Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Sunday 5-14


Morning Maniacs & Happy Mother's Day (furry legged mommy's and all):

This morning I had an excellent workout. I did Bosu Cardio Combustion aerobics with Rob Glick for 35 minutes followed by Gunnar's Agility Ladder Hard Body Workout (30 minutes) followed by Mark Blanchard's Power Yoga "The Flow" (60 min). Wow.....that was particularly fun and I burned 430 calories -- just during the aerobics and Hard Body -- I don't count the yoga in there ...cuz usually I burn about 700 after yoga -- but I think that's mostly afterburn from aerobics (my monitor counts warmup and cooldown also - not just zone).

The Bosu workout was easy enough to follow and loads of fun. It had sports specific moves and a slightly dancy section with mambos, cha' cha's and other stuff. Chalene from Turbo Jam is a background exerciser and she looks to be about 10 pounds heavier. She's not fat...but I can't beliewe how much thinner she looks now. Rob was an okay instructor. I don't know how to say this nicely...so I'll be blunt. (I don't think he reads this thread...LOL...I hope not). I've never had a male instructor teach me mambo's and cha cha's....and it was very weird for me....and he came across gay. (sorry if I offended anyone - I'm not saying he is ...but...okay...I'll stop insterting foot in mouth now).

I have most all of Gunnar's Core Secrets stuff and I never use them. I used them a few times when I first got them and they felt too easy, but I keep them, cuz I figure I can use them in my 70's...LOL.. Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed today's workout. I agree the agility ladder is a bit gimmicky...but once you get past that, it was a very good workout. Short....but as an add on to the cardio...it was tough. I was sweating buckets. I used 8 and 10 pound dumbells and a jump rope. Wow....I've discovered I like jumping rope. I never used to be able to cuz of the impact, but now I can handle it. The only thing wrong with this workout is that he stretches before he warms the body up and at the end, he goes right from a jump rope segment into lying ab work. I added a 4# med ball to my ab work also. I also jumped a little longer than them when we jumped rope. Now I want to order the other 2 lower body workouts with the agility ladder. I hope I make a little money on E-bay this week so I can buy them. (I think the TLT's have given me a new appreciation for functional fitness - in the past, I used to judge them like weight workouts and that's not what they are).

Sorry this is a bit long today....cuz of all the workout explanations....You ladies can ignore me if you'd like....but I like to do this for those that are interested.......

The Flow with Mark was also the best one I've done of his so far. I thoroughly enjoyed it. There were several moves in this that are different than most yoga tapes I have and it was challenging but in a good way. This does keep the heartrate up a bit more than his others . There is one part where you're in Warrior One and then you bring your hands to the mat and (sort of plyometrically) switch your legs and you repeat a few times. My HR climbed into the 120's. I was sweating. He does a lot of different moves that my body is not used to moving ....which felt good. His personality shines in this workout also and his sense of humor comes out. I'm warming up to him thoroughly.

All in all........this makes up for yesterday's workout. I'd be much happier if I wasn't up every 20 minutes last night!! I couldn't sleep well. I've got severe shoulder, neck and trap pain. I don't know if it's from too many chataranga's....sleeping funny.....just a usual flare up of my disc pain or from wearing my new TMJ splint last night.

One last note about the yoga....I think (I hope I'm not speaking too soon) that it may be helping my sinus problems a bit. For those of you who don't know...I have severe polyps in my sinuses and throat and it was recommended that I have major sinus surgery ..including scraping all of my sinuses out. Every sinus cavity I have is full of fluid and I've gone the medical route with no help. For the first time in months ...I've been able to smell a couple days in a row. I still can only smell off and on, but it's slightly better.

Have great workouts. I'm off to soak my neck and shoulders. We're going to see Poseidon today. Just My Luck was downright stupid and boring yesterday. Hope today's is better.
Happy Mother's Day ladies!!!

I hope everyone has a great day.

Lora--I like it when you explain new workouts! Keep it up.

Emily and I made the Peoria Journal Star paper this morning!! There is a huge group picture taken from when the race had just started and you can see us and even tell it is us. Woo hoo!! I might try and scan it later and post it. Not sure if it will turn out real well though.

Have a wonderful day!!!
To Diane Sue:
The most beautiful women in the world picked me up from the Airport!

Your love makes my days
so very bright
just knowing you're
my darling wife.

Into my world you
brought three pure delights
and joy beyond reason
you've given my life.

Nothing in this world
could ever be
as wonderful as the love
you've given me.

Happy Mother's Day Baby!
I'm a lucky Guy!
I Love You!:D

BTW: Happy Mother Day to all the ladies here.....
I am SO SORE from GS Chest & Tri's yesterday, its all I can do to bring my arms above my head. My lats are even sore. Weird.

This morning I did "Extended" Low Max and had an excellent workout. This one is a KILLER! I had to kind of cut it short because I have some errands to do before we go out to lunch with our mom's so I only did one set of the leg exercises between each blast instead of two. Plus, I was really wiped out. By the sixth cycle I was ready to quit but I went all the way to the end.

I was in my zone for 1:08 and burned 450 calories. I'm happy with that!

Lora - excellent workout today. Mark's Flow sounds great. Do you have Foundation? If so, how does it compair? I wonder how yoga is helping your sinus? Maybe being upside down like that moves the crap around. Interesting.

Bill - you are one sweet dude! Enjoy your stay at home!

Happy Mother's Day everyone!

Diane SUe is indeed a very lucky Lady! How very sweet of you to post that here. Thanks for wishing us all a Happy Mothers Day. We are all glad you are back home. Enjoy your day and spoil your wife!!!

Hello Ladies,

Happy Mothers Day!

Today I will do a run and some ab work.

Suz, Did you see my post to you about meeting in Loveland sometime? I posted last night.

Lora-The Bosu workout sounds like something I want to try.

Sabrina-How cool!

Debbie-Great Workout.
Ok off to do my workout.

Hey just wanted to pop in and WISH everyone a HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!

Bill you are so sweet!! Welcome back!!

Debbie - I have Foundation but I haven't done it yet. I'll have to plan to do it soon. I also have all of his 90 minute ones from the Progressive 3 pack and haven't done those yet. Great workout!! Way to go with soreness....it's hard to get those lats sore.

Terri - I love my new Bosu. It's bouncy and fun and challenging. I really feel how it works my back/core from trying to stablize on it while doing aerobics. I have more new DVDs to try on it too!!
I forgot to say how yoga is good for your sinuses. I went on YogaJournal.com once to see what internal organs a lot of my favorite poses are good for and that's when I saw that Down Dogs are good for your sinuses.
Hi there! Happy Mothers Day!

Just poping in quick too...

Today I did 30 mintues on my stepper and GS BSB and Core Max 1.

Lora, did it take a while to be able to balance on the bosu?

Sabrina, great job on your race! Both you and Emily. I checked out your pictures. It did look cold.

Nicole, I hope your enjoying your day!

Debbie, do you have kids?

Gotta run....
Susan C.M.
Susan - I'm still working at balancing on it. I went flying off of it a few times today while running on top and skiing on top.
I've been neglecting my abs lately so this evening I did Core Max #3. Thats the one with the med ball and stability ball. I like it, its a pretty tough workout. I then did the stretch from Yoga Focus.

We took our mom's out for lunch today and I didn't do bad. We went to a hole in the wall restaurant. I ordered a turkey reubin. Unfortunately for me, it was grilled and I didn't know that. It had TONS of butter on the bread. YUCK! I was able to choke down 1/2 the sandwich and ate the turkey only from the other half. Nasty. I guess I think these restaurants cook like I do - with NO BUTTER! LOL! Oh well.

Hope you all had a great Mother's Day!
I think I am the lucky one. How could I not love this man. I know I have someone who is very special. I hope all of you had a great mothers day. Today was my rest day. I just enjoyed my family time.

Diane Sue

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