hardcore extreme


Active Member
I don't see too many people talking about the Hardcore Extreme DVD. I just ordered it, I hope I made a good choice. Is it programmable? It looks like most of IMAX 3 is on it.. do you think since I'll have this DVD I should still get IMAX 3 eventually?
I haven't tried it yet.
It IS programmable, within each workout, but not between each workout (with the Mix and Match feature).
floobert...try doing a search. I did one yesterday for you and I pulled up several threads and when I went to post it to you my post wouldn't stick.

It seems that those who have done this DVD do like it so I think you'll be happy with it. It is programmable according to those posts. I'm just surprised that none of the people who posted on those previous threads have posted on yours. ;(

I do not have any of the hardcores so I cannot offer you any advice, sorry!
I have only tried the high/low interval and I really enjoy it. I think the mixes of the imax3 and lomax was put together very well. Chap
I have done all three of the workouts. I think you will really like them. The High/low intervals is a really good long cardio workout which includes 5 of the I Max 3 intervals, Low Max & ends with the cardio blasts from Kick Max, Interval Blast plus legs uses 6 of the IMax3 intervals with the cardio blasts from KM split into two segemnts between and ending with the leg conditioning drills. Around 40 minutes of cardio here. I am hoping to do this one again Saturday. Interval Circuit has the 5 IMax 3 segments with cardio and weight segments from High Step Challenge. I kind of like the feel of it a little better than high step challenge because of the cardio segments. You could move through all of them and get all 10 intervals from I Max 3. I think you could only program them if you have a programable dvd player and figure out the chaptering.
Diane Sue
I really enjoy this DVD. I've tried the 2 and 3rd premix on it and they were great workouts. The second workout which mixes up LoMax and Imax 3 I wasn't sure what height step to use as I do Lomax on 8" and Imax on 6" I tried it on 8" and I almost died. Next time definitely I will use the 6" Kim
I LOVE the two cardio workouts on HC Extreme. I haven't done the other workout. Before I got sick these cardio workouts were getting used a lot...now I will be back to square one if I ever get better.
P.S. I would still buy Imax 3 eventually. It is a great workout as is and I enjoy the premixes: 1-5, 6-10, step only, blast only.

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