon so I know all about cervical stenosis. You poor thing. I can relate.

Suz - Did you yoga DVD come yet? I can't wait for you to try it. You might have to practice a few times before it clicks.

Diana Sue - THanks for all of the rotation advice. I guess I'll decide over the weekend. You think a split would be the way to go right now?

Re: Rest days....when you ladies say rest days, do you mean yoga and lite aerobics? Don't you just need solid rest from weights? As you can tell, I have a BIG problem doing nothing.

My pillow shipped yesterday USPS. I'll let everyone know how it is. The girl that started the thread on it said she got hers from her Chiropractor. I've tried everything. No pillow, rolled up towel, cervical pillows, buckwheat!! You name it, I've tried it. Lately, I'm sleeping on a cervical memory foam, but it's not that great.

Netta - Re: diet. I'm a very picky eater and only eat certain food groups. I'm a vegetarian. My diet consists mainly of cereal, oatmeal, almonds, nuts, salads with chic peas/beets, etc low cal dressing, vegetables, low fat yogurt, low fat swiss cheese sandwichs on whole wheat bread and fruit. I eat every 3 hours (I"m trying to cut back a bit). I also allow myself a few pieces of caramel a day, cuz I have a real sweet tooth and I can't totally give it up. I wouldn't have any happiness in my life then!! LOL. You can PM me if you want with suggestions. I know I eat a lot of carbs cuz I don't eat meat, but I don't know what else to eat?

Hi to everyone else.

Have great workouts everyone. I'll try to check in from work, but my boss is getting ready to be off for a couple days, so she'll have (My pregnant butt) hopping today.

SORRY THIS IS SO LONG..........but y'all know me!! Blabber mouth.
Debbie - I forgot -- I live in Youngstown. Thanks for your concern. I appreciate it.

Charlotte - Do you have Velvet Revolver's CD?

Also - I have the following VHS tapes up for grabs. All I ask for is a couple bucks to ship them. I have Kathy Smith, Secrets to a Great Lower Body and Great Upper Body (2 tapes), Crunch's The Joy of Yoga with Sara Ivanhoe and Kathy SMith's Functional Fitness "Peak Fat Burning". Descriptions can be found at Collage. I recently ordered on DVD.
Good morning ladies,

This morning's workout was TJ Ab Jam and then a Bowflex/free weight upper body workout, which I really enjoyed. I have a bike ride with my girlfriends tonite. Tonite should be just an easy spin as I need my legs fresh for Saturday's century. Hope the weather is going to be okay for it. Probably low 60's or hi 50's. Cooler than I'd hoped, but definitely doable.

I copied the following from last night's post as I think I post pretty late, being on the west coast:

Lora, have you tracked your calories on fitday or sparkpeople? I know I was flabbergasted at how much I was eating and didn't know. I'm crossing my fingers, recently I cut my calories a little (to below, gasp, 1200) and the weight finally started to come off. Now really, I'm not at a bad weight 119 (this morning), though I'm 5'2". I think my body has just gotten so efficient that it just doesn't burn the calories. I have a sedentary desk job. But since cutting calories just a tad and easing up on my morning workout cardio wise, I've kept off the 3-4 pounds that kept yo-yoing before. I also struggled with water weight more then. I'm also 47 and started taking evening primrose oil (1000 mg. capsules) and Vitamin B6 (300 mg.) recently (past 3 mo.) This last period I had no breast soreness and my water retention and bloating is MUCH, MUCH better!!!! Like I said, I'm crossing my fingers. Before this, I was getting down because I work out pretty consistently and watch what I eat and still the little fat layer was there. It's still there on my lower body, but less. By the way, I ordered Yoga Shakti last night and it should be here Tuesday or so.

Diane Sue, the dresser sounds really nice. Mission style? What is that? I did the front raises on the bowflex this morning. The ones where you are laying down. I definitely don't have a lot of strength for this one. I really am careful with my shoulders as DH just had shoulder surgery. Would hate to strain something.

Debbie, I haven't done S&H in quite a while. I'll have to think about that one sometime.

Dallas, hope things get back to normal with the water. Bummer. Sewer water, huh? Nasty! Hope your squishy balls recover, or are they ruined?

Sandy, glad you are with us. Hope the neck gets better. I've had a sore/stiff neck upper back for the last couple months, but I think I've got it pretty well licked now. The pillow Lora ordered sounds interesting. Mostly I'm sore in the neck when I get out of bed so it's something about how I'm sleeping. I'm so used to working out in the morning. I get up at the ungodly hour of 2:30 and work out from 3:30 to 4:30, unless I go in 1/2 hour early due to a bike ride after work, then I work out from 3 to 4. Sick, huh? Love my coffee w/fat free vanilla creamer. I really have to watch the portion size of 1 Tbs. as they still pack calories. I'm talking 4-5 cups in the morning.

Sandy, I do like Rhythmic Step. I didn't find it hard to learn at all and I just started step last year, beginning with Cathe's easier workouts. I've gotten into mixing and matching so this is one I sub a lot. I've only used Imax but I remember it wasn't hard to do choreography wise. I also use Maximum Intensity Cardio, bits and pieces of that one too, especially the hi/lo. I think it was a good purchase for me and do recommend it.

Charlotte, yes, you are a hot momma! Hope you enjoyed your workout today. I haven't done Coremax in ages. I dislike the twisting hip raises intensely.

Suz, good for you on your workout this morning. I like to do the Pyramid thing too. Yep, I am excited for Saturday's century. The temp should be in the high 60's-70's so perfect for climbing and riding. We usually start around 7:30 ish and will probably finish around 4:00 (including the lunch, rest stops, just going slow). The area is gorgeous. We ride alongside a beautiful meadow for a long time, rollers along the way, even a herd of buffalo. Then we climb, go around a lake and back down to the valley and around the meadow again. This will be my 4th time doing this particular century.

Susan CM, wow, those walking lunges again! Makes me tired just to think about them.

Must get ready for work,

Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Yesterday I worked out on my own, working biceps, triceps and shoulders. I forgot to do my ab work so I will do it today and work lower body doing 3 sets of bbm w/weights and additional squats that I seen in the new Oxygen mag. I worked my arms really hard yesterday and I know I will be feeling the DOMS kick in. It is just so amazing that in the morning the weights feel like 100 pounds, but in the late afternoon or evening they feel light. LOL!


I think DD has Velvet Revolver. Hey...I seen Prince last night. I watched some of American Idol, even though I said I wasn't going to cuz Chris got voted off, but I gasped when Prince came out on stage. He is sooooooooo hot!!!!!!!!!!!!! He still has it going on!!!!!!! I wished he would have sang 3121 though. I didn't care really. He could have sang Twinkle twinkle little star........I was too busy staring at him. LOL!:p

BTW, I added a few new pictures to my picture trail. 2 of DH and 2 of me. I don't know why it looks like I never shave my armpits....I swear I might need to wax or something. I have noticed that Cathe has this too...guess it is just part of being dark haired and faired skin.

Great workouts, Charlotte! Thats funny how you say weights feel like 100 lbs in the morning, thats how they feel to me if I have to workout in the afternoon or evening. I'm at my best first thing in the morning.

Today is my rest day. Heading to work soon, oh joy.
Charlotte - I emailed you with music questions.

Debbie - Have a nice rest day.

Netta - Oohh you bought Yoga Shakti also. I'm nervous. I thought it was sort of easy yesterday when I did it. I hope you like it. Regarding diet - I know I eat too many calories. I don't really want to get into much of it here - but I have a really hard time going hungry and because I don't eat meat and get enough protein thru food (I take Amino's or when I lose weight, I'll drink my protein drink), I think I get really hungry too soon. I also get really shaky and irritable when I'm hungry. Also, with my disease, I need to be careful with diet cuz I could easily have an eating disorder develop.
Gotta get back to work. Feel free to PM me with any other suggestions. I'm trying to cut back as much as I can. It's especially hard when I'm PMSing. I get famished. I'm gonna start doing more pilates also (guess my boss just motivated me a little bit).
Lora, don't worry about the yoga being too easy. I like all different intensities. So far, it's more about the eating than the exercise to help me look better. I like shaking my body up in different ways so easy fits in good for making this a lifestyle thang! Don't buy into what your boss is saying. She's a total jerk!

Soul Patrol! Soul Patrol! Soul Patrol! hahahahaha Do you guys watch American Idol? DS6 and I really liked Taylor and voted for him each week. I'm glad he won.

I have scheduled today GS Back, Shoulders, Biceps and ABS/planks.

Jeanette, yup. I do 400 walking lunges with weights every single day (M-F). I’ve just started doing this. I figure *something* has to happen. I’m wearing down a path in our grass. My goal is 2,000 steps a week.

Lora, I think Jeanette gave good advice about diet. If you *really* want to change things around you should try cooking. It’s not that difficult. I could give you VERY simple ways to make things if you’re interested.

Dallas, how awful to have the pump break!! We both did L&G yesterday. What did your DH (not dear, hahaha) say when you told him NOT to use your db? Mine would say “butch up and use the 20 this time” hahahaha

Nicole, how do you like the TJ’s? Are they as tough as Cathe?

Debbie, enjoy your rest day! Is it Avon delivery day today?

Gotta run for now. I’ll be back later.

Susan C.M.
Good morning!

Lora - YES - my PY4H came last night (our UPS guy comes late). Yay!!! I did the Quickie one this morning. Wow - I can see that this will be great for my hips and my balance (I have hip issues). I'm so NOT limber, so this will take me awhile before I feel comfortable. But I can see myself doing this on at least a once weekly basis - maybe twice weekly.

Tonight I have my ride with my girlfriends. It will probably be a pretty tough ride for me, as they're both very fast as I mentioned yesterday. That's good for me though - right Jeanette? :)

Last night I walked with one of them. We walked a few miles (she needed to talk as she is separating from her DH, poor thing). My hips were killing me at the end of the walk and I thought it was b/c I'm old. Hehehe. Well, then she said her hips hurt. She's only 27! I thought that was weird from just walking. But I'm not much of a walker.

Jeanette - I think I'll start taking that evening primrose oil. I've heard great things about it. I hope you have a fun ride tonight. For your century I think your weather will be perfect. Not too hot, not too cold. And I hear ya about the eating thing. I KNOW that the only reason I can't shake the extra weight I want to is because of my diet. I'm really, really good at work and most evenings at home, but come the weekend and I'm not as good. DH enjoys to eat "fun" stuff, so I need to work on finding some great things that are healthy but taste good for snack type stuff. I have terrible willpower with him around b/c he always says I look great and it won't kill me to have this or that. I'm so easily swayed. He's been better about it though b/c I get angry and tell him to quit tempting me. But I'm a big girl (or will be!) and I can say no. My weight is holding, but I'd like to lose 6-10 pounds (6 realistically, 10 in my dream world which I CAN make a reality, right?) to help me on the bike.

Charlotte - Great pics - as usual!

Debbie - enjoy your rest day.

Hello to everyone who follows...

I'm off to shower and head to work. Whoooopie!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

I'm sorry I answered the diet questions on this thread. I really don't want to talk about it any more. I don't have a stove that works, nor do I have utensils. I don't have any desire to cook right now. This is why I didn't want to talk about this here. Now I feel all weird and out of place again. The eating disorder solution is sounding better and better. (Oh and I guess I'll have to move also, cuz my kitchen doesn't have but 2 cupboards and is very tiny - I didn't care about that when I bought the house, cuz I had no desire to cook). Also easy for some people is not always easy for others. You've never seen me in the kitchen.

I'm doing the best I can and I'm sorry if it's not as perfect as everyone else does with their eating! I've given up quite a bit in my life to this point.
Netta - how exactly does the Evening Primrose Oil work and what is it good for. Also, I have a sedentary job also. I'm a Secretary in the Environmental Dept of a Hospital. What do you do?

What do all of the new people do for a living?
Good Morning Maniacs,

I did Powerstrike this morning! I do feel good, I did give myself about 15 minutes before I started, that did help! I did the entire 60 minutes. That's good for me. The advice here is so helpful and encouraging!

Lora - I hope your depression will get better. I have family members with depression and it's a very tough thing from what I've seen. I'm sorry you are going through that. You are amazing to me though, because you make yourself do what you know is good for your body and mind, even though you don't want to, or is limiting to you, but you push forward and that in itself is such a reward to you and to others! As for your boss, she souds like someone that gets joy out of making others feel bad, ya know what I mean? You are better than that and you know who you are, like the other ladies here said just try and ignore her!

Netta - Thanks for the review on Rythmic Step that may be a purchase I'll need to make! You get up at 2:30??? OMG, I don't think I could do that. What time do you go to work? What time do you go to bed. You all just amaze me, I want some of your determination to rub off on me please. :7
My neck pain is usually an all day thing, but if I get a good nights sleep I've noticed that the pain is not as intense as it is on days that I don't sleep well. This morning for instance, my neck and shoulders will probably be more sensitive this afternoon, just from doing the punches in Powerstrike, I do take it easy on those, because I know that it's hard on me. At the same time if I do nothing it worse then too. I'm whinning and shouldn't so I'll stop now. :)

Suz - I do wish I was one of those women who are naturally thin and doesn't have to w/o. But, then I wouldn't have met you ladies. :) I know I've said before when I was working out in the mornings, that maybe I could do an extra w/o when I got off work...ha, never happened. I know what you mean there, at least you're getting up in the mornings and getting it done, that's a good thing!

Charlotte - I watched some of Idol last night too, and said I wouldn't, and turned it on as soon as Prince came out, he was good, I've always like him too! Does your husband w/o with you? My DH works out too, but not with me. He has his w/o room and I have mine. I got a lot more done that way! :) Your dog is sooooo cute!

Hello to all the other maniacs, and I'll check in later on this afternoon! Hope everyone has a grreat Thursday! :)
Lora - Glad you asked, I was wondering the same thing about everyone here, and also where everyone lives.

My job is sedentary as well, I work for a Building Supply company. I do Accounts Payable, as well as HR. It's a small company, we have about 95 employees, with five locations in the Carolinas. I work at corporate in Charlotte. I live in Rock Hill S.C. I was born and raisd in Charlotte, NC. I moved to Rock Hill because of my husband, as this is my second marriage.

How bout the rest of the ladies here?
Hey Ladies,

I been super busy and tired so haven't checked in for a few days. Been getting my workouts in though. Today is the viper and core work and maybe a run later. Our weather has been very warm. High 80's and 90's tomorrow. Too warm for this time of year!

I read the posts and you are all doing great workouts!

Lora-Your boss is a mean person! Ignore her.

Nicole-Glad you got your TJ's. How are you liking them? I am intersted in them too.

Dallas-I got your e-mail and will send you one today.

Diane Sue-Sounds like you and DH are enjoying being together again

Susan-So back to work soon for you?

Suz-Let me know when this summer you want to meet up :)

Netta-My gosh what time do you go to bed since you get up so early?

Christine-What ever happened on the interview?

Marietta-Where are you :)

Charlotte-How is the job going?

Seems like we have new people here. Hello to all and anyone I missed.

Sandy - Way to go with the AM workout. I'm very proud of you. See...you can DO IT!! Wow ...you work with numbers. I'm horrible with numbers. I'm also gonna probably have some neck/shoulder pain from doing that TurboJam with my weighted gloves.

Netta - I'm glad someone else gets up at crazy hours. I get up at 2:30 (used to be 2:00 but I've been slacking). You've inspired me to start getting up earlier to fit more in.

My boss has inspired me to do more pilates for my abs!! Speaking of which, she just apologized for saying that yesterday and said I look better today. I guess I didn't have the most flattering outfit on yesterday either. She said she was going to call me last night. That's okay, cuz as I said....she motivated me!

Diana Sue - I meant to ask you. Did you think the Yoga Shakti segment you did yesterday was too easy? I noticed the basic routine is pretty slow moving and easy. I hope you find it challenging enough. I haven't really ever done P90X yoga in it's entirety, as I wasn't able to do yoga last time I did the rotation.

The job is going well so far. My supervisor is so easy going and sweet. It is a good job. I am still "under the gun" so to speak and being tested here and there. My manager raised her voice to me yesterday, but I let it slide thinking it was probably nothing personal, but if she did it again, I would have to say something, ya know? I ain't no door mat! LOL! She is usually pleasant though. Most of the girls are. There is one that is very loud and talks too much...kind of distracting and so I might bring in ear plugs when I have to balance my drawer at the end of the day. I can't think with all that noise.

Charlotte-Good for you for saying something if she does it again. DO NOT ever let a boss think they can talk to you like dirt. I NEVER yell at my employees. No matter how frustrated I get. They are valuable and without them I have no business!

Lora - Yup, I'm gonna try to start something here by getting it out of the way in the mornings! I feel so much better too, and it helps me stay in check with my eating. :)
Glad to hear that your boss apolizgized. Now I feel bad for what I said about her. Glad she inspired you with the pilates, that's a good thing.
I hear you talk about yoga, how does that help you? I have a couple of yoga tapes, but haven't used them in a couple years. I couldn't hold the poses for as long as the instructor did. Are pilates good for the core as much as they say, haven't tried any of those either.


I miss you here...everyone else does too. Come on out with your bad self! I want to hear what your doing today! Share with us, maniac!

Susan C M - no Avon this week, its every other Friday.

I forgot to tell you all, I won one of Mindy M.'s workouts "All About Abs", one Ebay yesterday. I hear its a good one. Can't wait to get it!

Charlotte - I'm glad you like your job. You are right, do not be a doormat, or you will always be one!

Where is Marietta? Check in girl!

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