Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Finally Friday June 9


Morning Fit Ladies -

This morning I did Jari Love's Ripped to the Core (high rep weights) and a mini Shape Pilates Abs workout.

I knew I shouldn't have done this one today. I just wasn't in to it and didn't have a very good workout. I even played my own music. I only did it cuz it's what I planned out for the week. See....this is exactly why I don't think I can follow a rotation right now. I really wanted to do CIA full body Cardio today ...but since Jari was written on my rotation for the week, I stuck to it. I hardly burned any calories and I feel like a blimp. For some reason TTOTM won't go away this month. I wonder if it's just my age, or if I should be concerned. Oh well.

Have great workouts everyone. I'll try to check in from work later.
Lora - I've been feeling that way as well, like TTOM is here forever. I'm almost afraid to get on the scale tomorrow morning. I hate this. I've never had such a hard time with my body and I, too, wonder if its age. Very frustrating.

I'm getting ready to do cardio, haven't decided what yet, though. I'll be back!
Good Morning Ladies,

Last night I went to a friends house and got home at 9 then did my w/o, which was CTX kickbox, that is a pretty good w/o, I was sweating pretty good. This morning I weighed myself and only lost 1/2 lb, but at least I haven't gained. :)

Lora - Sorry you're not happy with your w/o. Maybe you should just do what you feel like doing. I know what you mean with rotations, I'm doing the fat loss and definition from june 03. It's a great rotation, but I do have to add different w/o's as I don't have all the ones it calls for. I feel the same way with my weight here lately too, but I am coming on TTOM. ;(

Debbie - I hope your w/o is a good one!!! Have fun and have a great day! :)

Hello to everyone else! Happy Friday!!! I'll be back on later.
Good Morning All!!

Wow! I'm taking the kids to the pool every night! They're still sleeping! I even got in CTX upper body and BBW. I also plan on doing the treadmill, but came upstairs to eat. I'm hungry! I guess, my body is still on school routine. Where I get up and do half my workout, wake the kids, eat and then finish the other half. I'll probably do CC#3 since I haven't done any interval runs lately.

Lora ~ At least you did something, right? Sorry it was such a bad workout.

Debbie ~ I take it, it's your day off today. Have fun!

Sandy ~ I like all the cardio from CTX. They're pretty intense workouts in a short amount of time. I love Imax 3, but step still "scares" me with all the twisting and turning. I'm hoping soon to start adding it back in..little by little.

Diane Sue ~ You have me concerned about how you injured your back w/deadlifts. Where you going heavy or moderate weight during LL? Glad you liked the new CC. When will it be officially released? I was looking at getting #4 or 5. Do you have these?

Hi to everyone who follows!

Good Morning,

Today calls for Rythmic step and coremax3. I will add in something but not sure what. BTW I love cardio kicks. I saw it was discussed the last day or so.

I am taking Dave and Ashley out for Daves birthday dinner tomorrow night. His bd was yesterday. Kinda funny how our bd's are so close together :)

Have a great day friday!

Terri ~ Have fun tonight! OK, when is your b-day again? We don't want to forget a maniac's b-day. LOL!

Netta ~ Way to go on those hills!

Sandy ~ Yes, you should get Core Max and Cardio Kicks! LOL! I really saw a difference in my abs/obliques when I did CM three times a week. Of course, I cleaned up my diet too.

OK, off for that run and then I get to run errands with the kids. Oh yeah, how about those one-legged squats with the stability ball...my legs were shaking today. That was tough! Is it supposed to be that hard? I meant to ask the other day.

Good Morning Maniacs!!

TGIF!!! Had a good workout this morning...I did all of KPC. Will probably go for a short run and do arms at lunch today.

Lora - Sorry you weren't satisfied with your workout. Rotations are great, but if there is something on it that just doesn't appeal to you then you should always try to sub with something else that preferably serves the same purpose, but that you enjoy more.

Debbie - So when you say TTOM is forever are you saying that it's lasting longer? I can understand your frustration...I think you are doing an excellent job of trying to pinpoint where you can make adjustments/changes. Hang in there...both you and Lora!

Yo Sandy!! Good job of getting that workout in anyway!!! Losing 1/2 pound is much better than losing nothing...stay focused!!

Dallas - LOL!!! Taking the kids to the pool everynight...can't say I blame you!! I have CC5, but have never even listened to it yet...I will soon though and that I'm sure of. Enjoy your workout...

Terri - I love Rythmic Step...did it a few weeks ago after not doing it for quite a while...enjoyed it. Not crazy about Cardio Kicks for some reason although I do like the drills. Have fun celebrating Dave's birthday...yeah, yours is right around the corner isn't it??

Hi to the Maniacs that follow...I'll be back!

Dallas - Nope, my day off was yesterday. I just got a late start today because I'm off from work.

I had an excellent workout this morning. I decided to do Hardcore Extreme Hi/Lo Intervals. Its a combination of Low Max segments and Imax 3 segments. Then at the end is the Kick Max Blast segments. It was hard! I need to do Imax 3 again, I like that workout. I don't do it often enough.

Anyways, this workout is 73 minutes long, I was in my zone for 50 minutes and burned 453 calories! Woo hoo! I'm glad because I'm meeting my cousin for lunch at Pizza Hut and what the heck does PH have that healthy? NOTHING! Oy!

Hope you all have great workouts!
Hey Maniacs!

I'm taking a little break, I just had to to get myself refocused at work. UGH! At least it's Friday. :7

Dallas - Isn't funny how the water can make the kids so wore out! When mine were little they always took a nice nap after a day at the pool. Good for you for getting your w/o in! I do love the CTX series too. I'm supposed to do MIS either today or tomorrow, but I would really like to do a good strong upper body w/o. We'll see. I'm gonna do something though. I hope you're able to incorporate step soon, but not sooner than you need to heal completely, cuz I know what you're saying about all the twist and turns.

Terri - I don't have Rhythmic Step, I've heard a lot of good reviews on that one. I have to do an inventory to see what I don't have and see what I would really like to have and make a wish list. I do want Coremax 3, gotta be good for the abs with "max" in the title! }( :) Happy Birthday to Dave! When is your b-day?

Debbie - Great w/o, those are too tough for me, you go maniac! Congrats on burning those 453 cals! Enjoy Pizza Hut, that made me hungry just reading it. :7

Marietta - I hear ya! I've olny attempted to do KPC all the way through 2 times since I've had the dvd, now I just do the premixes, that's one tough w/o I think. What is a short run for you...you're a maniac, working arms too! Oh, how I wish we had a gym here. I'll have to put a bug in someone's ear about that. :7 I know that's right about losing nothing, I would rather see that number go down than to stay the same or go up. x( :)

He to everyone, and I'll be back later to check and see if anyone else has checked in. :)
Hey Everyone,
Well yesterday I took a rest day!!My body was just feeling so tired.

Today I will do Kick punch and jam.

Dallas my boys have another game at the same time again tonight, but the nice thing is the diamonds are right by each other. So me and my dh walk back and forth during the games, and it is nice because don't miss to much. The kids are outside most the time so our ddr is getting a break, but it is so much fun. I can see how addicting it can be. Btw I never like to go heavier than 25lbs for dead lifts, and those one leg squats on the Blast series did not agree with me.

Sandy I really enjoy CTX Kickbox it goes by so fast nice quick one and you got your workout in last night. Btw I have to tell you since I have been doing kickbox for the last 2 months I can really see it in my abs!!

Terri that is funny that you and Dave Birthdays are so close!! Hope you all have a nice dinner, and I am going to tell you now Happy Birthday!! Ya know the funny thing is my b-day is coming up and I forgot about it until you mentioned yours:7 Now I have to be thinking what do I WANT:) Oh did I mention I did treat myself to 2 pair of workout shoes.... I got ryka's (they felt the best on my feet) and then I went ahead and bought shoe inserts (spenco) and boy they are nice.

Marietta have a good run today!! Me and DD have been talking about doing that,but think we will wait until baseball season is over.

Well gotta go!!

Hello to everyone else!!

Hi Nicole...have fun at the games! When is your birthday by the way.
Let me know when/if you and dh start running.

Terri's birthday is June 12th.

I just got back from running...whew it's hot! It's a least 90 degrees....woo-hoo!!! I also did a pretty decent arm workout afterwards. Here's what I did:

Tricep Pushdowns - 3 sets 12/10/10
Cable Bicep Curls - 3 sets 12/10/10

Bench Dips - 3 sets 12/12/12
Seated incline bicep curls - 3 sets 10/10/10

Rotational French Press - 3 sets 12/12/12
Hammer Curls - 3 sets 8/8/8

Check you guys out later!!
Morning Maniacs:

My day off today but I have plenty to do. Carpet cleaning guy came at 8 a.m. and cleaned my couches and carpeting. Of course, I had to pull the couches away from the wall and vacuum underneath them like a mad woman before he came as they haven't been pulled out since he cleaned 6 mos. ago. I'm also having my sister and BIL here for the weekend so fresh bedding needed to be done. I haven't worked out yet, but plan on just doing a yoga this morning and maybe the Bowflex tonite.

My DH is doing so well with his workouts. We bought a Bowflex the end of March and he started working out with me 3X a week, no cardio at all except what he gets at work (he's a millwright at a power plant, kind of like a mechanic for machinery). Anyhows, I get to tell him what to do (which I love }( ) Since near the middle of March he's lost about 13 pounds and still wants to lose about 5 more. He's not near as enthusiastic or diligent on workouts as I am, I just told him I refuse to nag him about it, if he wants to do it, he'll have to make the effort. That was the ticket (it's a power thing ya know). I know it's only been a few months, but his shape has changed so much, the gut is getting smaller and smaller and the guys at work are commenting and asking him how much more he's gonna lose. I think he's pretty pleased. Think we're going to have to do a clothes buying trip soon too. I haven't seen a bag of pigskins and hot sauce in his hands in quite some time, though he still drinks his share of beer. He just makes somewhat wiser food choices. I still pack him a pretty big sandwich for lunch each day and I think he has soup too. And all this with no cardio! It aint fair I say! I can see why being a personal trainer could be rewarding to some folks as me seeing the change in him has been fantastic. Hopefully, this time next year, he won't have reverted back. I mentioned someday he and I doing a Cathe weight workout together and he didn't really have any objections so I'll wait till the right time. Now onto other stuff...

Lora, sorry about the bad workout. Yep, I think you should sub the rotation with workouts that you do know you like. I'm starting Debbie's June rotation on Monday. I'll be doing some extra cardio on my bike and will slip in some yoga here and there or for rest days. I don't have all the workouts, but I'm going to do the best I can. Actually, I'm kind of excited!

Debbie, way to go on your calorie burn! Hope your body starts behaving. I'm 47 and my metabolism has definitely slowed. Thank goodness TTOM is only about 3 days long for me, though I should start by next Tuesday and I have a bike time trial that day:eek:. Hopefully, I'll be late. I'm starting your June rotation on Monday and I appreciate the generic breakdown you did on it as I don't own the Gym Styles (yet) nor the Pure Strength ones. I think what appeals to me is the use of bits and pieces from various DVD's. I have a hard time doing a long cardio from the same DVD (mental thing).

Sandy, good job on the 1/2 pound. I was down this morning also, but I pushed pretty hard on my bike ride and realistically, it's probably some dehydration still but that's okay, I like it when I'm not puffy!

Dallas, so the pool's a good thing, huh? How was CC#3? I've done it once now, won't be able to do it for another week as my hard ride this next week will be a time trial and believe me, you are hurting when you do them! Yep, CC will have to be the following week.

Terri, have fun at the birthday party for your DH. How was Rhythmic Step? I really like that workout. Haven't done Coremax in ages.

Marietta, good job doing KPC and then arm work. When you say 3 sets 10/10/10 is the 10 the poundage or the number of reps? Looking closer, it must me the # of reps cuz I'm sure you're doing more than 8# for hammer curls. I'm so dense sometimes.

Nicole, glad you got a rest day in. I think walking is great exercise and easy on the joints too. I need to do more kickboxing. I remember starting with Gilad doing kickboxing and I felt so empowered!

Well, must go, I'll check in later. Hi to all that follow.

Suz, hope your bike ride was good last night .:7 :7 :7

Good afternoon,
I didn't get started as early this morning. My dh was in a motorcycle accident on the freeway yesterday. He is in a lot of pain and I really ache for him. He is home though and bandaged up. I am just so thankful he is alive. The person in front of him had a trailer with no brake lights. I did Hard Core Extreme Circuits this morning. This afternoon I did Turbo Jam 3T and Pyramid lower floorwork and stretch.

Lora, trying to chose an advanced cardio that I think I would really like. I ordered Jari Loves Ripped Slim and Lean, and Amy Benuto's A Team Boot Camp. Both I gather are weights. I hope I like them. I thought I should check out some other advanced workouts. Sometimes they say advanced I find them more intermediate. Weight ones can be made more difficult though by upping weight. Sorry it didn't feel like a good workout. BTW, I don't know if you saw my response, but I would really like you to pm me the stretches.

Dallas, I used 55# on the deadlifts on Leaner legs. I have gone heavier than this 60#. I have just learned to be careful. I am not sure when Cardio Coach will realease #6. They are talking about a #7. I have 2,3,4,5,6 Candace, and now 6 Sean. Both 6's are different workouts.

Terri, have fun with Dave and Ashley. Your birthdays are close. My son in law and his daughter are 2 days apart. We usually end up with a combined birthday party.

Nicole, I love Punch Kick & Jam. I was thinking of working that one in tomorrow.

Debbie, Hardcore Extreme Hi Low is so much fun. I have thought of turning this one around and doing the KM segment first just to get it over with:) It is a really good long cardio workout. I did that one last Thursday. So now I have done all three in 8 days.

Marietta, did you do those weight segments as super sets or just in that order with rests. Great workout.

Netta, those level 4 cardio coach segments take a lot don't they? I always think I can do this when I want to stop. Have a great metric ride Sunday if I don't catch you here.

Suz, Sorry I wasn't able to post back last night. You could be right on the headaches. I have had headaches since I was a child. I have been trying to cut back on the caffeine lately by mixing decaf with the regular coffee and making smaller pots. Excedrin Maximum strength usually works for me, but I have been avoiding any aspirin since I am having dental work done and have noticed lots of bruising easily. Tylenol does not work. I will work through it though. I am just trying to use non medicinal ways to cope.

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue

Diane Sue!!

I hope you don't mind the intrusion, but I always love to read about your guys' workouts, and find you all so inspiring!

I just had to reply when I read your husband was in a motorcycle accident yesterday. I am glad he is home safe and wish him a very speedy recovery.

RE: Diane Sue!!

Hi Brandi - Pop in anytime!

Diane Sue - I too am sorry to hear about your dh. Gosh it could have been soooooo much worse and I'm glad that he is home and recovering. Please give him our regards. Hey...yeah I did my arms as supersets.

Netta - You have had a very busy day haven't you? Great job on you dh...you should feel really good about that. It's wonderful to be a part of a person reaching their goals. I tell people all the time, that men will always, always lose weight quicker than women...just the way it is. Generally they have more muscle and therefore it doesn't require as much effort on their part. Plus by you husband being somewhat inactive before...his body LOVED the changes he was making and responded accordingly. Hopefully his results will be motivation enough for him to stay on track...plus, seeing you workout has to be incentive as well. You are right...I talking about the number of reps/set in my previous post. I did supersets for the bicep/tricep work because I didn't have much time.

I'll try to post this weekend, but if not be safe and blessed!

RE: Diane Sue and Bill!!!!!

Diane Sue ~ Oh my! How did you dh manage to get out of Iraq all safe and untouched...only to come home and this?!! Did he have to go to the hospital? How scary!

Nicole ~ I was referring to the wall squats in Cathe's BBW. Did you see that in the June rotation? It reminded me and Susan of your BBM. LOL! I like Cathe's version better! ;-) However, those wall squats while lifting one leg...oh!! :eek: Have fun at the games. We're getting ready to leave for one as well.

Sandy ~ How old are your kids now? (If you don't mind me asking?)

Marietta ~ Woo hoo on KPC!! Now that's still my favorite kickbox workout! Love that one!

Netta ~ CC kicked my butt, but in a good way! That's just what I needed today. Have fun with your company this weekend. I've been bugging my sister to come up this summer.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Re: Diane Sue

Netta - Excellent on your dh working out! How exciting. And cool how he has lost so much without doing cardio. I've been reading a lot about this lately and its interesting how some studies show you don't need any cardio to lose fat, just weight training. Have fun with my rotation!

Marietta - What I meant about feeling like TTOM lasts forever is just the fact that I feel so bloated all the time. Thats all. And I'm still stuck at 130 lbs. - I want to get down to 125.

Diane Sue - I'm sending you and you dh prayers, I sure hope he recovers quickly. I hate hearing about motorcycle accidents, its such a scary thing! Take care!
Good afternoon everyone!

Wow - today was a BUSY day at work. My assistant forgot about a deadline we had today at 3 and her backup is gone so I had to jump in and help. We made it - BARELY! But I had to bring my other work home to do this weekend. :(

Last night's ride got rained out. So we decided to ride this morning. My dear friend who is great at planning routes figured ours too long this morning. I needed to be home by 7:30 and didn't get back til 7:55! I did 26.3 miles. My average HR was 169 and ride time was about an hour and a half. We did TONS of hills and my legs were fried! There were 3 of us and we met at different locations and all dropped off at different locations. When I turned to head home the wind picked up and I rode the last 6 miles or so in 20mph winds! YUK!!! Tomorrow I'm riding with her and some other gals and we are planning 40 miles. We're riding early though so we won't get rained out. I hope my legs can make it!

I lost a pound and it's stayed gone for a few days now. Yay! This is big for me as my weight has been stuck for SO long!

Sounds like you're all having another day of great workouts. Lora - your body needs a break, so don't be bummed.

Jeanette - that's awesome about your DH. You're just a good trainer. :)

Diane Sue - I'm so sorry about your husband but so happy he is okay. My sister and her SO ride all the time. As does my FIL - who has had 2 accidents and his wife was hurt pretty bad in the last one and won't ride with him anymore. My assistant rides too. I always worry about them all. He's in my prayers.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France


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