Hi Christine,
How was the Spinervals? Which ones do you have? Hope you got to work from home today.
Lora, hope your day got better today. I'm definitely taking your instruction and going to order the Yoga Shakti. Sounds perfect. Hope you get a rotation picked soon.
Diane Sue, I'll order from Target for the good price. Hope the tooth gets taken care of. I have one that bothers me and they keep telling me it's from tooth grinding. I'm just suspicious that there's an underlying problem, though they've x-rayed it before and it showed nothing.
Terri, hoping things settle down soon. Glad you liked the movie. I probably won't go but will rent it later. Oh yeah, the bike ride took something like 4 plus hours, I can't remember. There was climbing which always reduces mph speed drastically, even though you have the downhill. Normally, if it were a flat ride with good weather, it would take around 3 1/2 hours plus stopping time (snacks, etc.) This one had lots of climbing, so much slower, 4 hours plus.
Dallas, your weekend sounded great! What did you think of your yoga DVD?
Marietta, sounds like a busy weekend. Are you a personal trainer? Yep, we had the Indian Taco feed at work today. An Indian Taco has fry bread (dough round like a tortilla, but much thicker), beans on top, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, salsa. I didn't have the fry bread, but was bad and had 3 pieces of cake
. Some things are easy to do without, but then others...
Suz, wow, you are lifting some big weights on the Bowflex! I'm nowhere near that at all!!! Hope your hip is feeling better. I've hurt my lower back doing deadlifts too, so I never go very heavy and really try to watch my form. I was thinking of you today as I was going up the stairs at work. I definitely had burning legs and shortness of breath, but that's from my longer, harder ride yesterday. Hope I'm recovered enough to do a hard ride tomorrow, otherwise it will be an easier one.
Charlotte, sounds like you're getting your workouts and work coordinated better.
Must go now,
How was the Spinervals? Which ones do you have? Hope you got to work from home today.
Lora, hope your day got better today. I'm definitely taking your instruction and going to order the Yoga Shakti. Sounds perfect. Hope you get a rotation picked soon.
Diane Sue, I'll order from Target for the good price. Hope the tooth gets taken care of. I have one that bothers me and they keep telling me it's from tooth grinding. I'm just suspicious that there's an underlying problem, though they've x-rayed it before and it showed nothing.
Terri, hoping things settle down soon. Glad you liked the movie. I probably won't go but will rent it later. Oh yeah, the bike ride took something like 4 plus hours, I can't remember. There was climbing which always reduces mph speed drastically, even though you have the downhill. Normally, if it were a flat ride with good weather, it would take around 3 1/2 hours plus stopping time (snacks, etc.) This one had lots of climbing, so much slower, 4 hours plus.
Dallas, your weekend sounded great! What did you think of your yoga DVD?
Marietta, sounds like a busy weekend. Are you a personal trainer? Yep, we had the Indian Taco feed at work today. An Indian Taco has fry bread (dough round like a tortilla, but much thicker), beans on top, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, salsa. I didn't have the fry bread, but was bad and had 3 pieces of cake
Suz, wow, you are lifting some big weights on the Bowflex! I'm nowhere near that at all!!! Hope your hip is feeling better. I've hurt my lower back doing deadlifts too, so I never go very heavy and really try to watch my form. I was thinking of you today as I was going up the stairs at work. I definitely had burning legs and shortness of breath, but that's from my longer, harder ride yesterday. Hope I'm recovered enough to do a hard ride tomorrow, otherwise it will be an easier one.
Charlotte, sounds like you're getting your workouts and work coordinated better.
Must go now,