Hardcore Fitness Maniac Jan 18th

I got up earlier this morning. Still pushed snooze. I still had a decent workout:D I did Chalean Extreme Lean phase workorkout #1, 45 minutes, 268 calories. I went up at least 2 # on most exercises. When Chalean had you to the 3 rep sets at the end I picked up 35#dumbbells for legs. I followed this with Chaleane Extreme Burn it off, 27 min, 221 calories, max hr 160. I was not in that zone a lot but had a great workout. . I finished with Chalean Extreme I got Abs (I always forget that this has push ups throughout) 15 min, 82 calories. Total time was 87 min, 571 calories.

Teddy, that is a great workout. I like that premix from 4Day Split.
Diane: I have GOT to check out Chalean Extreme Series this week, SERIOUSLY :eek: They must be challenging, huh? I was just sitting here looking at all the premix workouts I missed out on from 4Day Split; so much its ridiculous.
Teddy, I am enjoying the Chalean Extreme Series. There are breakdown sets after you finish the set. The Lean Phase is 12 reps then a 3 rep breakdown. They are slow reps and you really feel it. I was pleased to be able to up the reps today. I was just going to do 2 weeks of each of the three phases but I really wanted to go back and do more so I am on week 3 of phase 3 Lean phase which is upper and lower at the same time(really hard) then I think I will go back to the first two phases. I ordered the new set that is really not in the program but it helps if I want a little more lower in there or different cardio using the stability ball. Yoga Dynamics uses weighted gloves which is nice if you like yoga. I need to get in more stretching. I have been so short on time lately. I do give plenty of rest between these workouts because they hit shoulders a lot. I have a love hate for lean phase 3 because my arms shake even when I am done (better the second time) and I have a lot of doms. Not usual for me so I think I need to do it some more. And this ab workout(I got abs) today has variations of push ups in between the other moves and weights. I like it a lot.
Hi you all. I just wanted to let you know that during the week I'll have the thread started by 7:30 in the morning. I posted today but I guess no one seen it. Anyways, just letting you know. Great workouts everyone! :eek:

I take that back, Roselyn seen my thread. :)
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Sorry, Debbie. I am generally working out and look then look after running and coming back etc.. Didn't mean to miss your post.

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