Hardcore favourite premixes?



I haven't tried any of the premixes in Hardcore and was wondering if anyone had? I want to try something new tomorrow... Which ones did you like and why?

Thanks for your thoughts,

I like the KM Boot Camp Challenge Premix. It starts out with the WU then goes right into the blasts(all ten) then you do the beginning combos and it ends with the stretch. I like this premix b/c you get your heart rate up there with the blasts and you are a little bit tired out making the combos a little more challenging. It is also only 50 minutes. Have fun tomorrow!
I haven't tried any of the oremixes, but on preview, a lot of them look choppy and sloppily done (like the back/biceps premix, where you are holding the barbell overhanded for back work, then suddently are standing with it in an underhand grip, with no time to transition).
Kathryn, you are right on these on the GS. I have only done the SS Chest & Triceps and Back & Biceps. I like them but keep the remote handy and have my stuff on hand ahead of time so I can jump from one to the ot her quickly. Sometimes I just push pause and grab what I need. It's not that hard once you figure it out and are ready for it.
Diane Sue
I rarely disagree with Kathryn...:)...but I like the Back and Biceps premix...but we can't all agree on everything.:) My favorite premix is in Coremax...3 workouts and 3 premixes....I really like that...:)...Carole
Thanks everyone for your thoughts! The Bootcamp Kickmax premix sounds good, I think I'll go for that one. Besides, it sounds good that the blast is first, it's out of the way sort of...

Thanks again, and have a great Sunday,

Yes the bootcamp premix sounds good. I have to try it. I have not tried any of the premixes.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)

I did Low max premix,the blast ,it,s really great
I like to do this before musle max,nice combination.
And I did kick max premix it,s also a great workout!!

Another vote for the Core Max premixes. They're great. Also like the Low Max premixes. Haven't used the MM premixes yet.

>I rarely disagree with Kathryn...:)...but I like the Back and
>Biceps premix...but we can't all agree on everything.:) My
>favorite premix is in Coremax...3 workouts and 3 premixes....I
>really like that...:)...Carole

I'm not sure we really disagree, Carole! ;- It's not that I didn't like the back/bicep premix, just that it looked too choppy. I actually like the idea of the b/b premix, I just haven't gotten in the mood to do the workout while holding on to my remote control. )
>I'm not sure we really disagree, Carole! ;- It's not that I
>didn't like the back/bicep premix, just that it looked too
>choppy. I actually like the idea of the b/b premix, I just
>haven't gotten in the mood to do the workout while holding on
>to my remote control. )

You know Kathryn...it makes me wonder with some of the problems some were having with the DVD's, as my B&B premix doesn't seem very choppy....and I didn't need the remote...but I only did the premix once...:)...Carole
Low Max blast premix. I get a good leg workout without weights and a decent cardio workout as well. I like to pair this with either the first half of KM or the floor work in GS-Legs.

I also like the step premixes of Imax 3 and Low Max. Yes, they are choppy, but I get a pretty good step workout with these. It's like having a whole new step workout when I combine both.

Hi there

I like the GS BSB and CT timesaver premixes, because I can put them together for a good total upper body workout in about an hour.

I also like the KM boot camp challenge premix followed by the Low Max blast premix.

I have not done any of the other premixes, except the GS BB superset one, which I also found choppy. I might try it again, but I really did not care for it much. (although I love the GS upperbody workouts)


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