Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Finally Friday June 9

Well....I know everyone's probably done checking in for the day...but this is the first chance I've had....so If I'm venting to the air...I don't care. I just had one of the worst days I can remember in a long time. Talk about being abused and busy and not feeling well. I've had a migraine and have been spotting and my boss was off on a HUGE TANGENT. I feel sick when I think about going back there on Monday. I think I'm in for a rough week cuz she's doing a project she's not happy about and she'll take it out on everyone and since I'm her assistant....I get it the worst....oh well...such is life. Now I know why Charles, the one cool supervisor, has been there so long. I found out he's a recovering alcoholic and has been clean since 1981!! Go figure. I guess when you've been to he@# and back, you can handle the daily abuse!!

I really have to find some good workouts to do this weekend. I really need them after this week.

Sorry I wasn't around today. I'll be here over the weekened now that I'm out of that place. I'll talk to everyone in the morning. I think I'll do Seasun's step tape and a stretch tomorrow...but I can't decide on what Yoga to do.

Diana Sue - I just read your post above about your DH. Oh my goodness. Thank God he's okay. I hope he makes a speedy recovery. Maybe Yoga will help him once he's feeling better. What kind of cardio are you looking for? Step, Kickbox? Also, what are your favorite Cathe's? This might help me think. Let me just say that with Cardio (except for Mindy's Bootcamp), I usually ALWAYS put a bit more bounce in my step and even add impact to make things harder....I even do this with Turbo Jam....so I think if you're looking for an Imax intensity....that's not really going to be realistic. The latest two workouts that I thought were as hard (or maybe even harder) than a Cathe were Mindy's Bootcamp, CIA's Double Cardio and of course....CC always kicks my butt. As far as Jari Love, you might find it boring without your own music on. I know I do. It's so easy to follow so I really like the fact that I can listen to my own music and the trick with AMy's Bootcamp is to keep moving thru the rests she takes when she stretches in between segments.....and you'll get a pretty good workout. The first time I did hers, I did it as is and it stunk. I can't stand taking breaks. I do the same thing with Jari's. I usually step or jog when she's explaining the next exercise (I guess I do this with a lot of workouts, as I do it with Tony Horton also).

I've had too bad of a day to PM those neck stretches to you today. I'll do it this weekend. Please remind me if I forget. Also, I'll do my best to explain them (cuz it's sort of hard)...so if you don't understand something, you'll have to ask for clarification.
Lora - I'm still here and checking the thread. I'm sorry you had such a crappy day. Someone needs to kick your boss in the ass. I hate people who treat others like crap, that isn't right. Hope you have a good weekend! Just put it out of your mind and enjoy the next two days.
Well maniacs!

I just finished Riva Shea's Shakti Yoga - Lunar Sequence. This one relaxed me so much, I'm not kidding, I was doing the nostril breathing thing and then quit doing it and just dozed off. Her voice woke me up, I thought someone was in the living room! Then, I fell asleep during shivasana. I can see why you would do this one in the evening. Trouble is, I think I better go out and do some yard mowing now after I eat. Hope to work out upper body tonite. I'll have to look back, I can't remember when I did UB last. I'm getting old...

Diane Sue, I am sooo glad your DH is okay. While on a bike ride last Sunday, we came on a motorcycle accident. We heard it was a collision with a jeep and our hearts were heavy. Later during our ride, we learned that it was a motorcycle that ran into the back of the jeep. The rider received a broken leg but was okay. It sure lifted our spirits to hear that! My thoughts will be with you and him.

Hi Brandi, like Marietta said we welcome you anytime. Come back soon.

Marietta, thanks for the nice words re: my DH's changes. I even bought him some size M T-Shirts today as he's sure a lot smaller. (Hope they don't shrink ;-).

Dallas, glad you and CC got along okay. I feel sooo good when I do those and quite accomplished. I'll have to buy some more. I have another sister down in southern California that I hope will come up and visit this summer. I miss her.

Debbie, I really am looking forward to Monday's start. It'll be just what I need. I'll have to modify the days that have leg work that I cycle on but shouldn't be too difficult.

Suz, sounds like a good ride this morning. I love hill rides, the downhills sure make up for the suffering, I've always thought that. Know you'll do good on your 40 miler. Those winds are just like hills, (but without the nice downhill) but still can be demoralizing. Just have to be positive and push thru them, like a hot knife in butter.

Lora, I feel so bad for your terrible day at work. I was wondering if you have other hobbies besides working out? A while back, I was soooo focused on my horseback riding and if I had a bad ride with him, it affected my whole day. I just tend to really focus on whatever hobby I have going at the time. I would equate my self-worth with how my riding was going. Not a good thing. When I picked up the bike riding, I had to balance 2 hobbies and you know, it took the pressure off me. I could start to relax and enjoy both of them cuz I really didn't expect to be perfect as I wasn't putting the time into it. I personally love having things to look forward to that make me happy. I love to work out, even if it's not a tough workout, I know it's still good for my body and I'm satisfied. You have been the big catalyst for me getting into yoga again, and I thank you.

Lora - sorry you had such a bad day. Your boss sounds like a jerk. Even though my assistant totally missed her deadline which made me have to help her today AND stay 3 hours later than I planned on AND bring my own work home for the weekend, I never said a word to her. I know she feels bad about it (as she should - she's been out A LOT lately). There's no reason to treat people like crap. And I like Netta's advice to you. She's been trying to teach me about balance too b/c I'm so hard on myself about cycling. She's so wise. :)

I think earlier I typed that my average HR on my ride this morning was 169 - it was only 165. My inflated mistake. :p

Hi Brandi - I hope you stop in and say hi more often. Your dogs are adorable!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Hey Ladies, Back to say DIane SUe I am so sorry about your DH! Tell him we are all thinking of him.

Marietta-What a great memory you have :)

Suz-Nice to see you back :)
Nicole-Yes please tell us when your BD is
Netta and Sandy-Dave is my DS not DH. Can't remember which one of you said DH :) I am single and I see no DH in my future :)

OK ladies I will chat with you all later.
RE: Diane Sue!!

Thanks you are definitely welcome to drop in anytime. I read the other checkins as well and enjoy seeing what others are doing. Thank you so much for your your well wishes.
Diane Sue

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