Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Aug 14


Morning Maniacs -

Happy Friday to everyone (although I work tomorrow). This morning I did Gilad Total Body Sculpt 2 Peak Performance Workout 2. Workout was 1 hour and I burned 420 calories.

I still have a a migraine and my neck, shoulders and back are still extremely spasmed. I'm frustrated.

Nickelback & Papa Roach tonight............wooo hoo!!

Ally - I saw Nickelback with Seether back in Feb also. We had nosebleed seats though.....last row in a huge place in Columbus. I love Papa Roach...they have so much energy. I wish Nickelback would play more hard rock and less of the fluff stuff on the radio.

Have great workouts everyone.
Diane Sue - which CIA workout is the one that has the stability ball bonus workout on it where you put the ball between your legs? I can't remember and I can't seem to spot it in my collection. thanks in advance.

I also have a question for all of us ladies that are 45 plus (or not). Ever since I read Deb's post last week that said she did yoga and had that nice "tinlgly all over feeling"....I've been wondering why I can't get that feeling any more. I used to be able to do one of my favorite yoga DVDs and feel great and stretched and like Deb describes. However, for as long as I can remember now (maybe a year or so and I'm 49), I can't seem to feel stretched from as much as 30" of stretching or 45" of yoga. What is wrong with me? Is it old age? My hammy's and low back are always tight and sore, even after extended amounts of stretching. I wonder if I'm slightly overtrained? I also wonder if being on my feet all day is contributing. Just wondered what you ladies thought. thanks in advance.
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I finished my workout with many interruptions. I ended up with all 6 grandchildren bright and early. Candy came in early and had some coffee and visited. Anyway my workout today was GoFit's Kettlebell Way 3 152 calories, MIS 423 calories(not near what Cathe has posted in the workout manager even though I went heavier) Amy's Hot Body Bootcamp cardi drills and stretch 116 calories. Total calories burned was 691 50% fat.

Lora, that workout is Athletic Step Jam with Sharon Twombly. I think maybe some yoga and stretching only days would do you some good. I know it is hard to take rest days but maybe throw one of those in once in awhile and/or maybe do some lighter workout days for a week or so. Give your body some recovery time. I know I am not much of one to talk though as I know I overtrain at times. There is an article in the new Sept. Oxygen called less is more that I kind of glanced over but when I get a chance I want to read the whole thing. It gives physiological and psychological lists of signs of over doing it.
Hey all! My friend leaves tomorrow with her girls- it's been a nice visit but 4 kids is a lot! :eek:

I did S&H back followed by PH back, then S&H planks and KP&C abs. I really liked S&H this week and especially paired with PH.

Had to say hi to Suz and I did take a minute to peek at your pics- you look terrific! Good to see you- we miss you.
Hello everyone! Happy Friday!

Great workouts everyone. Lora, I hope you get over your head ache and have a great time at the show!

I had a good workout today. I did upper body blitz:

incline DB chest press: 25s 2x8, 20s 1x10, 15s 1x15
flat bench flys DB: 20s 2x8, 15s 1x10, 10s 1x15

body weight rows: 3x 10
one arm DB rows: 25s 2x8, 20s 1x10, 15s 1x15

DB shoulder press: 25x 2x8, 20s 1x10, 15x 1x15
lateral raise: 15s 2x8, 10s 1x10, 8s 1x15
front raise: 15s 2x8, 10s, 1x10, 8s 1x15

tricep station dips - 3x10 - did good on these!
lying barbell french press - 30# 3x10

barbell curls - 30# 3x10
hammer curls 15s 2x8, 10s 1x10, 8s 1x15

hanging knee raises 3x15
v ups 3x15
hip thrusts 3x15

I also have doms in my butt - so I am happy!

Have a great weekend everyone!
Geez - where is everyone today.

I'm home from work early. Just getting ready to head to Cleveland for the concert.

I just bought a Fluidity Bar and Supreme Pilates off of Ebay!!! New fitness toys.

I wish I was as good as a wife as Suz and then maybe my DH would buy me a Nautilas (spelling??) and ask me what else I need for my home gym!! HA!!

later maniacs
Today was Meso 2 Disc 15 Back & Biceps. Workout was 1 hour and I burned 308 calories. Then I did CCV2 revised outside for another 50 minutes and 500 calories. Today's total 808 calories.


Lat pulldowns w/ Band
12 - purple band
T-Pull w/ band
12 - purple band
Y's w/ band
12 - Purple band
8/4, 5/4, 4/2 (first number unassisted-not a good chin day)
One Arm Row
12/10/8/12 - 42's
Barbell Rows
12/10/8/14 - 70#
12/10/14 - 85#


Barbell Curls
12/10/8/10 - 43#
Seated Alternating Curls
12/10/8 - 21's
Preacher Curl on SB
12/10/9 - 17's (this is where I completely failed to do a true 70% of max, which should have been 22's, but I could not lift those suckers by this point, so I had to drop the weight:mad::mad:)
Hello Ladies! Just got up from a nap...ugh, was so tired! This morning I went to yoga class, which is an hour and a half, and yesterday's workout was Pyramid Upper Body pyramid up premix. I am so annoyed with my stability ball; it doesn't seem to be holding air well!

Lora, enjoy that concert! I'm not familiar with Papa Roach, but Nickelback is great. I can't think of any advice about feeling stretched out, but I would think time spent stretching is a factor. It would frustrate me too if I spent 45 min and didn't feel stretched, but I do notice that the longer stretch/yoga sessions definitely make a difference in that feeling. After my yoga class I feel *so* stretched, and there's a big difference in how I start out the class and how I finish it, as far as open-ness. My heels come nearly to the mat in down dog towards the end of class, for example, whereas they are much farther raised at the beginning and even 20 minutes into it. I'm 31 so I know I'm not in the main demographic you were asking, but anyway...

Suz, your pictures look sooo awesome! I have gained a bit of weight recently, but I think a little metabolism slow down just creeped up on me...I'm up to 119 from 106 a year ago. I"ve always been a bit leery of cardio but I guess now I can do more of it.

Well, time to give a little attention to my sad, neglected dissertation.

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