Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 8/30


Vacation is over. I cannot believe how fast it went. We didn't do much after Thursday. Dh's back was bothering him so we did some small motorcycle hops to some parks around here and that's about it. I'll miss being home but I'm glad to be back on my regular eating. Man, we ate a lot. I got on the scale and only gained 1 pound but I need to lose about 7#. I'm going to really put my mind to it and get it done.

Today started the last week of STS. Did Meso 3, Week 4, Disc 34, Chest and Back. Had a good workout but by the end my left shoulder really starts to burn. Not sure what that is all about. I was able to use 85# of my 1RM for 8 reps on all exercises.

Flat Bench Press - 65#/12 reps
Flat Bench Press - 65#/12 reps

Flat Bench Press - 90#/8 reps
Barbell Rows - 75#/8 reps
***Did 4 sets with about 1 min 30 second rest between each set.

Flat Bench Chest Flyes - 35's/8 reps
One Arm Row - 42#/8 reps
***Did 4 sets with about 1 min 30 second rest between each set.

Incline Barbell Bench Press - 85#/8 reps
Barbell Deadlifts - 75#/8 reps
***Did 4 sets with about 1 min 30 second rest between each set.

Incline Chest Flyes - 30's/8 reps
One Arm Horizontal Row - 35#/8 reps
***Did 4 sets with about 1 min 30 second rest between each set.

That is all....
Debbie-I only have one day of vacation left...it really does fly :( Nice weights and nice workout, you are really plowing through STS.

So Dallas Mania was just that, it was a slew of fitness instuctors, PT, and fans. It was loud and....perkY :p I had an amazing time and really figured out what I want to do. I have a 5-10 year plan to get TRX certified, Kettlebell certified, and open a KB gym. We don't have anything like that here :D

Thursday- I got my small group kb certification (which was really useless b/c he didn't critique form at all and 1/2 the class had never touched kb's before...and now they can teach it....scary)

Friday was a TRX Body Blast class (I am STILL sore from it), a kb class for weekend warriors (too many people swinging iron near my head, it needed to be much smaller to help people work on form), and Mindy Mylrea's Bosu class (she is EXACTLY like she is in her DVD's and she is very, very small), and lastly the yoga for cyclists (great moves for anyone really and then a 30 min workout). I was exausted by Friday (well, I guess 8 hours of workouts will do that to you :D ) Plus, ttotm started Friday night :mad:

Saturday was lecture and stretching w/ a TRX stretch class and ab work taught workshop format, a body flow class (blend of tai chi, pilates, and yoga) which felt great after Friday, and two lectures on supplements and sugar.

We wound up coming home on Sunday, I was tired and ready for my bed. I am hoping to get certified on the TRX in October and get my KB one next year. So my focus for the next month or two will be strength training w/ kb's and the TRX.

Also, I have some goals set that I have to share here. My main goal is to eat clean/lose weight. My biggest hang up now is sugar, so for this month I am going to focus on limiting my sugar to a sporadic bday cake and for the time when my craving will just not cease. I am going to avoid all office candy, candy at home (which I got rid of), and cut back as much refined sugar as I can.
I finished my workout. I did STS Mesocycle 2 disc 14 chest, shoulders, and triceps 65 minutes, 390 calories burned. Then I did Turbo Fire Fire 30, 32 , minutes, 272 calories burned , Hr avg 141, max 169. Total workout time was 97 minutes and calories burned was 662. I left my 2lb weight gloves on and did some ketllebell swings during some of the rests on STS. I need to get to the bank and run a couple of errands before my grandbaby gets here. I needed a good calorie burn. I made cinnamon rolls for dh to take to work since it is weigh in day:p I put them in the refrigerator to raise overnight and baked them this morning. I ate two before I got them together for him to leave with. He said I could keep a few more here since I made 32 of them. I told him that was not a good idea:eek: Lunch was a coconut chicken curry from the new Clean Eating magazine. It is yummy:D I did Meso cycle 1 week 1 last week. This week I will do week 1 of meso 2 and next week I will do week 1 of meso 3. It feels good to hit some heavier weights:D

Theresa, it sounds like you had a great time and quite the learning experience. That is scarey that the kettlebell form wasn't addressed. You have some great goals there.

Debbie, those vacations always fly by. It sounds like you had a pleasant one though. Not one that leaves you doing a lot of unpacking and cleaning at the end and exhausted:D
Debbie - I here you on the weight loss. I have to finish losing the last few pounds before surgery. Guess I need another contest!:p

- That was a busy schedule. Sounds like a great plan. How do you get TRX certified?

- Nice workout!

Been busy trying to enjoy what is left of summer with my kids. Especially since DD heads off to Kindergarten this year. I will be all alone - what to do, what to do? Still dealing with the numb leg and still have to make that dreaded shoulder call.:confused: But I have been keeping busy with KBs and KCM. Nothing today as we spent the entire day yesterday running around the water park and all night on the boardwalk.
Theresa - Love your 5-10 plan goals! I wish you well with your endeavor! Glad you had such a great time in Dallas! Sounds like it was a blast. How cool that you had a class with Mindy! :eek:

Diane Sue - Nice workouts! Cool how you are doing Meso 1, 2 and 3 for only 1 week at a time. LOL on the cinnamon rolls. I love those! That's why I never make them! LOL!

Linda - Have you had your back/leg looked at yet? That's not good that it is still bothering you. Does your back hurt? I'm surprised your kids aren't in school yet, ours started last week. I can't believe summer is over already. :( Makes me sad.

Roselyn - Nice workout! :)
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Linda, I wonder why you are still experiencing the numbness? Our grandchildren started school the 19th. I bet you are enjoying your summer with the children. I bet you find plenty to do with that alone time:) It will probably seem strange at first.
STS week 2 meso 2 yesterday (back and biceps). I think I posted that already [?] - STS trisets legs later. 2 rounds of deadlifts (thinking of doing week one) - so I'll sub in hacks and maybe wall squats. Budokon practice tonight (if I get the bloomin' floor done).

Debbie - Glad you had such a good vacation :D Still really surprised you didn't get a refund for the train 'incident.' My contractor/carpenter friend is from Ohio - I shared your story with him (is that where you are or am I confused?) - He thought it was very funny/bizarre ... ridiculous :confused: Hope your DH's back is doing better.

Theresa - Glad you're back and had such a great experience. Your plan(s) sound very good, indeed. I have about 5 chapters left to study, then I'll review and be ready for my test. Sort of wish I'd taken your more 'hands on' approach to certification. The material in much of the text is very 101 and I even question some of it - wonder how competant a trainer this program would necessarily turn out. Guess that's too often the case. Certification (and degrees) don't guarantee a great trainer (or any other professional). Stunned about the kb certification you describe. Yeow. On the other hand -- the industry DEFINITELY needs people like you and I'm so psyched that you're pursuing this in the holistic way you've chosen. Will be fun to watch (or hear) as you take on this leg of your journey :D

Roselyn - Another great (not EZ) workout ;)

Diane Sue - Nice workout - like how you added in the swings :D - BUT ... I am now thinking way too much about cinnamon rolls :p Maybe I should make some for when DS comes home (Thursday).

Linda - Kindergarten. Wow. I remember ... that was when DS gave up his blanky (aka 'Gucky') -at least in public. About to lapse into the "they grow up so fast" cliche'. They sure do though. Like Diane Sue said, it was an adjustment (and I sort of felt like I needed Gucky for awhile - To think of it, still do every now and then :confused:) Sorry you're still hurting. I'd be dreading the shoulder surgery, too. Will be so good to have it behind you though, huh? Keeping you in my prayers.

Have a good afternoon -

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Thank you for all the support ladies, I really appreciate it.

Linda-they have two certs, 1 for PT's and 1 for group training. Go to the link below to get more info and leighcrews.com has a lot of info (if you go to the workshop tab). She is the master trainer for the TRX. Sorry you are still having the numbness, something has to be impinged somewhere.....Have you done any of the new KCM? (Lift or circuit burn)?


Lori-I love your side "project"......they seem to take on a life of their own, but I have no doubt you will get it done. You don't sit around much, do you? :p HOw are you liking the Budokon?

Roselyn-nice work

Diane Sue-I can smell the cinnamon rolls from here :eek:
Yeah, vacations do tend to go quickly, don't they. =(

Granted, I don't read the thread every day, but it seems like just a couple days ago you were posting about your vacation beginning, Debbie.

Theresa, your plans sound super cool! What does TRX stand for? For a while now I've thought it would be fun to take some sort of certification class so I could teach group fitness, or maybe yoga someday. It's not something I've seriously put thought into, though, as I am way to busy at the moment. Also, I wouldn't feel right spending the money until after fiance and I have managed to get a house. Also, it would be purely for fun as opposed to a career shift, so I kind of feel I shouldn't really consider it until I write my dissertation, and heaven knows when I'll finish *that*.


Another busy day...there seems to be rather a lot of those.

Today was yoga class. =)

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