Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Thurs 5-11


Morning Fitness Ladies -

This morning I did CIA Cardio Camp workout with Kimberly Spreen. I did about 55 minutes of it. It is a hi/lo aerobic workout interspersed with small segments of kickboxing. Kimberly's not one of my favorite instructors (I only got this one because it was a good deal if you got the set), but she wasn't bad in this. There's nothing really wrong with her as an instructor, but I just don't particularly like her.

I was feeling a bit tired when I started this and I had a hard time getting my heartrate up at first, but after I started putting a lot of effort in it, my HR finally climbed. I will have to do this a couple more times to see if it was me or the workout.

Have great workouts everyone. I'll try to check in later from work, but not sure if I will be able to.

ETA: Just read yesterday's thread -- Christine - your happy your position is eliminated? Our hospital is going to be downsizing and I surely won't be happy if I lose my job....even though I hate working! LOL. I still need the job!

There's more info posted about the Barry's Bootcamp workouts. I'm not sure how to get a link to work. I'll try here - but if it doesn't work - the site is www.Barrysbootcamp.com

Lora, you have the same problem I have, it takes me forever to get my HR up anymore. Kind of frustrating, isn't it? It just means we are in such good cardiovascular shape, but still. I'm always looking for a good calorie burn and don't get it much.

Today is my rest day and I'm thinking of going back to heavy weight training starting tomorrow or Saturday. Haven't decided yet if I want to take two days off before I start back. I just may do that. I miss Gym Style and Slow & Heavy so I think I'll start doing this again.

I'll check in later to see what everyone is doing.

It was PUB (up premix without shoulders and abs) for me this morning, plus PY4H quickie premix. It's our ladies night to cycle after work so that will be my cardio. Last night's run with DH turned out to be a walk instead. It was nice being out and letting the dogs run, but the bugs (buffalo gnats they call them) were terrible and I had to cover my head and ears with a kerchief as that's where they want to attack.

Debbie, have a nice rest day. Have you figured out the water thing yet?

Lora, try not to worry too much about the job. I know it's hard cuz my DH worked at a sawmill here for 30 years and then they shut down a few years ago. All worked out well (for now anyways), but I did worry a bit.

Will post later, no time last night to answer everyone.

Jeanette - I decided to cut back to 72 oz. instead of 128 oz. I think that will help. I don't really think I need all that water, maybe when it gets hotter outside but not right now. I feel less bloated.
Good morning ladies!

I decided to post pre-workout this morning. I'm headed down to the basement to do the Computrainer. I think I'll do part of a triathlon (key word being PART). Tonight I have a group ride, but it's a recreational ride with mostly mountain bikes and people who don't ride, so I can't count it as my cardio. But I promised some girlfriends I'd go with them on their maiden voyage. :)

Lora - I love hearing about all your different workouts. How fun!

Debbie - I have to figure out how much water that is. I have a HUGE thing on my desk that I fill every day with water and try to get through it. It's only happened a few times in 3.5 years! Yesterday I got through it and refilled it. But I bet I went to the bathroom 10 times - no kidding. How much is too much?

Jeanette - have fun on your ride tonight. Yours will probably be a bit more challenging than mine. We're going on the Greenway which always slows you down. I just hope everyone has fun and gets hooked!

I hope everyone has a great day!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Have a great time on your ride (Greenway) today. I like taking newbies but always have to get my mind straight first that this is not going to be something that benefits me cardiovascularly, it's strictly for them. I'm sure you will be a great PR person. Spread the love...

Now, it's off to prison, literally...


So Jeanette - you work for a prison?

You ladies are lucky you don't work for my boss. I had to get a letter from my doc cuz I go to the bathroom too much.

Speaking of being in good shape cardiovascularly. Yesterday, walking from the parking lot, across the street and up the incline to the hospital, when I got to the door, there was a women a few steps behind me. She spoke to me at the door and she was out of breath (big time). The walk does nothing to my breath and in the Winter, it barely warms me up! I couldn't believe how she was huffin' and puffin' and it was nothing for me. Makes you feel good, ya know?
I think Jeanette is being hauled off to prison for SPEEDING the other night on her time trial! They skipped jail b/c she was way too fast!

Jeanette - one of my speedy friends told me that on rides like I'm doing tonight a good idea is to be in your easiest gears and spin as fast as you can. She said you can actually get a good workout this way. I'm gonna give it a shot - especially since my morning ride just got cut short b/c one of my dogs threw up and I have to go clean the carpet. It stinks!

Lora - we have a woman at work who is SO out of shape and she huffs and puffs the entire time she's walking. She's very overweight and of course has all the problems that go along with that (bad knees, etc., etc., etc.).


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Good Morning Ladies,

today is imax extreme abs from abhits and some upperbody work. Thinking PUB. Hope everyone is having a good day so far.

Suz and Netta, I have been thinking of getting into biking. I live very close to some awesome trails. IS there a certain kind of bike I need?

Sabrina-Sorry it didn't work out with the offer. Hang in there.

Dallas-Are you feelingbetter?

Diane Sue-How exciting that DH will be home in time for Mothers day!

Marietta-I like your attitude about your co-worker.

Nicole-I hope the treatments work.

Susan-Are you feeling better about going back to work?

Charlote-SOunds like youu are liking your job.

Debbie-Did you cut back on fruit as well?

Lora-DO you have the turbo jam maximum package? I lose track of what you have :)

Christine-July will be here before we know it. Doesn't time go by so fast?!
I sure hope I didn't miss anyone. Like Marietta if I did it was from my head not my heart.

Good Morning Maniacs!!

This morning was a KPC premix and some back work. I'd like to get in a leg workout at lunch...we'll see if that happens.

Lora - You're just in such darn good shape...it's certainly a good feeling!!

Toasty - I saw your post (Toasty and Lora posted at the same time) ...sounds like you had such a busy night! At least you finally got in that bike ride...I can just see you having a fit because you were ready to ride!! You crack me up. Glad work is going well.

Debbie - I'm thinking of going heavier myself. I like the concept of slow and heavy but have a hard time doing the workout. I'm thinking I may have to force myself to do it. I agree with you on the water intake....I think there is a such thing as "too much" water.

Suz - I'm sure you will figure out some ways to make the ride more of a cardio effort for you...I know I would. Your body has to get adjusted to increased water intake...when you get used to it, you won't have to "go" as often.

Jeanette - Those buffalo gnats don't sound like fun...at least you got out and had a nice walk with the dogs.

Hi to the Maniacs that follow...I'll be back later.

Good Morning All!

I slept in (only until 6:30A ;-) ) and it felt wonderful!!! Today is an easier workout day. It will be just yoga - Bryan Kest power 1 or 2, not sure yet. My stomach was still giving me trouble last night, but today all is well. Hopefully, it will stay that way! :)

Diane Sue ~ WOW! Love your new avatar!!!

Lora ~ Thanks for the yoga recommendation. I think I'll do that.

Christine ~ Glad your mil is OK?

Marietta ~ That sounds like some run you got in yesterday! When is your half-marathon?

Nicole ~ We want reviews on your new purchase! Glad both your sons are doing well!

Terri ~ Great news about Dave!

Susan ~ How are things? You've been MIA.;-)

Where's Charlotte been?

OK, who has the new turbo jams...Nicole, Diane Sue, Lora? Anyone else? Do you really like them? I won a Turbo Jam Cardio party on ebay and really didn't like it. I only did a few minutes of it and turned it off. Are the new ones like cardio party?

****Cyclists***** I have a question. I know I was picking Christine's brain awhile back. I'm looking into getting a trainer. My PT said last night to get a cyclops (sp?) and she gave me the website/store to purchase it from. I have it written down in the car. Anyway, which one? It sounds like there's a lot to choose from. I think it would be a great way to cross train. :)

PT went well last night. She said it was tight in there again, but she worked it out. It really does feel much better after PT. She said that's normal because I'm increasing my activity. I asked if I should cut back and she said, "No." :) In fact, she told me to add jump roping into the mix. :eek: I was like, OOOOKKKK. ;-)

Got a date with Bryan. ;-)

Sorry if I missed anyone!

I have all of the Turbo Jams and yes I like them, some more than others, but they really get the heartrate up (for me at least).
Hi everyone,:D

Today I did GS Legs. After I get my son on the bus, I plan to do some ab work.

Terri, things are FAR worse than I anticipated about going back to work. I’m trying to not let it get to me, but I’ve become pretty sick and my hair is falling out in huge clumps.

Dallas, yeah, I know I was MIA yesterday. I was so busy and really didn’t have time to read and address everyone’s post. How is your stomach? Do you know what’s wrong?

Marietta let us know if you get that leg workout in today. So, you’ll use gym equipment today?

Lora, I see TJ advertised a lot very early in the morning. They look pretty good, but I’m still sticking with Cathe.

Debbie, this is my last week of S&H. For the next three weeks I’ll be doing GS. I too like to lift heavier. Are you cutting back on water because of weight gain? I don’t usually weight myself. I did yesterday and didn’t like what I saw.:(

Well got to go for now, I’ll be back in a bit.

Suz - Go to "Ask Cathe", I posted a question about Drinking Water and Cathe actually responded. Some good info on that thread.

Terri - I'm only eating fruit with my Meal #1 and Meal #2. No more after noon time. I'll see how it goes.

Dallas - Charlotte posted at the same time Lora did, look for her post on the Check In's.
Hello Maniacs! I feel like one this morning!

Did a 5 mile run with my dog, and really enjoyed it. Had a trucker go by and call out, "Hey Baby, looking good!" Okay, it's juvenile, but I'm 41 - I was flattered! Goofy, I know...

Lora - I'm lucky in that DH makes decent money. My job is play money. So I can take a few months off (I get paid for those anyway), then look. The job market here is also very good. I hope you don't get laid off - maybe your boss will and you can have HER position...

Debbie - I'm starting to notice the difficulty in raising my heart rate as well. The only thing that seems to get it up there is running, and I ran the same 5 miles today at about the same pace and burned 60 less calories. Weird. Oh well...

Jeanette - Wow! How long do those gnats stay out? That sounds bad! Good luck with them.

Suz - oh riding with a group is always fun. Enjoy tonight.

Marietta - oh I miss KPC! I'm going to sub that next week. Thanks for reminding me.

Terri - Oh yeah, July will be here before I know it! I'll miss friends from here, but we can keep in touch. I'm looking forward to being able to train the way I want.

Hi Dallas! Enjoy your date with Mr. Yummypants (Bryan). Glad to hear your PT is going so well! Sounds like you have the right PT now. I'm so happy!

Susan - I love GS Legs. Hope you have a great day!
Hi Again!

Susan ~ Are you OK?!! Is the hair lose due to hormones. I know after my 2nd I lost so much hair it was frightening. It didn't happen right away, maybe between 3-6 months. I hope you get daycare resolved. That has to be so stressful. ((((((HUGS))))))

Debbie ~ thanks for pointing out the other thread. You know, I love S&H and GS. I have to make myself do something else. I just got my haircut & colored and the stylist told me don't get your arms any bigger. ha ha! Did you see my pictures?! lol They're not that big. I'm self-conscience now. Good luck figuring how much water will work for you. I know I may be drinking too much as well. I'm up all night going to the bathroom. lol

Thanks Lora about the Turbo Jams. That's the new ones you're talking about, right? I think I'd like to get that trainer and the yoga DVDs for now. I'll keep them on my internal wish list.:7

Sabrina ~ I got your e-mail. I'll send one back right after I sign off here.

I finished the yoga and wanted to do more. Tonight I may squeeze in some cardio. The yoga was perfect for the DOMS I have in my glutes. }(

Have a wonderful day everyone!

>Hi Dallas! Enjoy your date with Mr. Yummypants (Bryan). Glad
>to hear your PT is going so well! Sounds like you have the
>right PT now. I'm so happy!

LOL!!!!! :7 :7 :7 :7 I am seriously cracking up at your comment. I can hardly type. :7 :7 :7

You are a maniac today. Did you see my question, again, about the trainer? I'm serious about it now! :) My therapist is nuts! }( I mean in that in the best way possible. I love her!! She fixed my foot!!!! You should hear some of the workouts that girl does! Oh boy!
Hey Maniacs!!

I did get in my leg workout...I did the following

5 sets of squats (pyramiding down)
Superset of stiff-legged deadlifts w/One legged Squats (3 sets)
Superset of Plie Squats w/calf raises (3 sets)
Superset of Lying Leg curls w/Leg Extensions (3 sets)
212 Walking Lunges w/weights

Terri - I did PUB earlier this week...it was a good workout that I hadn't done in a while. When does Dave start his new job. It's not easy for me to keep a good attitude....definitely something that I always pray about....thanks for your words though.

Dallas - It's kinda sad when 6:30 is sleeping in...but I feel you. Hope your stomach stops giving you grief for crying out loud!! Your arms are gorgeous....don't let the "haters" get to you. I know plenty of Women who would love to have those "guns"!!! So what kind of workout does your therapist do...do tell.

Susan - What's up with the hair??!! Are you stressin?? Is not going back to work an option? Had to ask...

Debbie - good plan on the fruit...that should do it.

Christine - You are a little maniac aren't you...I LOVE IT!!! Go on with your bad self!! Oh, yeah...you gotta get your kickbox on...make it happen!!

Hi Diane Sue! that is a good avator pic...you little HOT MAMA!! I told ya....you bad!! Need I say more?? I still haven't tried my Cardio Coach...what's my problem??



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