Hardcore Fitness Maniac Machines 3/15/2007

Meg - okay -- I'll have to burn those for you. I'll burn you the first and third......the 2nd has some so/so stuff on it. Of course, I like it....but maybe if you think you might want it after hearing the other 2, I can burn it down the line for you.

Toasty - are you close to Richmond VA? BC is in Richmond on 4/7 -- which is my clean date.............I can never remember where you're town is close to.

Check out the new Tat's!!! The most recent is the one on his right side (lower) and the left side (upper) is newer. He's becoming a real piece of art!!! LOL! (I figure it's been a while since we've had a Buckcherry photo).


http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b175/chaos_chic/bc road trip/Josh2.jpg
Hey Maniacs! Just patiently waiting for DH to get home so we can go on a bike ride.

Anne- That's great you got all the CC's. Just start with #1 and work your way up the numbers. That's always a good way.:)

Char- Skipping the PLYOS! I don't think so! Get back in there and finish your workout! Hut hut!

Lora- I love Chocolate/Macadamia cookies! I could not pass those up either. Don't worry, you will burn that off easy.}( I don't know how you can keep up with that guys Tatoos! He almost has a full shirt now. LOL!

Meg- I know! I can get interrupted with weight workouts... but Yoga... Never Yoga! I need an Ipod nano. I have the regular one and I think it's to big for workouts.

Chiquita Warrior- Did you fight off the donuts?

Gotta go shower, before my bike ride. Need to be clean to get sweaty! Oy!

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Dallys - it's easy to keep up.......cuz I'm obssessed!!! LOL. I feel guilty for the cookies. They were good.....but!!

Meg- Well, the last BC is burning now. I decided to burn all 3....so you'll have lots of new stuff to play with. I'll be anxious to hear what you think of them. They sort of need to be played a few times before you really start getting into them, especially TimeBomb. It didn't jump out at me at first, but some of my favorite songs are on it, Ridin and Slammin to name a couple. They always do those live. Off the last one, I really like Crazy Bit# (of course, Out of Line and Everything....among others. I burned the Japanese import copy so you got 2 extra songs that aren't on the US version. The first one Lit Up, Crushed, Dead Again, Dirty F'n Mind & Lawless & Lulu.....which they do live a lot......are really rockin' songs. Geez....I'm making myself get psyched for a concert. How far are you from Youngstown? Maybe Toasty, you and I can go next time they come to town....cuz I know the DH won't want to go. Party Pooper!

Kitty fought like heck getting her pill tonight. I think she's much stronger than she was yesterday!! Let's hope she continues to improve. They are all snubbing their noses at the food....cuz it's Prescription food....but they better get used to it!
Hey Maniacs!!


Love the pictures. Richmond? About 2 1/2 hours away. Thanks for letting me know, but I am sure I will be too busy. I have to meet with fence people, window people, and all kinds of random people regarding house. I am still packing too and then we move in we also have to help FIL move in all the way. I have been wanting to take a visit to Ohio and I am actually considering it this summer. Maybe catch a concert then. So maybe Meg can come too. That would be da bomb! Something I would never forget! We could really show people how to have a good time!!! YEE HA! I also want to visit with Debbie while I am up there.


You know I want to visit you too, but your too far away so come visit me instead. lol.:p

Anyhow, nice that you and dh will ride bikes together. Still can't convince my dh to come with me. My rides are too long for him he says. And about the plyo's. Girl, I am done for the evening! I ain't moving! So hut hut yourself!!!! LMAO


Like the pictures of boxes and such. You trying to make me feel overwhelmed? lol.

Hey to the Chiquita, Fighter and Defender of all who eat donuts. :p

Hey Randi!
Toasty -I forgot about Deb.....she could come too. She's only an hour or so from here and I think she likes to rock. You wouldn't be allowed to see the food in my house though........you'd be scolding me!!! with my caramel cream stash and newest thing.....mixed nut granola bars! I would feel like the freakin' food police was here. You're all so perfect about your diets!

Me the food police..well..maybe. lol. I will tell you about it though. You will hear it. Please hide all chocolate though cuz I will eat it. If I see it, it will be in my mouth. I have a weakness for somethings..like I did have pizza tonight. lol.

Hi ladies! Just checking in on you today! Quick report: Tonight's WO was MIS Shoulders three times through and MIS Legs. This was my first time through with these segments, so I just went with Cathe's weights. WOW, she was really serious back then too-lifting heavy-I think that is so cool!

Just wondering-are there any other weight lifting workouts (besides the obvious X) any of you enjoy as much as hers? I can't seem to find any that compare. (Maybe Jari if you go heavy enough?)

Have a great night everyone!


P.S. Diane Sue-love the name of your bunny, Harvey, so cute! How on earth did you get it litter trained? I also can't imagine a bunny playing with the dogs...I bet that is a riot! :)

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