Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for 2/24 FRIDAY


Hi Ladies -

Yay! It's Friday. This morning I did Push Cardio Kickbox with Rita Moreno. I got my 2nd DVD yesterday and I previewed this last night and it didn't 'look like it would get your heartrate up too much, so I was very curious. I added impact, double timed some moves to make it a decent workout. After TurboJam and Cathe's kickbox, nothing gets your heartrate up there. I find myself ALWAYS modifying up when I do non-Cathe...but I don't mind cuz as y'all know....I like my variety. (By the way - the Push Trainer session with Bob Harper does include some moves with the resistance band this time!! Yay....I could just use weights if I want to - and Bob still looks the same ...LOL).

Dallas - I can't believe your foot is still giving you so much trouble. You didn't really get a diagnosis either, did you? That really sucks. I know how you feel......been there (all Summer). Thank goodness I had my rebounder or I'd be even fatter than I am.

Kel402 - Please feel free to join us. We'd love to have you! The ladies here are doing a Butt Management program. They posted a thread a while back. I have been a bit down lately so I've not joined them, but even if we do different stuff on this thread, we've gotten to know each other and prefer to keep checking in here. As I said, please join us!! Regarding the music we're talking about - I went to the SnoCore 2006 concert on Sunday to see Halestorm, FlyLeaf, Shinedown & Seether. I love Shinedown and Seether and yes, their music is really good for working out to. It is sort of harder rock though. I guess Charlotte and I are into the same kind of music. I only heard Flyleaf and Halestorm at the concert and they were both good, but I don't have the CD's.

Cardio Coach - so does everyone that have it really like it? Where can you buy it? Do you just specify CD format? HOw much is it? Thanks.

Okay ladies - I really need to get out of this funk so I can get up a half hour earlier to start adding more cardio to my routine. We'll see how long it takes for me to do this!! All I want to do in the morning is pull the covers over my head and hide from this Cruel world!

Have great workouts everyone. :p :p :p :p
Good Morning,
This morning I am off to do P90X legs & back, CTX Power Circuits, Body Max lower circuits and ab ripper X. Then errands. I am watching 4 grandchildren this evening. I will try and check in again when I am done.

Lora, go to www.cardiocoach.com you choose either what format you want. You can just buy the cd's and have t hem mailed to you as well.

Kel402 I think Lora pretty much answered your questions. I think you also asked about SS and if it was Super Sets. I believe they are referring to the Slim Series workouts that we had been using for awhile.

Hi to everyone
Diane Sue
Today I plan on doing BBBB, 1 set of BBM, and ride my airdyne for 30 min. or longer??

Kelly Slim Series is WONDERFUL for the legs/hip and butt!! It has done wonders for me:D

Well gotta go take my kids to school!!

Good workouts to you all:D

Diana Sue - What is Trance/Enigma music ?????? I'm clueless. Are there any with rock? Are they really motivating? I hate my exercise equipment.
TGIF everyone :)
Today is bodymax and a later a SS workout. And Kelly yes slim series does wonders. At least it did for most of us. I will warn you if you join here we will ruin your budget :) We enable each other to buy things such as Jollie weights, shoes, and Slim Series and now the TLT's. So far I have resisted the series of that except BBBB. Did I tell you Nicole I bought that off Amazon with my gift cerificate from Christmas. I did it the other day and found it to be fun but I didn't have doms. Do you get Doms from them? Does anybody here? Lora? Dallas?

Nicole-I never really though a bike would be for me but guess what? Listening to you I am beginning to think maybe I would want one. If for nothing else when I feel like sitting and reading I would feel like I was getting something done at the same tine. (see what I mean Kelly) :)

Lora-What you got planned for the weekend?

Dallas-So you and Sabrina never connected :(
Marietta-I hope all is well with you today. Let me know what you think you will do in March for a rotation. It has been fun doing this one with you!
Diane Sue-How many more days now :)
Susan-How is the workouts going?

When is Sabrina due back?

Oh I will also do a set of BBM today. Tonight I am going to Dinner with Dave and Ashley. Not sure what I will od this weekend. I have been wanting to go horseback riding. The weather is suppose to be nice so maybe I will look up a place to go.

Good Morning Everyone!

Kelly ~ I'll second what Nicole said. The Slim Series from Beachbody does work for your lower body! It's high rep and low weight. To me it would fall under the "freestyle" kind of training. I wish Cathe had something like this program.

Lora ~ You know my foot actually feels fine. Where I feel a little something is in my lower shin. That's a new one. Hmmm, now I wonder if that's really where the injury is? It doesn't hurt, but I can feel "something" in there. It's so hard to describe. I was just asking my dh about the rebounder. My b-day is coming up, so I gave him that idea. Any suggestions on line or a store where we could buy it. I know nothing about them.

Marietta ~ How are you doing? You give such wonder advice. I saw your post to Shannon.

Nicole ~ I think I'll be going to the gym this weekend for the bike and/or the elliptical for sure!

Today I have GS- C&T and GSL floor work to do. I may try out the BBM. :)

I'll check back later.


ETA: Lora, you never heard of Enigma?! I love them, but I can see how it would get to be a bit much. I just have vol3 and the music doesn't bother me. It's better than SS. lol :7 I like rock too, but it's a nice change of pace.

Terri ~ I didn't get DOMS with any of the TLTs, but don't forget I've got the workouts in the beginning of my injury. I'd like to do them when I can give 100%.
Hey Guys!!

A little late checking in today...been a little busy today.

This morning I did BodyMax...think I may do the elliptical or something and one set of BBM.

Lora - I have been interested in Cardio Coach as well...just haven't made a move yet.

Diane Sue - You look great in your Swimsuit....you are HOT!!!

Terri - I enjoyed doing the rotation with you as well...seems like it was easier for me to stick to knowing you were doing it too. I think I'll take a look at the February rotation and I'll let you know if I like it or not...please suggests some rotations as well.

Dallas - Thanks! How are you holding up? When will you be trying cardio again?

Hey guys....I'm feeling good. Getting ready for a busy weekend...

I'll may try to check back in before I leave work for the day.

Hey everyone!

Lora/Marietta ~ I really like vol 3. I was just going to purchase a longer one when I hurt my ankle/foot/whatever :-( . I think they are a nice addition. I just put my headphones and I don't have to think. ha ha Sean tells you what to do.

Marietta ~ Glad you're doing better. I'm going to try the bike/elliptical this weekend. I'm crossing my fingers!

I always have to laugh during GS -C&T when Cathe is getting ready to explain the next tricep exercise and Brenda and Lorrayne thinks she's going to stretch. lol :7 I was actually seeing those stars she's always talking about today during the push-ups. Not sure if that's good or bad. I have to say I really like GSL floor work. I even called Collage and asked what else they could recommend for some floor work like that. She couldn't give me any suggestions. She said, "If you're doing Cathe, she's our toughest instructor." }(

Lora ~ I have really cut my calories since I can't do the cardio. I thought it would be tough, but actually I just wasn't as hungry, ya know? Last night I had a tablespoon of choc. chip mint ice cream. :9 I'm so glad I have self-control because I wanted a couple of scoops like the rest of the family. I think that's why I slept horribly last night that darn ice cream was calling to me all night long! lol:+ :p The reason I bring this up is because I know you said you haven't been getting in your cardio either.

I did 3 sets of BBM minus the lunges and squats. Nicole, where do you find all these things? :)

Terri ~ Have fun tonight? Where are you going for dinner?

OK, got to run. Have a great weekend!! (just in case I don't get back here again)
Good afternoon,
Well I did my workout this morning but did all of the cardio on Body Max and all of the cardio circuits on Ctx Power circuits. I upped some of my lower body weights again on P90X. I also added my jolies to the ab ripper and used a 5# med. ball. I may do another ab workout tomorrow. I just did my 6th week of strength training on the p90X series. I don't think I will do recovery till vacation and see what I can fit in. Also it was kind of funny yesterday on Cardio Coach I was listening to my grandson and totally missed my break on challenge two between the 4 minute sprints. I kept thinking something was wrong with me because I was about ready to lower the intensity. Then when Sean said get ready for the next sprint I new why:)

Lora, you can listen to sound exerpts on the cardio coach website. It doesn't bother me. I think 4 and 5 are better. I wish they would do something different. I have 2,3,4,&5.

Terri, only 7 days left:) Have a fun time at dinner with Dave and Ashley. How is she doing? I know I read a post to someone else a while back.

Dallas, maybe your shin is bothering you because you have favored your foot and put more stress on it.

Marietta, have a wonderful day:) It sounds like you are busy. Like I said before that swimsuit is awfully tiny. But I guess I don't really care. I expected it to be bigger. Especially the bottom
half and I am not shopping for another one. I hardly wear swimsuits.

Diane Sue
Terri I was really never into my dh's bike, but Marietta, Dallas and Diane Sue using there treadmills all the time inspired me to just get on it. I have to say that first week was *HARD*, but now it is getting easier, and I am going longer and further than I have ever thought I would:7 Latley I have just been listening to books on tape and using the bars have my H/R in the 150-160s right at the start.

I did not get doms the first few times I used the TLT workouts, but the more I do them and have them down. I can now focus on form and there tips and am now getting the burn. Try and do it a few more times and you will see what I mean ;-)

Today I purchase weighted gloves 1 lb each. I am excited about using these, but I don't think they will get quite the use my my BELOVED joilies!! I tell ya those are the best little things ever!! Love using them for riding my bike:7 Makes me feel so STRONG:7 haha.

Dallas I found the BBM workout a few years ago, and forgot about it until you all started talking about working Glutes, and that jared my memory and I thought of this. This has been fun us doing it together!!

Now ya know We get to take the weekend off from the BBM workout. She stated that she just did it 5 days a week. Are you going to???

Hey I REALLY to start 30 days to a simpler life!! Anyone game???

Good Afternoon,

I'm late checking in today. My schedule is NOTHING like it used to be.

Today I did TLT-SIM AND FYC.

Nicole, You've really encouraged me to use my elliptical stepper on a very regular basis. Like you've said about *your* bike, that it's so hard to do, I feel about my stepper. Good golly, girl, I’ll never go 11 miles though.

Marietta, I'm SO glad you're doing better. Have lots of *fun* at dance practice. Maybe you ought to teach the girls to have an apple as a snack before showing up..hahaha;-)

Lora, I'll check out Cardiobarre. I was hoping to use the Pilates ring I have.

Sabrina, have fun at your Open House.

Dallas, I registered our phone number on the "Do Not Call" registry.
I don't know if that is just offered in NY State or not. I hardly ever get calls from telemarketers.

Charlotte, your workout yesterday is a lot like I used to do. I can’t wait to get back into lifting heavy again.

Diane Sue, just a dumb question I thought I'd ask, since I've never tried yoga before...What is the difference between doing Yoga than just stretching?

Have a great day everyone!

I never tried yoga till P90X. I always thought it was pretty much stretches too. Some of those poses are tough and I will start to have muscles shaking and Burning. There is stretching too. THe first couple of times my legs were really sore. There is a lot of balancing and I like the yoga bellys. The only thing that I have tried otherwise is MTV Pilates and the Method Stability ball. Mostly I have done traditional stuff.
Diane Sue
I'm at home but decided to check in one more time...mainly because I wanted to ask Susan about her shower...didn't hear from you yesterday. Well...how did it go? What did you get. Yeah...those girls need something else to snack on that's for sure.

Diane Sue - The swimsuit is tiny, but it looks awesome on you...hey...if you got it like that then I don't have a problem with it. Some people have those tiny ones and don't need them...you do have to be very confident to wear something like that...no matter how you look. I'm thinking about getting a Dell DJ...how you like it. Does yours have FM radio too? I'd like to have that option. Tell me what you are pleased with it.

Think I will look into those cardio coaches...seem interesting.

I've gotta go...gonna get some laundry and cleaning done.

I'll try and check in tomorrow...


Hi everyone, well today I did PP and stretchmax 2. Thats a first time I've done two things besides walking my dog. I've just really strted making Cathe my exercise about 3-4 days a week, so I should increase that too I think, but don't want to get bigger legs. You guys are way above me I think by how much you exercise. I'll have to check out these slim series tapes. I've been reading here about the freestyle, but don't really quite understand it other than you work your body everyday just with lighter weights. I'm afraid I'd bulk. Thanks for the welcome :7
Hi everyone! I am back from Chicago.

The concert was awesome!!! Oh my! Oh my! The bar was standing room only but I was front and almost center (the bouncers were in the center). What a hottie Billy Currington is! Holy cow! Drool drool drool! LOL! I managed to massage his thigh while he was on stange singing right in front of me. He ended up right in front of me several times in fact and twice I had some hip action going on right in front of my eyes! Oh baby! I never got to meet him though which was a real bummer. I did meet the guitar player(Glen) and the drummer(Joe). They are really nice guys. Glen said he was glad to meet me, shook my hand, and gave it a kiss. Joe game me a nice big hug and said he was happy to meet me too. Glen ended up right in front of me several times during the show. Let me put it this way, he was so close that I thought he would hit me in the face while he was playing his guitar. I will have to post some pictures for everyone to see. I would LOVE to see Billy again. LOL!

I have to play catch up with my emails(I have 4 pages, that is like 135 emails) and reading posts. I hope everyone is doing well.

Dallas-I tried to call your home number and your cell number earlier today but I guess you were busy. We ended up going to the Oak Brook mall for a while and then we had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. I wish we could have met up. :(

Have a great weekend ladies!
I just got home from dinner at Mom's. The DH and I were showing her tons of stretches to help with her sciatica that's flaring. I need to look for a good tape for her. She was confused. We overwhelmed her.

Sabrina - glad you had fun at the concert

Marietta - Happy to hear you're doing better.

Susan - I just got the new Collage Catalog (2006 Pre-swimsuit edition). I'm actually on page 34 with a small quote and picture. They sent me a $30 credit for a model fee. Now to decide what to get. I was looking thru the catalog and noticed that Winsor Pilates has 2 pilates ring workouts in there. You can also check their site for Stott. Stott makes quality workouts. I'm not sure about Cardiobarre. I want it but I'm not sure how much I'll actually use it. I really need to start crosstraining more. It's my new resolution!! ETA: Susan - Power Yoga can be an excellent leg workout and relaxing stretch at the same time. Check out Bryan Kest's Original series ....page 48 of the guide. The 3 tapes I have are now available on 1 DVD for $24.95. That's a great deal and his are my favorite ones. I wish I was still allowed to do them.

Kel - don't worry! These ladies here workout a lot more than me also. Just do whatever you're comfortable with and take it one day at a time. You can increase gradually if you want to!
Aww Sabrina, what time did you call? Wait, I'll check caller id.....I was home at that time. I bet I was in the shower. Oh phewie! You two were in Oak Brook today? That's my favorite place to shop! :7 I still would not have had a babysitter though. :-( In fact, she cancelled our date night tonight. :-( Oh well. We'll turn it into a family game night. :) Glad you had a good time. I'm sorry we could not get together. These darn kids. lol One of these days.:)

Susan ~ I agree with Lora about Bryan Kest Power Yoga. In fact, I got it on Deep Discounts for way cheaper than what Collage is asking. I plan on doing his DVD this weekend.

Lora ~ Your mom has sciatic pain too? Did she do something? Hope it gets better.

Kelly ~ I wouldn't worry. At least you're doing something!:)

Nicole ~ 30 days...here we come. I've been cleaning out closets, drawers, toys, etc all along. I think it's a continual process when you have little ones, ya know? :)

Have a good night!

Oakbrook is fantastic! So is Woodfield! THen there is Home Expo in the Naperville area! Oh, I love the northern part of Illinois! I'm from the middle actually.

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