Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Finally Friday 5-12


Morning Fitness Maniacs -

Yay - it's Friday!! This morning I did Jari Love's Slim & Lean. This is the first time I did this (just got it) and there's a few things I won't do next time I do this to make it a better workout. First off, the music drove me nuts. I finally put my own music on 40 minutes into it. Second, I think I injured my shoulder not being properly warmed up. Her warm up consists of lifting light weights. I've never really cared for that type of warm up, so next time, I'll do another warm up. Other than that it was a good routine. I really don't care for Jari that much. She's a good instructor but she's not a favorite of mine. I didn't like a few times when she said "c'mon ...you can do it" or "you're doing great". I don't know why this bothered me.

Anyway, with my own warm up and music, this will be much better next time . Oh and lastly, I will jog in between segments next time. I don't like all of that down time and prefer to get my heartrate more elevated.

Also, I know you're supposed to lift and vary your routines, i.e., high reps, lighter weights and heavier weights, less reps, etc., but will someone please explain how high rep workouts actually shape your muscles? I remember reading somewhere once that high rep workouts were useless (can't remember the reason they gave) but this is stuck in my head and I can't help but feel like I wasted my time this morning. I did no cardio and if I didn't do anything to shape my muscles....I will really be mad!!

Oh....one last thing - I will lift heavier than she does next time. I matched her weight and I didn't feel "spent" at the end of the workout. We'll see how much DOMS I get tomorrow.

Have great workouts everyone. I'll try to check in from work.

Susan - sorry you're having difficulty dealing with going back to work. I know how that is. I have problems every Sunday evening! When do you go back?

Charlotte - what's up girl? How's the job? How's things at home? Is everyone helping out with the housework? You've been awful quiet lately. I'm sitting here jammin' to Stadium Arcadium (Chili Peppers). I came last night. It's 2 discs...Jupiter & Mars.....pretty funky tracks, moreso than rockin' ones. I like it so far. I would have to guess you like funky since there was a Prince song on that one CD you burned, right?

ETA: Speaking of Music - I forgot to mention that the music in the CIA's is pretty good. Not your average "aerobic" music. It has some vocals and is pretty good. IMO.

Hi to everyone else. Happy Friday!!
Good Morning Maniacs!!!! I miss you all soooooo much! I hate not being able to chat more! This stinks!!!! I feel like I am in a different world of bad eaters all day and I can't come here so I tend to be the "indifferent" one at work. It is o.k. though. Maybe I can set an example for my co workers. Just yesterday, this girl ask me why her legs felt so swollen. I asked her what she drank so far. She says, "mountain dew and tea". I said, "thats why"> LOL! Another runs during lunch, but doesn't eat lunch since she runs. O.k., I am going to shut up. LOL!

Yeah....I get to workout this morning before I go to work!!!!!! I go in later...at 11am so I got to hurry here. Ugh, so sick of rushing now! You all should see how much laundry is piled up in our familyroom...you would laugh!!!!!!!!!!!! Hubby asked where his socks were last night and I directed him!!! LOL! Our home will get in order tomorrow. TODAY IT IS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So yesterday I worked out doing my circuit challenge. I did fine. No going down in weights as I feared from being tired after work. Eating is still the same so I have enough fuel to keep it real like before. Did all my pushups of 24, etc. So today I will do PUB and 30 mins of Imax 2. Shower and then get ready for work and eat while I am driving to work. GOSH! LOL!


Just busy girl. Too busy. So you got some new jams??? Good! And yes, I like funky too. I like anything that moves me. Chronic Future is Rap/Metal music...that is on the cd's I burned for you. And yes, I have always loved Prince, but I don't like the popular songs that most like...like Little Red Corvette, etc. I like Cream, Pope, etc. He has a new album out now. Think it is 1321 or something like that.

Took the dogs outside and there are two possums out there and they are mating. So I go out with a broom and a blanket wrapped around me as it is chilly this morning and try to "shew" them off. I get close enough to see their beedy black eyes and then get freaked out and go back to the house! Let them hump each other...man, they are so creepy looking!!! I got to let Speck back outside again, but will wait until they go away.

Well, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm going to take one more rest day to prepare myself for a Gym Style week. I feel lazy today so I figure "why not?"

Lora - I just got Get Ripped in the mail yesterday. I previewed a bit of it but it just didn't look all that exciting to me. I will watch more of it later. About your question about going with lighter weights and more reps. I've been doing that for the last two months and my muscles look the same, no gain but no lose either. I personally love lifting heavier better and thats what I'm going back too. I frequent the bodybuilding forums a lot and they all swear by lifting heavy all the time. I don't think any of them do endurance training and some of the photos out there blow me away.

Charlotte - we miss you too! None of my business, but can I ask why you decided to go to work?

Those of you who posted late last night (Dallas, Netta, Suz) I go back and read the last few threads each morning to see if I missed anything. So just so you know, you didn't waste your time posting that late!

Just makes life so much easier with another income coming in, ya know? I really thought evening hours would be best for me, but the bank called and I got the job, and it seems to be a good one so I guess it is a keeper, was told originally that I would get off at 2pm, not it is 3pm. Hopefully next month it will be 2 since the schedules were just made. If I get off at 2pm, it is more doable for me, in general.

Good Morning,
I am going to do a pre check in this morning. I don't know how my day will end up. I never got in the yoga I wanted to last night. My daughter came over and we cleaned her sofa cushions. My grandson wanted to sleepover so we read stories late. I have to run a couple of errands later. DH is on his way. I plan on doing I Max 3, ab ripper x and some abs with the Bowflex and weights, and some yoga. Tomorow I will do a Cardio Coach and another upper body workout only lighter than earlier this week.

Lora, thanks for the information on the Turbo Jams weighted gloves. The first time I tried this my right shoulder hurt when I was done. Now I am approaching it slowly and watching how I do the moves.

Charlotte, I would have left those critters alone. They might get viscious if you interrupted them:) I know how it is being busy. I multi task everything to get done. You will develope a routine eventually. Drives me crazy if I let my gaurd down and things start piling up.

Susan, I know you are dreading going back to work and finding good reasonable daycare. Maybe the stress and hormones are causing the hairloss. If it keeps up you should talk to your doctor. I couldn't believe the asking price for daycare that you quoted. I am not sure what it runs here. I used to do it, but charged a little less than most. I had children that I have since seen graduate from highschool. I hope things work out for you soon.

Hi to everyone that follows,
Diane Sue

Diane Sue,

Love your new picture. You look ever so radiant as usual!

Decided to get in my car and run near the critters as I had to still get my dog out to do her business. So they went in the bushes. LOL!

I think I am gonna have to do my heavy lifting in the evening or at night. This is not working!!!!!x( I drank some Gakic juice (increases strength by 10.5%..not yet, it hasn't) and had some eggs, apple w/pb and oatmeal. I am feeling dizzy and weak! This stinks!!!! Just what I was afraid of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just read the motivation stuff you sent yesterday. O.k., now feeling alittle better. Still think evening working out suits me better, but did much better with Imax 2 this morning. Guess I need more "juice"in my system for weights? O.k., I am hogging up this thread big time. Just trying to catch up...I have so much chatting to do!!!


This morning I did Step Blast and Chest. Don't know what (if anything) is in store for the rest of the day.

Lora - Still trying to figure out how you and Toasty can use your own music....how do you stay on beat? Or does it even matter? I guess because I teach, I cannot workout if I'm not on beat with the moves. Sometimes I wish that weren't the case...I am right there with Debbie regarding endurance workouts. I prefer to lift heavier.

Toasty - So good to hear from you...No, you are not hogging the thread...it's all good. I do run on my lunch but trust me I'm eating big time when I get back...otherwise it would be counter-productive. Hang in there you are going to see all kinds of wierd things....My house is in need of attention too...maybe this weekend.
Hope the dog doesn't have an accident waiting on the possums to finish with their "business". I will lift in the morning, but I think I'm stronger later in the day. However, I do very well with early morning cardio...go figure. Just come up with a plan that will work for YOU.

Debbie - Enjoy your rest day. I'm sure you deserver it. I'm thinking I may need to pull out the slow and heavys too. Are you doing one body-part/day?

Diane Sue - Busy as usual....Sounds like you've got a great workout planned. How long with it take for you dh to get home?

I'm going to try to work just a half-day today. I've got a lot I need to do and technically I should have been off today anyway. But, I have a project that I need to finish off today.

Late Posters - Your late night posts are not in vain. I too always go back and look at the previous days thread to see if I miss anything.

Have a blessed day!

Charlotte - Yes, I'm used to being the odd ball at work....especially getting up at 2:30 am and working out and then there's the fact that I'm a vegetarian, watch what I eat and drink tons of water. Don't worry, your coworkers eventually appreciate you and start to ask questions and may even start an exercise program. You are setting a good example. Most people I've worked (not all of them - but a handful) have started or restarted exercise programs after meeting me. My current coworker just started walking every morning and watching her diet and lost 7 pounds and was so excited to tell me about it yesterday. My boss even got back into yoga since meeting me. I recently started her drinking water too....more selfish on my part (I wanted her to have to pee...so she would get off of my case a little) but now she likes her water that I bring her and yells at me when she has to pee (jokingly). As far as lifting in the morning, I've never had a problem...I eat a low fat yogurt when I first get up and 1/2 hour later, I pump iron with the best of them. Guess, I favor morning workouts. I'm too beat up after work. I like yoga after work and that's it. Plus I can't do aerobics close to bed with my insomniia.

Late posters - I read every morning (ususally).

Diana Sue - Do you mean is CArdio Party remix a workout of it's own, or is it just a remix of current ones (that's what I always thought it was), but it's a separate different workout. Is that what they call the live one? I can't remember. I like the live one cuz it's only 30 minutes and it's a good add on to weights for me.

As far as the Jari Love's and endurance lifting....I think I will take breaks, and lift heavier once in a while and make it a strength workout. I was planning on doing that when I bought it also, but I know Cathe does a LOT of high rep stuff in her workouts and I can't understand why it seems to be OVERKILL in the fitness world (at least women's fitness).
Hi there!

I started to workout, I got through most of SH Chest. I want to also do Back and SH Shoulders too.

I have a busy day today. I’m going to finally get my hair cut. It’s been so long that I’ve gone.

Lora, I have TONS of fitness info. When I get a chance, probably not today, I’ll look up the answer to your question. Btw, I plan to start my job on June 5. I need to have a biopsy taken that morning too. It’s going to be a bad day.

Marietta, I really liked your leg w/o yesterday. I might steal that routine from you. Enjoy your weekend. I’m glad you get to leave work early today.

Diane Sue, you’ve got an excellent workout planned for today. I agree with everyone else ~ nice avatar.

Charlotte, I’m glad you like your new job. That’s funny about the possums.

Dallas, enjoy the zoo trip! I hope the weather stays nice for you.

Nicole, how is your ds7 doing?

Sabrina, how is your running been going? I look forward to hearing how you do tomorrow. Enjoy the race!! You’ll do great ~ so will Emily!

Hi to all who follow! Have a wonderful weekend.


Susan C.M.
Marietta - I'm with you, how the heck do you do your own music to a Cathe workout? Especially one of her cardio ones? I was going to ask that a few days ago but forgot. Do you mute the TV and just follow along? Baffles my mind.

I am going to do two body parts for this week and then eventually go to one body part. I prefer two a day because then I can get more cardio in during the week.
Hey Guys just checking in before I head out of here for the day. I have a conference call in little while and then I'm outta here after that!!

Lora - I can totally relate to being the odd ball at work doesn't bother me one bit either. Don't get me wrong, I get along with people really well, but I just do what I do.

Susan - I'm glad you like that workout...my legs are feeling it today...I promise!! My back also has some DOMS from yesterday....Hope you get in the rest of your workouts.

Debbie - I'm glad I'm not alone...been baffled by that one for a while.

Take care girlfriends!!

I can't use my own music for a DVD (aerobic) that is hard coreographically. The only one of Cathe's I usually listen to my own music is that intermed step workout she came out with recently. I tend to like Cathe's music anyway, except for her older stuff.

I guess I never even think about the beat. Half the time, I just follow the workout losely and do my own thing (what they're doing, but not exactly with them). I really LOVE using my own music for most Beach Body programs (except Turbo Jam) and all of my Push cardios. It was easy with todays workout also. I guess it depends on how picky you are. My own music usually motivates me a lot more and makes the workout much more enjoyable. There are certain workouts I just can't stomach the music in. LOL!

That being said, I love the music in Cathe's Hardcore series. It's my favorite.
Hi ladies,
My day off today so checking in late, goodness didn't have time to check in last night except for some cycling advice for Terry (hope you got it at end of yesterday's thread). My bike ride yesterday with another lady was good, we climbed a long hill. I sometimes intend to ride easy with my friends, but on hills, I have to do my own thing, own rhythym of the climb. Anyway, it was good and the temp was warm, which I need to get used to again.

Today's workout was TLT's Endurance For Movement, which I haven't done in a while. It felt good and I like working my body in a different way. Heck I think anything that shakes you up is good. My body's actually been responding better to easing up some on my workouts and putting in more yoga, yet I'm feeling leaner and my legs are responding more.

Lora, I always look forward to reading your reviews. You are a valuable part of this check in for me. Sounds like you may be getting along better with your boss? She's doing yoga? Hopefully, it'll help her mood swings. I hope she really has to go pee a lot and hopefully, she has to go by your desk to do it }( . I have a co-worker that is trying to eat better, and is starting to do some walking with her daughter. Hopefully, she'll stick with it.

Charlotte, I used to not be able to workout without something to eat, and would feel nauseous, but no more. Coffee (with my beloved vanilla creamer) is all I have any more. I don't even want to tell you what time I normally workout in the morning. It's insane, but hey, it works for me. Hope you are getting help at home with the housework. I'm planning on catching things up today, yardwork tomorrow.

Debbie, I did a Slim Series rotation recently and saw a "debulking" of my muscles, but then again, it could have been fat covering my muscles that had me looking too big for my tastes. I cut my calories a few weeks ago and have seen much better results and no more bloated, blah stomach. Still high energy. I'm short, 5'2", age 47 and don't think I burn the calories that others do so may have been overestimating my needs. I also eased up on my workouts some, including more yoga and doing shorter cardio. LOL, it's probably temporary and will change soon, but I'm enjoying my results and leaner look.

Marietta, I don't have Step Blast, but it's on my list to get someday soon. Glad you read the late posts as I was wondering if maybe they were too late to be read.

Diane Sue, I love the top on you, it looks fabulous! You are always to busy. You are definitely an example to all of us. I know you work out on the Bowflex. Is there a website that posts various Bowflex routines. I help my DH workout and I don't want him to get bored with my same exercises I have for him. Any suggestions?

Susan CM: hope the haircut turns out the way you like it. I wear mine short and would like to have some some color woven into it, but 3 haircuts and it would be gone. I still may do it. What is your new job?

Wow, I realize now that you can't reply to one thread and arrow back to yesterday's thread and then arrow back to your reply. I'll just have to post in the evenings. You guys are tough to keep up with!

Susan (dogs2birds), bet the ride last night was good. Yep, spinning alongside of newbies would be good too. It's so important and difficult to bring along new riders without making them feel incompetent or that you are impatient with them. When my DH and I go, I let him lead the way and pick the pace. He says I ride too fast, like I'm in a hurry so I try not to give him that message and just let him lead. That reminds me, I need to buy a higher stem for his mtn. bike, so it won't bother his arms so much.

Terry/Dallas, I think I mixed up who had posted what about the cycling. Sorry about that. I tend to babble so much about it. I really love to ride, but I love to ride with others more than by myself.

Wow, UPS just delivered my lawn mower belts so guess what I'll be doing tomorrow. The neighbors are probably wondering when the heck we're going to mow, it's a jungle out there!

Netta - my boss has been doing yoga and no change in her moods at work yet. I think it helps her right after she does it. She's always in a better mood on Friday's. I've only caught He@# a few times today! LOL. Oh & she just went to the bathroom, cursing me out under her breath....I just laugh that evil laugh to myself! I told her she needs to drink 8 of those!! She said....I'll stick with 1!!! Hee..hee..

Speaking of workouts - My Budokon DVDs just came at home. I went against the judgment of the ladies at VF (not the first time -- first time being with the Push DVDs). I'm dying to have an aerobic and yoga workout complete in 1 DVD and these sound like they fit the bill. It is half martial arts type of kickboxing, etc and half yoga. I saw them on E the other day. I guess the classes are popular in Hollywood. We shall see! I got them at CD Universe for cheap.

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