Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Mon Jun 5


Morning Ladies -

This morning I did Jari Love's Slim & Lean (66 min) followed by some Pilates abs. I stepped on the 10" step between exercises to keep my HR up.

Slim & Lean is a high rep weight workout with compound moves to keep your HR up even more. I liked this DVD the best out of all of Jari's offerings but I played my own music. I find Jari to be VERY boring with the music on the DVD. THe only way I like her DVDs are with my own music. They are basic enough to follow like that with no problem. Also, she tends to do a lot of "you can do it", "you're doing great" motivational speak and for some reason, I'd rather not hear it. The one thing I don't like about her workouts is that she doesn't do a warmup, or a traditional one, at least. I did a warmup from a Cathe DVD before I did the DVD today.

Ugh.....Monday.....I didn't want to get out of bed this morning...let alone work out. I have some stuff that's bothering me and I'm not feeling too good mentally this week. I really wish I could just take a couple sick days from work, but I'm still waiting for that concert to get rescheduled...so I can't.

Have great workouts and I'll try to check in from work later.
Good morning,

Just wanted you all to know that I'm not going to be posting on here daily any more as I just have a hard time each evening with the personals. Seems like by the time I get on to post, it's late. But you guys are the best and I will continue to read and be inspired by all of the great workouts that are being done.

Lora, I always look forward to reading your reviews. They've been sooo helpful. Hope things go better for you today at work. You will be in my thoughts today. I did a long bike ride with 4 others yesterday and we did 84 miles. I'm needing my Eoin Finn yoga this morning for my tight hamstrings. Thanks so much for the recommendation for this DVD. You were right on.

Netta - I sure wish you had time to post! I will miss you. Please feel free to post whenever you get any extra time....even if it's only once in a while. I'm so glad you like the Eion Finn DVD. You amaze me with the mileage you put on your bike. I was telling my DH about you.

Charlotte - I emailed you. Hope your doing okay. Didn't hear from you yesterday.......but then we hardly heard from anyone yesterday.
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Yesterday I worked out legs: 3 sets of 20 leg presses w/20# db, 200 walking lunges w/40#, 3 sets of 20 deadlifts w/70#, 3 sets of 20 duck squats w/50#, 3 sets of 20 hamstring curls w/35#, 3 sets of 20 leg curls w/60#, and 3 sets of 50 pelvic thrust w/hubby! LOL! My legs are not sore this morning. DH did not get around to do Imax 2, but I know he will soon.

Today I will work chest/back.


Glad you got the cd's. I will check for your email.


Hate to see you not post anymore. I love reading your post. Good to know you will still be visiting, but ya know, it won't be the same. :-( ;(

This morning I was suppose to do back but my entire upper body is really sore, even my triceps which is unusual. I know I couldn't have done one pull up so I decided to do legs instead.

I chose Leaner Legs, this is the 2nd time doing it and man is this a killer workout. I don't do the deadlifts so I subbed hamstring presses on the high step for these. Got my hamstrings really burning. Then I did the last four floorwork exercises from Gym Style Legs (Roll-outs, inner and outer thigh exercises). My legs are still trembling after all this!

Netta - I'll miss your posts as well. Bummer! Please try and check in with us once in a while, ok?

Lora - sorry to hear you still aren't yourself lately. I hope this passes soon.

Charlotte - excellent leg workout! Doesn't those walking lunges with all that weight kill your knees? It would mine! Great going!

Hope you all have great workouts!
Good Morning Everyone!

I didn't get in the Yoga Saturday as I was going non stop with dd and her recital, which went very well. I didn't get off work Sat until 2:30, then got home and scarfed down some food, then helped dd with hair and makeup, then went to the recital, didn't get home til 10 that night.
Sunday I was very lazy! Didn't do anything except wash clothes!
So, after work today I will do BodyMax, and I also just realized I do have MIS...I didn't realize I had that one, it's with my PowerHour + that I got about 3 months or so ago. I'm such a dork at times. :D

Mariette - I just want to say "You go Girl"!!! I can't run, I've tried and it just doesn't happen for very long. I think what happened with me (and if you have any ideas how I can get past this, I would appreciate it) last summer I was running/walking until I worked my way up to a jog and jogged 1.5 miles, but when I stopped and started walking to cool down, I felt nauseated and my legs felt very weak...this was a light jog, and it was in the evening so it wasn't a hot day. After that I didn't jog/run anymore. Good for you Marietta for following through with your run!!! I admire that!

Netta - I will miss reading your posts, please check in from time to time if ya can! I understand the busy schedule!

Lora - Sounds like a good w/o! I would like to try the Jari Love dvd's too. Hope you start feeling better soon!

Charlotte - Killer leg w/o, way to go!

Debbie - Leaner Legs gets me everytime, and it's coming up again soon...ouch!

To everyone that follows good morning and hope everyone has a great day!!!
Hi everyone,

I might take today as a rest day. I was at the hospital very early this morning and still feel sick. Needless to say, I'll start work tomorrow instead of today.

Marietta, I saw your post on Saturday (just didnt have time to reply) Great Job!!! I'm so proud of you!

Charlotte, great workout. Does you husband like the "torture" you put him through? hahahaha

I feel bad (in a guilty way) I just had "comfort food" for meal #2.

Susan C.M.
Good Morning Maniacs...

Hope you all had a good weekend. I am still trying to take it easy after the run on Saturday. I just walked on my treadmill this morning and I'll probably do the elliptical at lunch. I was kinda sore on Saturday but I'm feeling pretty good now. I may start the June rotation tomorrow...we'll see how I feel.

Lora - Sorry you are feeling badly today. I was reading that you are thinking about not doing the Fat Loss Rotation...does that mean I don't need to worry about trying to update if for you?

Netta - I wish that you would re-consider your decision not to post any longer. I think that everyone has their own personal style when it comes to posting. I like to address everyone, but I certainly don't have a problem if others don't address me personally. If you're checking the thread anyway...just pop in and it you don't have time to address everyone or anyone for that matter...then don't. It's all good...

Toasty - Great workout yesterday! If I would have even thought about doing leg work yesterday my legs probably would have fallen off!! I can't believe you are not sore from all that...you maniac!!

Debbie - good call on skipping the back work today. I read your post about running. When I was in high school I hated running because I would always get the side stitches. I learned that I couldn't eat dairy BEFORE running. Plus, side stitches have alot to do with breathing and you can learn to run without getting them. I never in a million years thought I'd be capable of running 5-miles much less a half-marathon. If I can do it...anyone can!

Sandy - Thanks! Like I said above, if I can do it..anyone can! I'm sorry your past experience left you with a bad feeling about running...I suspect that something you ate or even the lack of food and/or water caused you to feel the way you did. There are always going to "those" times when you just don't have good runs, but you just dust off and go back and hit it. Determine if it happens again the next time you run and then you go back and try to determine what factors could have caused the problem. Sorry...I know you didn't ask for a lecture. Glad your dd's recital went well....I danced up until the age of 20 so I know all about recital days!!

Susan - Thank you girl!! So what the heck were you doing at the hospital? I guess I need to go do some reading to see if I can figure it out. Are you okay? Don't feel bad about what you ate...we all need that "comfort" from time to time. Could use a little comfort myself to be honest.

Hi to all that follow...I'll be back.

Marietta - I'd still like the update. I will be doing it in the very near future. thanks. (also, you don't have to...only if you want to).
Hello Ladies.

Weekends go so fast don't they? I really didn't do much this weekend. Saw a friend on Saturday and went to the mall. It was so nice to see her and her family. Then I rented a couple movies and just relaxed after doing a weight workout. Yesterday I did circuitmax and some ab work. I am starting the June rotation today. I think I will add to certain areas of it. I never follow them to the letter.

Marietta-I read your post on the race and Congratulations! I like what you said to netta about checking in. I get lost sometimes with who said what and thought about leaving too until I read those words of wisdom! :)

Netta-I agree just pop in and say hi and don't worry if you address everyone personally.

Diane Sue-Thanks for the info on the TJ rotation. I found it:) Now I have to order the workouts. I hope your headache is gone.

Lora-Take a sick day. It sounds like it might be worth it to feel better mentally.

Charlotte-Was the bank mad when you quit?

Debbie-I think your rotations are as popular as Cathe's :)

Dallas-I still owe you an e-mail :) sorry I will get to that soon.

Susan-I hope you feel better.

Terri - I meant to say the other day that I think you need all of the Turbo Jam's to do that rotation that's posted on BB.

Netta - I also don't address everyone personally. I really don't have time to be that particular........especially when checking in from work. I don't mean to come off as selfish.....but I hope that everyone understands. I actually do read the posts....but I can never remember who said what and when and sometimes I totally miss a post. I'd really like it if you continued to check in.
Netta - I totally agree with Mariette and Lora. It's hard to remember all the posts. I try to address everyone, and I'm sure there have been times that I left someone out, it certainly wasn't on purpose. I do hope you post again, your posts were encoraging to me as well as everyone else's has been. :)
Good Morning All!

How is everyone?

Netta ~ Yes, I agree with what everyone else said. Don't leave! I enjoy your posts too. Now that the kids are out of school I won't be able to post everyday either, but I can keep reading every now and then. I hope you still "pop" in here! :)

Susan ~ When will you get results of the biopsy?

Lora ~ I did Eoin's yoga again this AM. Thank you again for recommending him. It's a nice change from Bryan. I can't wait to try out Mark's DVDs. Glad you liked the movie too.

Terri ~ Don't worry about it. Life is too darn busy!;-)

Hi to everyone else. I have to hurry. My nephew is coming to play with the boys today.

I did a modified version on day 1/June rotation. I did the treadmill for an hour while watching Imax (ha ha! :7 ) and then did the 300 walking lunges, 30 minutes of Eion's yoga. I'm afraid to jump into step just yet. ETA: I burned around 450 calories with the cardio & lunges today! :7

Lora ~ I did the 40 minute (I think) "bliss" is in the title of of the PY4U. I did 25 minutes because of time though. I just read your review of that DVD I wanted to get. I agree, I don't think I like mixing cardio w/yoga. I guess I didn't realize that DVD was like that. I'll take a pass. I think I want to get more kickboxing DVDs next.

Diane Sue ~ I hope you feel better today.

Good Morning,
I started my workout this morning with the treadmill iFIT Redrock as I got a new flat screen television for my workout area and wanted to see if I had my connections right. I then did Muscle Max lower premix followed by Pyramid calves and floorwork stretch. I had to take the grandchildren to VBS so I am going to try and get in MM upper premix before I go get them. I am thinking of trying a fat loss rotation this week. Tomorrow would be cardio and abs, Wednesday I am thinking of HCExtreme with the leg condioning and KM segments. I will see what I can come up with. I have to run. I will check back later.

Diane Sue
Good Afternoon!

Just checking back in to see what you guys are up to on this lovely Monday.

Hi Terri - Glad you had a good time withyur friend. I also met up with a friend over the weekend...after the dreaded run. We rode to a picnic and had a wonderful time....I'm glad that you have decided to stick around...I would really hate to lose you Terri...I mean that! I hope Netta will stick around as well...I'm doing the June rotation although I didn't start today. Maybe tomorrow...

Dallas - I'm gonna do the June rotation to. I know I won't follow it to the letter, but I'll work with it. Don't blame you for taking it slow in the stepping...you'll know when you're ready.

Lora - I forgot to tell you I did order that DVD you recommended with the BOSU and Step stuff on it...it looked pretty good. I should get it this week.

Diane Sue - A new TV? How cool!! Have a great day.

I'm really, really draggin today...didn't sleep well last night. I'll probably be posting a lot to keep me awake.

Take care...


Of course your draggin today...YOU MANIAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Set your legs on fire running all those miles. I would probably be draggin too if I did that.
}( :D


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