Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Mon Jun 5

Hey you Maniacs,

I just read in the "Ask Cathe" that she is appearing with her Dr. on Good Morning America tomorrow morning. FYI for all that didn't see it!
Marietta -

You don't have to do the Fat Loss Rotation. I guess I could just try to figure out which ones to use for the newer ones. Thanks for offering though.
Thanks Sandy!!

Lora - I was just asking about the rotation because I was reading how much you were not looking forward to a Cathy rotation because it's a little inconvenient for you. I didn't want to work on it if you were already having doubts about using it....know what I mean? What you could consider is taking that rotation and putting in workouts from other instructors that you like and just put them in the mix. You'll need to categorize your workouts and put in what will work according to the Fat Loss Rotation. Only you can do that because only you know all the workout that you have. Does this make sense?

Hi ladies,

Just got on the computer. After reading all your encouraging posts, I'm going to keep posting, mornings are easy, just don't think I can keep up the personals too well after work, but you ALL totally motivate me. I mean, there have been times when I come home from work and have a Cardio Coach planned on my road bike, but am tired from work. I do a little reading on this very thread and BAM, I'm enthused and ready to rock & roll and get out those cycling shoes! You guys are all better than having personal trainers to motivate.

Just got done working out on the Bowflex with DH. I hadn't lifted since I think Thursday? I really felt strong today. However the legs are fatigued from yesterday's long bike ride. Tomorrow I have an easy spin around our town loop (approx. 15 miles), with the HRM to ensure I don't go above a Zone 1 effort. I just need to get the lactic out of my legs. Also, I find after long rides, my legs get really puffy with water so I'm thinking that I'll do the easy spin tomorrow instead of Cardio Coach. Thursday hopefully I'll be able to do a tougher ride.

See you all in the morning and thanks for the encouragement, it's pretty special. :7


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